"Jump the Shark" Thread


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Jan 20, 2012
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I know but have you seen fin the human that's when I feel adventure time stared to overstay their welcome.


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Adventure Time has jumped the shark when the litch episodes came and I hope it is cancelled.
ADVENTURE TIME jumped the shark from day one.
I like foster home I think it was like a cartoon cartoon
No. The concept of Cartoon Cartoons was dropped when they overhauled Cartoon Network in 2004; Foster's didn't start until after the overhaul, therefore, it's not a Cartoon Cartoon.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2006
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Well, on that token, can PEOPLE jump the shark? Because it's that the case, like what you previously mentioned, I'd say Amy Adams jumped the shark when she dyed her hair red, because then it became so hard to distinguish her from Jenna Fischer and vice-versa.
They actually had Amy Adams on a few episode of The Office and she was known as Pam 2.0 lol.



Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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When did this go from "The Show I enjoyed isn't good anymore" to the complaining about shows not directly from my childhood, ergo everything is terrible thread?

ADVENTURE TIME jumped the shark from day one.
Because it's not the same 10 reruns of Dexter over and over again.

I'm sorry, but... we can't have any cartoons that aren't 7 minute long pop culture laiden gag fests with no continuity, character and plot development? I understand old school purists don't like it, but it's a solid adventure series with an amazing amount of depth. Quality= nostalgic stuff you like was never an equation. If I want to watch characters running around and blowing each other up, there's quite enough of that. I love Animaniacs, I don't want to see the airwaves filled with poor Animaniacs clones. Let's have something different for a change. Darn show has me crying more than any Pixar film.

Plus, CN could have easily green lighted yet another bad reality show no one likes, but somehow stays on the air for 3 seasons. People like the show, it stopped the network from going all live action. If there's any CN show worth complaining about, it's Annoying Orange. NO ONE wanted that show.

That's not jumping the shark; that's plot development.
The series is better now than it's ever been. I'd love to see the show come to an end in time, when everything is exhausted. That's not for some time. They're just delving into the Mushroom War and Ice King's escalating depressing backstory. There's enough story for years yet.

But, considering this thread turned into this, I'm going to randomly list things I don't like that no one else should ever enjoy.

Raisins... I don't like them and they should be banned from stores at the loss of people who actually like them.

They should stop making new 3-D video games because I personally can't get the hang of them because I don't own the systems and am unable to practice to get good at it.

Rain. We should have long droughts that kill all life on Earth because it's a mild annoyance.


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2013
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SpongeBob SquarePants jumped the shark HARD. Prepare yourselfs for a big wall o' text...

The first three seasons of SP were as funny as Rocko's Modern Life, they even shared many of the same staff. After the big movie, the show went through a change of writers and such, causing the show to feel "different". After Season 4, the show started getting worse and worse. Four and five were tolerable, but the ones after...yuck. The show pretty much fit everything that qualifies for Jumping the Shark. The plots started getting more flamboyant, extravangant, and overall large in scale (it's advertised that way, it's usually just a boring episode with nothing but filler), introducing new one-time characters almost every episode. The plots almost never involve just Squidward, SpongeBob, and Patrick (like the older episodes like "Bubblestand", "Squid's Day Off", "My Life As A Teenage Gary", and "Reef Blower"). The worst part is, EVERYONE has been Flanderized. SpongeBob is now a very childish and annoying individual who breathes heavy on the phone when Squidward talks (and also spies on him and copies every detail about his house), not to mention he's even as unintelligent as Patrick. Squidward is now a overly-aggravated and tormented person who has the absolute worst karma and gets arrested for stuff like speeding stopsigns and stealing wallets, he also is too mean to everyone around him. Everyone else has been Flanderized, except Plankton. Plankton is the only funny one in the show now. I actually HOPE this show gets cancelled, it will stop the complaining and make way for more shows to take it's space (it gets WAY to much airtime on Nick).


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Somehow, I just can't shake the feeling that if Spongebob is cancelled, something worse will come on in its stead. Mainly yet another prefab boy band based sitcom.

That 70's Show jumped the shark when Donna dyed her hair blonde...or, maybe it was when she got engaged to Eric...or when Red had a heart attack...and then it, just...got...bad...
It's definitely when Kelso and Eric left the show. If they didn't jump before, they freaking hopscotched and Irish jigged all OVER the shark at that point. That freaking lame personality devoid character that replaced both of them was friggin awful.

As far as sitcoms go... I think Cougar Town jumped the shark when they invented Penny Can. I genuinely liked the show until, in every episode, they HAD to play that fragblasted thing and go "PYEEENNNY CYA-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-AN" in the most annoying voice possible. Again, in EVERY episode. Then I stopped watching.


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2013
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Nick needs an original, wacky, and fun 2D animated show. There are too many shows that have a really streamline animation style and design (Sanjay & Craig, Gravity Falls, Regular Show). Nick should get a wonky and weird show (like Rocko's Modern Life and Ren & Stimpy). For some reason, I think that Amazing World of Gumball would do better if it was on Nickelodeon.

Drtooth said:
Somehow, I just can't shake the feeling that if Spongebob is cancelled, something worse will come on in its stead. Mainly yet another prefab boy band based sitcom.
I thought we were done with shows like that, but NO, it's more popular than ever.

SpongeBob has a big enough timeslot for two shows, probably.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Nick needs an original, wacky, and fun 2D animated show. There are too many shows that have a really streamline animation style and design (Sanjay & Craig, Gravity Falls, Regular Show). Nick should get a wonky and weird show (like Rocko's Modern Life and Ren & Stimpy). For some reason, I think that Amazing World of Gumball would do better if it was on Nickelodeon.

Oddly enough, I think Nick should go the opposite direction and create another action show. They have Avatar and its sequel and TMNT... now compare that to every wacky comedy show they ever had. That's 3 against a crapload.