Least favorite Fraggle episodes


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2004
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I thought that I'd list here the top five worst episodes of Fraggle Rock. Granted, it's my favorite show next to The Muppet Show, but just like any other show, it had its ups and downs. Here they are in order:
5. Battle of Leaking Roof
~Pa's always been weird, but this time, it was just overdone.
Boober's Quiet Day
~The whole premise with him lying kind of got old quick.
3. Let The Water Run
~I don't like the early version of the Gorgs, and the plot was a little weak.
2. Mokey And The Minstrels
~Mokey's a little ahead of herself throughout the episode, although I usually like the Cantus ones
And, the episode that comes in first place that I like the least...
1. Catch The Tail By The Tiger :smirk: (Sorry, Gobo!)

Despite Gobo's my second favorite character, this episode wasn't true to him. It's not very exciting, has some bad acting, I didn't like the songs, and kind of a dumb plot. I thought it was kind of weird the way Gobo was dressed up to go into outer space to find Matt. And for no apparent reason, Gobo's cardigan was missing, and his yellow sleeves were rolled up instead. I know this is early on in the series, but it is one I could deal without seeing again. Hope to hear from you guys on what you think.

Mokey Fraggle

Active Member
Sep 7, 2004
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My least favorite episodes are....

"Battle of Leaking Roof"
"You Can't Do That Without a Hat"
"Let The Water Run"
"The Finger of Light"

That was difficult! Even though they are my least favorite episodes, I'd rather watch them than anything on TV nowadays.


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2004
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I would say my least faves are most of season 1 excpt for ' Beginnings '. Catch the tail by the Tiger. The acting was really bad and Gobo looked horrid. There was hardly any background music. I did like the songs though as silly as they were they were still nice to sing along to.

Sorry for not remembering the titles offhand but I know that some of you know what I mean.
There was another one ' The Terrable Tunnle ' Again: Bad acting but Gobo did look a bit better but I found him to be really snarkie though. In the song ' Bad News '. Gobo sings. " If you walk into a truck. It means your eyes are shut. If you swim where sharks are thick. It means you're off your stick. If you meet a tiger in a zoo and try to teach him coochie coo and you ask him kindly not to chew on you. Then it's going to be BAD NEWS! BAD NEWS! it's true! " I know Gobo probably meant well but really he could have been nicer about it.

Please water run. Again BAD ACTING.



Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2004
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Boober's Quiet Day
~The whole premise with him lying kind of got old quick.
Awww, but I like that one. D=

Seeing as I'm a bit of a chronic liar IRL, I guess I found the plot to that morbidly amusing. ^^;


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2005
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Frogster said:
I thought that I'd list here the top five worst episodes of Fraggle Rock. Granted, it's my favorite show next to The Muppet Show, but just like any other show, it had its ups and downs. Here they are in order:
5. Battle of Leaking Roof
~Pa's always been weird, but this time, it was just overdone.
Boober's Quiet Day
~The whole premise with him lying kind of got old quick.
3. Let The Water Run
~I don't like the early version of the Gorgs, and the plot was a little weak.
2. Mokey And The Minstrels
~Mokey's a little ahead of herself throughout the episode, although I usually like the Cantus ones
And, the episode that comes in first place that I like the least...
1. Catch The Tail By The Tiger :smirk: (Sorry, Gobo!)
Oh, no. Nononononono-- :embarrassed:
The combination fourth/fifth (depending on CBC vs. HBO canon) seasons have more than enough true worst-episode fodder to make up for whatever missteps the first three might innocently have made:

The new tunnels.
Spinoff creatures.
Marlon as a semi-regular character.
Uncle Matt home, and lazily hanging around as Low-Comedy Relief.
Even more Cotterpin/Doozer episodes, now on an equal-opportunity basis, to please Jim.

Read your list again, and ask whether any of those "classic" choices could even remotely hold a candle to:
- "Beyond the Pond"
- "Sidebottom Blues"
- "Gone But Not Forgotten" (Exhibit A--When the "Lesson" writers temporarily take over the scripts)
- "Space Frog Follies" (demonstrating the frustrating "Fawlty Towers" codicil of Roger Ebert's "Idiot Plot" rule as applied to comedy: "Y'know, if one character did just stop and explain the truth about what was going on, would anything disastrous actually happen??")
- "Inspector Red" (or, "How to recycle the exact same script by 'sequelizing' an earlier favorite/funnier episode, when you run out of material")
- "The Perfect Blue Rollie" (okay, so Goelz said "Its a hun-ny"...we HEARD it already!!)

And the one that finally jumped the shark for me, and finally persuaded a heretofore loyal four-year fan that the End Was Near:
- "River of Life".

(...Yeesh!! <shudders at repressed memory>)


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2002
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What's the fun in listing the worst episodes? That's just sooo.... " Blender " magazine. :smirk:



Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2005
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Well, one must set boundaries, to focus attention on just how good the good episodes were--

Mentioning "Inspector Red" as one of the decidedly lesser 4th/5th season efforts, for example, only reminds one how even they were recognizing "Red-Handed and the Invisible Thief" as one of the all-time great Red episodes of the series... :excited:


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2002
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Well, I guess you've got a point. Perhaps the term/phrase better used could've been " least favorite ". Cuz, can one really apply such negative terms such as " worst " to something as swell as Fraggle Rock? :smirk:

Nick :smirk:


Staff member
Apr 11, 2002
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Thanks for the suggestion. I've updated the thread title to "Least favorite Fraggle episodes".