Does anyone want to contribute to the "Ashley needs to audition for Tinkerbell" fund?


May 30, 2008
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Okay, so here's the sitch: Last time we were in Disney, I was checking out the parade performers. I had just found out that to be a character down there you not only need to look and act the part, but you also have to fit the costume. Each the characters come with height and weight requirements. The only characters I thought I could even consider were Wendy or Alice. I was mentioning this to a Cast Member friend of ours, and he said I fit the requirements perfectly for the new Tinkerbell face character they're creating. So now I'm set and determined to go play Tink. There's only one problem. With gas prices so high, my husband Steve (of the MuppetCast) says there's no way I can afford to go down there for auditions at the end of July. He says I'm welcome to audition when we're there in October, but there's no guarantee they're going to be auditioning for that part when we're there. I feel like I can't let a chance like this pass. Anyone willing to help me get to Disney to audition? (And I'm only half-joking here.) I will pay anyone back once I start making some money there. :big_grin:


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
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Oh wow! That is am amazing chance of a life time! Can I ask of this is at Disney Land or Walt Disney World?