Gonzo help

Derek Thompson

Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2014
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I know there are some real gonzo experts here. I am new to this forum but I would love to hear from some of you that have built your own gonzo replicas. I just finished my Elmo replica and I loved the process so much I would like to try Gonzo. I have grabbed tons of reference and I have read most of the posted material about peoples builds but I would love to get some hints about sizes and dimensions. This replica is, Of course, for me and my family. The look on my daughters face when I ever brought out Elmo to tuck her in the night after I finished it was priceless. I am currently working on a few original pieces but I really want to tackle a Gonzo. I have top of the head and front and profile so I guess I would only really need to know the rough size of the eye balls so I can blow up my reference to the right size. Also, Gonzo seems to be a bit more skinny or long limbed than maybe some of the other ones. I know he has changed over the years. If I had to pick one it would be the one from Muppet Christmas carol. I have my block of foam for the head. It is not Reticulated foam though I can get that if you all feel strongly on the subject. Is it possible to get a full skull out of a 4 inch tall piece? again I have no ref for scale other than the pics of him on the puppeteers hand.
Is his skull hollowed out for the fingers and are his lower jaw and skull all one piece and out of the same block?
I would love to get the eye lids working on this....so I guess that sort of explains if his head is hollowed out. But does it have to be reenforced to handle the wire for the eye lids to move?
Okay, so clearly I have more than one question but you can see, I hope, That i have given this a bit of thought and I am committed to achieving a respectable replica that will honor this character that I know we all love so much. Thank you for any guidance in advance. Derek

Derek Thompson

Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2014
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Anyone? I just need a little help to get started so I know I have a reasonable idea of the size I need. 50 plus people checked it out and not one response?

Derek Thompson

Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2014
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So progress on my gonzo goes forward slowly but i thought I would post something. I am doing it backwards in a way that only an artist would I guess. I got his fruit tie that matches the one in the new movie and I got a really close match on an Argyle sweater vest from Ebay. the vest comes with a shirt but I am pretty sure i will need to customize a bigger shirt because Gonzo's arms are so long. I wont know how big a shirt to get until i settle on a scale for his arms. The sweater vest is not exact but it is two toned grey like the movie. the only ones who would be able to spot the difference is you eagle eyes here on the forum. I have 50mm foam eye balls on the way and I have a large block of upholstery foam that i can get at least 2 attempts out of. If i really like how it comes out and I am satisfied with the texture of his nose and face then I will continue with the build but if I still feel the want to do reticulated to be satisfied then I will have learned a bit about carving foam and I will feel more confident attacking what would be a pricey block of mostly air. I will likely go down to the Fabric district in the next week to try and hunt down my fur for Gonzo. I promise to keep you all posted.

Derek Thompson

Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2014
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Oh, My , God.....It finally worked. A picture you all can see. Well Hopefully I can continue to keep you all up to date on this thread. The eyes are 50 mm Smooth foam and I couldnt be happier. They are solid, smooth and really light. You can even sand them. the foam is Upholstery foam so I can get my feet wet on carving techniques. I should be able to get at least two attempts out of this block. I really like the Argyle sweater vest. The shirt is obviously too small. I need something with a bigger collar and much longer arms. I really dig the pants too. I even managed to get a tie that is pretty dead on to the latest movie. More to come.


Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2008
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Loving it. Keep us posted.

I may attempt this once there is room in my budget.

Derek Thompson

Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2014
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Thank you. The challenging part seems to be getting a good sculpt on the head and finding the right fur.


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2010
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Wow the sweater vest looks almost identical to the one he actually wears, nice job!

Derek Thompson

Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2014
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Thanks Muppetlover. It is real close. I looked thru hundreds of sweater vests to try and find something close. The only difference on this one is the movie one has a white AND red stripe on it. This one only has the red. Close enough for me.