A Real Live "Gorg's Garden"

Convincing John

Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2003
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Hey everyone,

I thought I'd let you all know about a "real live Gorg's Garden" out there. The Fraggle fans out there (like me) would absolutely love it!

Okay, a couple of years ago, my sister and I took a trip out to the Southwest. On the way, my sister and I visited Albuquerque. We decided to visit the Albuquerque Rio Grande Zoo, Aquarium and Botanic Garden.

Now all three places are really cool to visit, but there's a "Gorg's Garden" in the Botanic Garden. Here's what I mean:

What they have done is made one portion of the garden filled with enormous (fake) insects, plants and vegetables. There's a pumpkin there about 20 feet high that you can actually walk through! Inside the pumpkin, seeds dangle down as big as footballs. (It reminded me of Mokey looking at the Toe Tickler cocoons in Chimney Hole Cavern). A flower towers over the pumpkin with a buzzing bumblebee about three feet across. Also lying around are huge carrots, potatoes, and (yes indeedy) a radish the exact same size as Junior Gorg's Geraldine! Seriously! If you watch the episode "The Great Radish Caper" and see the part where the Fraggles are carrying Geraldine back to Fraggle Rock, the raidish in the Albuquerque Botanic Garden is that same size!:excited:

Also in this portion of the garden are walkways with tunnels and little caves. I know they just intended for it to be fun for people to say "Hey! Look at that big pumpkin!" (camera clicks). But to me, it gave me a really Fragglish feeling.:smirk: You actually feel like you're a Fraggle going through the caves and tunnels of Fraggle Rock, then emerging into the Gorg's Garden. It's just that Fragglish, folks.

If anyone is in the area, it's definitely worth your time, especially if you're a Fraggle fan. Here's a link with some more info: http://www.cabq.gov/biopark/garden/

I found an additional photo of the inside of the pumpkin. (This isn't one I took, it's from a Google search).

Convincing John


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2005
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Whay, what a similarity! And I don`t mean "Real Gorgs`" garden. I just remember a RPG we were playing before on FRc, where I was playing CJ, and in the story he became Lou`s elder step-bro! And got a nickname "Big Brother Glarker" (by the byword "Glark".) Hehe, and our local Convincing John has a sister too! Awesome!
And the fact about the garden is also awesome. Whay!


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2004
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Wickedly cool!

That's so awsome! :excited: Looks so real it's hard ot believe it's all made by hand. Now I really know what it's like to see the inside of a punpkin from a Fraggle's eye view. :wink:

That Announcer

Well-Known Member
Mar 12, 2005
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Very neat! If I ever went there, I'd expect some giant thing to catch me from behind a vegetable.

"Gotcha! Look, Daddy! I caught a Fwaggle! Look!"
"Oh, that's nice son! Heh heh heh..."