Hensonville City 2011

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Mmm, just sent off the article I agreed to write off to :rolleyes: for the blog.

Now to start up the MCR feed and the froggin' count over again.
*Hears music from next door. Oh, guess Kathy's luau got moved up early a coupla days. Hope she's having fun.
*Couple of bats flitter about through the halls looking for some food.
:batty: opens the window allowing them to exit into the nighttime skies throughout the town.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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knock on the door
Who's there?
Chef's voice: Me: Close yur eyes und hold oot yore hends.
Chef...the last time I heard that ,you guys had one of Fatatita's kittens. And the last time I heard that I heard that at my house my sister had her kitten Bailey in her hands.
OK...I promus...no kitten..Now hold out yore hands and close your eyes.
I do as I'm told and feel a cold plastic glass being put in my hands. Wha?
Chef: Yu can open yore eyes now.
I look and see a drink that loks like a pina colada. Chef!Did you make this?
Chef: Nu... der smoothee fairy made it:wink:.It wuz saposed tu be a pina calada but but I think I did sumthing rong.Su it's Pineapulcoconut smoothee.
sipping it thru a straw and suddenly noticing that he included a little umbrella Well it tastes like a pina colada to me! And nice touch with the little umbrella! Thanks Chef! hugging him
Chef hugging me back : Ooh! Cold hands! But yore welcome.By der way,I sent sum uv der food frum our luau to der Scare Croo last night.
That's fine. I was telling Ed about it. Did you send a couple of pieces of cake over too?
Chef: Uv corse. I just hope none uv dem hef nut allergeez.
Oh yeah..you're you're right...the macadamia nuts.Good thinking!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Huh? Oh, er, must've been Count who must have brought in the food Chef sent over as I was knocked out and Uncle D was called away on business.
UD: Yes, and I'm not looking forward to any new iTombs or iScythes Mr. Jobbs comes up with... Once you start getting used to the last one, there's a new model/version with improvements that feel like you're wasting time in trying to relearn how to do what you did on the previous one.

Me: Tomb true... Here, have a slice of cake :hungry: made the other day.
*The dragon bites in, humming appreciatively at the crunch of the macadamias and the flakes of coconut.

BTW: Piña coladas are pineapple coconut smoothies... The ice can get crushed into a sort of still cold icee style or fully blended, depending on your preference. And the upscale version has the stronger stuff that I'd think you'd keep away from your roomies Kathy.

*Gets settled to continue counting.
*Sends a 10-Q note next door, saying not to worry as we're not allergic to macadamias.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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Huh? Oh, er, must've been Count who must have brought in the food Chef sent over as I was knocked out and Uncle D was called away on business.
UD: Yes, and I'm not looking forward to any new iTombs or iScythes Mr. Jobbs comes up with... Once you start getting used to the last one, there's a new model/version with improvements that feel like you're wasting time in trying to relearn how to do what you did on the previous one.

Me: Tomb true... Here, have a slice of cake :hungry: made the other day.
*The dragon bites in, humming appreciatively at the crunch of the macadamias and the flakes of coconut.

BTW: Piña coladas are pineapple coconut smoothies... The ice can get crushed into a sort of still cold icee style or fully blended, depending on your preference. And the upscale version has the stronger stuff that I'd think you'd keep away from your roomies Kathy.

*Gets settled to continue counting.
*Sends a 10-Q note next door, saying not to worry as we're not allergic to macadamias.
receiving 10 10 Q note I usually don't drink the strong stuff in pina coladas. So Huna Matata (No worries:wink:) . Even though I don't have rum in my pina coladas.I only let Robin have a tiny sip whenever I'm having one. (Gotta be a responsible parental unit,ya know.:smile:)

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Rully? The smoothies/milkshakes I drink are usually healthy as we follow my mom's tride&true recipe of frozen fruit, milk, ice cube/chunks, and a touch of Splenda. The ice cream milkshakes are more as rarer requests or when I'm in a mood to muck about when I know we happen to have the ingredients for an old-fashioned one where you just scoop out the ice cream, add the milk, and stir it vigorously with a spoon so it sort of soft blends.

*Enjoying MCR's Halloween offerings.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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while I'm watching TV Robin happily bounds in
Robin:Hiya Mom! plants a kiss on my cheek Whatcha watchin'?
Hi yourself!kissing the top of his head as he joins me on the bed. Back To You And Me
Robin:Is this the movie with the kid that's always saying "I can tell these things"?
That'd be the one.
Robin: I'm surprised you don't know all the lines by now!
raising eyebrows Robin....don't be fresh.
Robin :embarrassed: I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. It's just that you've seen it a lot.
Apology accepted. And you're right. I have seen this movie a lot. But I don't think I can quote it word for word.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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*In lowerish tones...
UD: How could you forget?!
Me: It's not that I forgot... We just spent all day yesterday, and today too, counting the tally of haunters.
UD: Well, considering who we're spooking of that might have been the better idea. But don't you think he might feel slighted?
Me: That's why we planned this. Now c'mon...

*The duo walk into Apt. 1 to find :batty: looking out the window at the bats flittering about.

Me: Hey Count...
:batty: Yes?
*As he turns around... Me & UD: Happy bat-day!
:batty: Whaaaha! Oh my, you gave me quite a surprise!
*We bring in the Boston Scream ice cream bat-shaped cake with nine candles on it.
:batty: Ah, 9, 9 flickering candles! The number of the day.
Yep... Now dig in before it starts to melt buddy.
*Uncle D's gotten himself a knife, hands it to Count for the traditional first slice to be cut by the celebrateur, then sits down at the organ where he plays a Monster Mash instrumental.

:batty: Mmm, thank boo my fiends.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2002
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knocking on Tomb...er....Apt 1's door Is the Bat-Day Boy here?
Prairie:Count...you're very hard to buy for! So we got you a gift card to Hensonville Mall!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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:batty: Thank you wery much Prairie Dawn. Thats 1, 1 thought that counts!

*Ed turns off the TV disgusted with the turn of events. Stupid is as stupid will want to do. Meh, means I knock off earlier.


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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(A small box is delivered on the doorstep of Room #1, inside are 2 dozen sesame seed honey bars)...