Any Bronies on here?


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Apr 5, 2009
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I like how Hasbro's not taking any chances, and just making a FIM movie instead of what would usually happen in these cases, a CGI hybrid with human protagonists separate from the current animated series.
And kept in their own magical fantasy world, too, unlike with the first two live-action Smurfs films. If there's one thing that I'm really glad for this, it's that it won't be like one of those movies.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I could see a MLP movie being the opposite, having a little girl (or girls) getting transported to a fantasy world, and just being an excessive number of humans in it. Like a cheaply done Narnia type deal with a couple name ponies in it. Still would suck, though.

While I did enjoy the Smurf movies, mainly due to the hammy Hank Azaria's Gargamel, I always thought that bringing them into a modern world was a huge mistake that was brought on by trying to make the whole franchise their Chipmunks. Though, as we all know, the Chipmunks always existed in the "real" world. I've always been horribly disappointed that they could have done a hybrid movie that took place in their world just as well. While I admit that the plot of the second movie was actually good, the only good thing to come out of those movies was the two animated side specials.

That said, the fact they didn't make a MLP movie like that (with TIm Hill as a director, perish the thought), and pandered to the existent Brony base by making a straight up MLP:FIM movie is pretty amazing. I just hope that with the TF cinematic universe and Bay finally out of the picture, the TF movie franchise goes through a seriously needed overhaul. There were sparks of hope in AOE, and the potential for a TF in space movie with the Quintessons as the villains actually had me excited. And maybe...just maybe... at some point, someone may just make a fully CGI animated Beast Wars movie. Yesssss.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
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I could see a MLP movie being the opposite, having a little girl (or girls) getting transported to a fantasy world, and just being an excessive number of humans in it. Like a cheaply done Narnia type deal with a couple name ponies in it. Still would suck, though.
Oh yeah, I forgot about the Williams siblings in the G1 series, which had two girls and a boy (voiced by a young Scott Menville) who seemed to like the ponies as much as his sisters. Pretty progressive, I must say! :smile:


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Apr 16, 2002
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If there's one thing I kinda find annoying about the fanbase is that they took some of the episodes a little too seriously. And the ones they absolutely hate seem to be the ones I actually like. Though to be fair, the Daring Do episode was the first one I watched, and I find any hate for the one with Iron Will just ridiculous.

Anyway, I'm glad Funko released some Discord merchandise. Nothing cheap and easy to get, though...well, the blind package figure, but it's a blind box, so you can't even feel through it like it's a bag. They seem to also finally have added a Spike vinyl, but pfft 15 bucks?! I'm not huge into this show but enjoy it on the level that there's finally a good girl's cartoon. Spike and Discord happen to be my favorite characters.


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Apr 5, 2009
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Just saw the episode with Big Mac dressing in drag to help Apple Bloom win the Sisterhooves Social. It's so hilarious seeing him try to pass himself off as a mare (especially when he didn't try at all to hide his brute strength during the climactic obstacle course), not to mention really sweet for him to try for his chance to be a hero like his sisters and to make up for any lost time he may not have spent with Bloom. Also amazing to see how this is the most talkative Mac has ever been. :smile:


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Apr 5, 2009
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It's been a long time coming, but...

the Cutie Mark Crusaders are blank flanks no more! And we got to see a more sympathetic side to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, the former even getting a good deal of backstory as to her spoiled behavior, even if it is pretty cliché by this point.

As for the designs of the CMC's marks... I was a bit disappointed in how similar they are with the shields after seeing a lot of fan art prior to the episode as to how they'd look, but they are starting to grow on me with the symbols within them that fit the characters perfectly. But that's what happens when you build something up in your mind only for it to not measure up in real life.


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Apr 5, 2009
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The animators must have had a blast animating Pinkie Pie as she goes nuts trying to keep the surprise that Shining Armor and Cadance will be having a baby. There were lots of great exaggerated expressions in that episode. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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So... I looked at the latest blind box Pony assortment.

It...has...Cheese Sandwich!!!!!

I HAVE to grab one of those because the Weird Al Simpsons figure barely stayed on shelves (unlike most of the others) and TFA Wreck-Gar goes for stupid prices online. know, blind box. So I could forseeably have to buy a bunch of them and have to sell the others for less than I paid for. I'd much rather see a full sized vinyl figure like the other ponies. I mean, I'm not a huge MLP collector (my collection is like a Happy Meal toy I got out of miscommunication trying to get a Skylander and a Pinkie Pie eraser I bought for the shell of it), but I'd definitely buy a Weird Al toy no matter what form he's in. As long as I can find him without going on e-Bay.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2009
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It was great to see Discord back, and it was great to see Twilight losing her mind at a level approaching her amazing freakout in "It's About Time". She experiences a fit of jealousy when she sees him hanging out with the others and laughing at inside jokes while she and Spike were stuck at home re-organizing books for 3 days, and assumes that Discord must have brainwashed them into being his friend, only he really didn't. The others even call her out on her paranoid behavior when she goads them into drinking a potion to break the "spell".

And I loved how Discord's dressing up as Bob Ross was called back on near the end to show that his getting Twilight to admit to being jealous was just a "happy accident". And how Discord may have been a bit of a jerk by not letting Twilight know that her friends wanted her to join them, though not intentionally as he didn't want to interrupt her during that time.