Job Offer

Muppet fan 123

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2011
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I received what would probably be a great video job offer for me. Granted it's been a couple of weeks, but I love making movies and designing stuff, even though at this point it's pretty much a hobby.

Anyway, a friend of mine recommended that they call me for the job.
Now they pitched their ideas and told me what kind of amount they were thinking of. My eyes suddenly lit up with money signs. It's too good of an amount to pass up.

Not sure if I should take it or not. While it might be my big break, I don't know if I can have it done ready in time, the first item I need done is in approx. one month. Plus, I have a few major projects I have to get ready for this upcoming February, and the second item that they want due is for December.
The only difference is, I'd be getting paid for my work this time, the February stuff were more of volunteer stuff.

So, I turn to my wacky virtual family; what do you think I should do?
I'd feel stupid if I passed up such a large amount of money, and that would probably be the last time I would be offered a job by these people.

Don't be pressured to answer. Seriously, if you can't think of something, feel free to just leave this thread empty. I'm sure I'll come up with something. :wink:



Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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My friend, I would say give this job your best shot! If you love making videos and things like that then why not get paid to do it! I know the time frames seem to be a lot, but you may find that once you get the ball rolling on this project that it can be done.

This is your chance to follow your dream, and take from someone who has let chances like that pass him by. You will regret it.....


Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2003
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DO IT!!!!!!! There's absolutely no harm in trying! GO FOR IT!!!!!!

:smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2002
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Take the money paying job. It sounds like something you would like to do and pursue a career in. Not only does it pay you well, but the experience would be a great item to have on a resume and may lead to bigger and better things. I think you are foolish to turn it down.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Money is great, but more importantly, if this is where your heart is, don't let it slip away.

Ask yourself....
Is this my first, or my last opportunity?


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2006
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My opinion is go for it. I think that, while the volunteer stuff is important too, if you're going to do something like this for a living, this might be a good chance to at least get your foot in the door, and if you do a good job, you could be recommended to other people by this company and you'd be getting paid to do what you love and, if this kind of job is what you want for the rest of your life, then you gotta take every opportunity you can.



Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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You're the only one who can make this sort of decision. You've got a good start, looking at the pros and cons and measuring them against each other.

If it were me, I would go with the paying job. It seems to be a step out of your comfort zone what with the time frame, but that is what you need to grow. If you stay safe you'll never get anywhere. I'd still be a receptionist!

So...again, it's up to you. Do you think this is a good career move? Is it what you want to do? Are you able to do it? If you decided not to, would that be because you're nervous about taking the next step, or you think that this is just not the right step for you?

Whatever you decide, I wish you the best of luck!

Muppet fan 123

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2011
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Thanks everyone for all your help. I really appreciate everyone helping me out here. I knew I've asked the right people.

Something(s) I forgot to leave out, my boss is an extremely picky guy, and usually very cheap. It seems at the moment he needs me more than I really need him, so I pretty much have the advantage here.
Another con is the fact that I didn't film the footage, so I also probably would have to spend hours pouring over SOMEONE ELSE's stinky footage.
It's also for a much tougher crowd. Where I live, people usually love my various stuff I do here, but boy, New Yorkers are a whole different ball game.

Buuut..I think I'm gonna take it. Since I'm in the advantage, I could definitely ask for a couple of extra bucks, ( but not too much that makes it look like I'm ripping HIM off) which could probably pay for a new laptop and a fancy camera, or that trip I wanted to plan to Disney World this year.

Four weeks of killer work; here I come.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Hey, four weeks will go by like THAT. But think of all you'll gain by the end of it.
A nice hunk of cash is nice, but knowing that you stepped forward, took a risk, and possibly have more doors open up for you,that experience is priceless.
You'll have every reason to look back with pride when you're done.
The fact that you committed to something like this, you got half the battle won already.
Keep thinking of where you'll be when you get through.

You got people in your corner, so go for it!


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2013
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Thanks everyone for all your help. I really appreciate everyone helping me out here. I knew I've asked the right people.

Something(s) I forgot to leave out, my boss is an extremely picky guy, and usually very cheap. It seems at the moment he needs me more than I really need him, so I pretty much have the advantage here.
Another con is the fact that I didn't film the footage, so I also probably would have to spend hours pouring over SOMEONE ELSE's stinky footage.
It's also for a much tougher crowd. Where I live, people usually love my various stuff I do here, but boy, New Yorkers are a whole different ball game.

Buuut..I think I'm gonna take it. Since I'm in the advantage, I could definitely ask for a couple of extra bucks, ( but not too much that makes it look like I'm ripping HIM off) which could probably pay for a new laptop and a fancy camera, or that trip I wanted to plan to Disney World this year.

Four weeks of killer work; here I come.
Best of luck to you Mitch! I hope this job does you good!