Bewitched Week!


Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2005
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I didn't know that about Dick York (his helping the homeless), that's great to hear.
By the way, there was one character I enjoyed that a lot of people I've talked to seemed to hate and one character that got on my nerves that most seemed to get a kick out of. I thought Larry Tate was a good component of the show and pretty funny. Some are turned off by his phony agreeing with whatever a potential lucrative client says but I found those scenes well written, well executed and funny.
The one that kind of had the "nails on a chalkboard" effect for me was Gladys Kravitz (the Sandra Gould one). The scenes themselves of her seeing things like Ben Franklin across the street only to have him walk away when Abner (HIM I liked, by the way!) were pretty good and imaginative. It's just that grating voice of hers!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I prefer York, mainly because he was very emotional, and had a very expressive face. He was much funnier when he got angry, and he was just all around, I think a better character. Seargent isn't without his due. he was a little more folksy, and he was able to cope with Endora's abuse with more sarcastic replies.

They also unveild a Statue a couple weeks ago in Salem, with Frosty reception from a few people who think it was exploitive to have a witch statue there.... this from a town that sells crappy made in taiwan knick knacks with Witches on them. OY vey...