A Muppet Baseball Story

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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It was a great night to be at the local baseball game. And people were at the game. An entire stadeum was full. Kermit, Fozzie, Scooter, Gonzo, Rizzo, Pepe, Robin, Rowlf, Bunsen, Beaker, Bean Bunny, Clifford, Animal, Floyd, and Janice all went to the big game.

"Wow, these sure are great seats", said Robin.

"I am so glad we could come", said Fozzie.

"Yeah, it's great that my grandparents who own this stadeum let us all in for free", said Scooter.

"Oh, how cute!", said Bean.

"What is it?", asked Scooter.

"The pitcher is about to throw the ball", said Bean.

"Oh, how exciting", said Bunsen.

"Mee mee mee", said Beaker.

"I'm hungry", said Rizzo.

"Me too!", shouted Animal.

"I wonder if they serve cheese at the concession stand", said Rizzo.

"Well, let's go", said Gonzo, "I'm hungry, too".

"Yeah, take Animal with you", said Floyd, "Me and Janice need some alone time, if you know what I mean".

"Ohhhh, I know what you mean okay", giggled Pepe.

Gonzo, Rizzo, and Animal then went to the concession line, which was so long that they stood right near the door.

"HUNGRY! HUNGRY!", shouted Animal.

"Yes, you'll get food soon", said Gonzo.

"I just hope that your definition of 'soon' isn't three days", said Rizzo.

Howard Pudman then walked by, carrying three trays of food and drinks.

"This should be satisfying enough", said Howard.

"I guess you've got a big group of friends with ya", said Rizzo.

"No, this is all for me", said Howard.

The Swedish Chef was working at the concession stand.

"Nuxt! Nuxt!", said The Swedish Chef.

"Yes, I would like one food tray, please!", said Carl.

"Ookay", said The Swedish Chef, who handed him a tray, "Eight dullurs!"

"Eight dollars just for a tray?!", said an outraged Carl, "This is ridiculous!"

Statler and Waldorf were watching the game from their skybox.

"Well, the game seems to be great, huh, Statler?", said Waldorf.

"Oh, I don't know", said Statler, "I'm disapointed."

"You are?", said Waldorf, "Why?"

"I thought this was a golf tournament", said Statler.

"Yeah, I know what you mean", said Waldorf, "I thought we were here for a lady wrestling match myself".

Just then, a baseball player hit a fly ball, and everybody put on baseball gloves and held their hands high into the air.

"I hope I get it!", said Robin.

"Well, if I catch it, you can have it", said Kermit.

"I rully hope that I catch it", said Janice, "Then I can have something else to take with me to the beach, fer sure!"

"Hey, you can take me, okay", said Pepe.

"Wouldn't it be soooo cute if I caughyt the ball?", said Bean.

"You know, in the short time that it's been since the ball was hit, it's a wonder that it hasn't landed yet", said Fozzie.

But then the ball hit Beaker in the nose.

"Moutch!", yelped Beaker.

"Oh, congraduations, Beakier!", said Bunsen, "You caught the ball!"

"Bummer", said a jealous Janice.

Meanwhile, Gonzo, Rizzo, and Animal finally made it to the concession counter.

"Okay, I'll have some burnt popcorn and a sweatey soda", said Gonzo.

"I'll have some cheese", said Rizzo.

"Und what reel yoo huv, Animal?", asked The Swedish Chef.

"COUNTER!", yelld Animal, who proceeded to eat the counter.

After they left the concession, Gonzo noticed a table with a signt hat read "Baseball sign-ups! Start your own team!"

"Hey, mayeb we can be on a team", said Gonzo.

"I don't know", said Rizzo, who then took a bite out of his cheese, which caused smoke to steam out of his ears, and steam to come out of his body.

"Aaaahhh!!", said Rizzo, screaming. He ran into the bathroom and jumped into the toilet, "Ahhhh!! Hot chese!"

Gonzo went to the table and talked to the woman who was at the table.

"So, you are having people sign up for baseball?", asked Gonzo.

"Yes, Juhl Typewriters is sponsoring local baseball teams for the baseball season", asked the woman, "Would you like to sign up?"

"Oh, sure", said Gonzo, who signed up Team Muppet.

"Come on, Animal", said Gonzo, "Let's go tell the others".

So they went back and told them.

"You signed us up as a baseball team?", asked Kermit, "And without consulting us first?"

"Well, I thought you all would like to be part of a team", said Gonzo.

"You all would make great baseball players", said obin.

"Robin's right", said Scooter, "We could use some time off from the show".

"I thought we've been having time off", said Pepe.

"Well, I guess Scooter has a point", said Kermit.

"Yeah, we could probably beat the other teams", said Clifford.

"Maybe we can even win the championship", said Fozzie.

"Mee mee mee", said Beaker.

"Okay", said Kermit, "All in favor of us Mupets having our own baseball team, say 'aye'".

"Aye!", said all the Muppets, except fro Floyd, Janice, and Rizzo, since they weren't there at the time.

"Then it's settled", said Kermit, "Baseball auditions will begin tomorrow!", said Kermit.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Chapter 2

Tryouts were held at the Muppet Theater. There were two lines: a baseball player line, and a cheerleader line. Pepe, of course, checked out the cheerleader line.

Rizzo was in charge of the baseball player line.

"Okay, next!", shouted Rizzo.

"Hello, there", said Miss Piggy, who was in the baseball player line.

"Uh, Miss Piggy", said Rizzo, "You're in the wrong line. The cheerleader tryout line is over there".

"I am not here to be a cheerleader", said Miss Piggy, "I am here to be a baseball player".

"Oh, yeah?", said Rizzo, "Women can't play baseball".

This made Miss Piggy mad.

"Hiiiya!", said Miss Piggy as she karate choped Rizzo.

Kermit, who was planning on being the coach, was examining those who tried out.

"Okay, Miss Piggy, you want to be a baseball player?", said Kermit.

"Of course moi does", said Miss Piggy.

Kermit, very nervous about the consequences of not allowing her to be on the team, just said, "You don't have to audition".

"Oh, thank you", said Miss Piggy.

The next person to audition was Sweetums.

"Okay, Sweetums", said Kermit, "What baseball position would you like to play?"

"Baseball?", said Sweetums, "I thought this was the football tryout line".

"No, football tryouts are across the street",s aid Kermit.

"Ooops", said Sweetums, who then walked away.

Bill the Bubble Guy was next.

"Hi, I'm Bill", said Bill, "Bubbles come out of my head..."

"Uh, Bill, I'm not auditioning acts today", said Kermit, "I'm auditioning baseball players".

Lew Zealand was next, and he had his baseball bat with him.

"Okay, throw the ball", said Lew.

"Rowlf, throw it to Lew", said Kermit.

"Okay", said Rowlf, who threw the ball, and Lew Zealand hit the ball, which flew to the balcony.

"Ouch!", said Beauregard, who got hit with the ball.

"Okay, you're on the team", said Kermit.

"Next!", said Rowlf.

Seymour came out with his bat and started singign.

"I'm Seymour, this batty. We're two of a kind! I'm an elephant, and this is a baseball bat...", sung Seymour.

"Next!", yelled Kermit.

"I can't believe I used to work with this loser, okay", said Pepe.

"Uh, Pepe", said Kermit, "Shouldn't you be auditioning cheerleaders?"

"Si, but the hot ones won't let me touch them, okay", said Pepe.

Kermit then thogutb for a little bit, and then said "You know, Rowlf, I'm starting to feel like I'd rather play than coach. Would you like to be the coach instead?"

"Oh, yeah", said Rowlf, "It would be an honor!"

"Oh, good", said Kermit, who then faced Scooter, "Scooter, let's look over the list of tryouts".

So Kermit, Rowlf, and Scooter went over the lsit, and then decided to tell everyone what they would be doing.

"Okay", said Rowlf, "I will be coaching the game, and our baseball players will include Kermit the Frog as pitcher, Bobo the Bear will be the umpire, Fozzie will be first baseman".

"Sweet!", said Fozzie.

"Miss Piggy will be secodn baseman..."

"Only second?", said Miss Piggy.

"...Gonzo will be third baseman, and Bunsen Honeydew, Beaker, Lew Zealand, Clifford, Leon, Scooter, and Link Hogthrob will have other positions".

"Yaaaayyyy!!!", shouted the others, who were all excited over being able to play in the game.

"And we will be playing the fight song", said Floyd, "Plus other music in the game".

"And we rully think our music will help us win", said Janice.

"Yeah!", said Zoot.

"You know", said Bunsen, "Beaker and I have been working on an invention that will help us win the games".

"Really?", said Rowlf.

"Yes, observe", said Bunsne, who showed them a special kind of bat.

"Beaker, take the bat", said Bunsen.

"Mee mee", said Beaker, taking the bat.

"Now, Fozzie, will you take a baseball?", asked Bunsen.

"Okay", said Fozzie, who took a ball.

"Now, this baseball bat has a material that makes any baseball a magnet", said Bunsen, "Now, Beaker, press the hidden button".

"Meep", said Beaker, who turned it on, causing the baseball to go to the bat like a magent, only Fozzie also flew to the bat, sicne he was holding it.

"Now, I haven't stabelized it yet so that players can quickly let go of the button right after the ball hits the bats...", said Bunsen.

"You know, Bunsen", said Kermit, "I don't think we need this kind of invention."

"That's right", said Rowlf, "Cheating is wrong".

"Oh, okay", said Bunsen, "Beaker, turn off the magnetic effect".

"Mee mee", said Beaker, who turned off the power, only to electrocute himself, which caused every baseball int eh theater to fly at him. Soon, Beaker was screaming, and was covered in baseballs.

"I'm glad that didn't happen to me, okay", said Pepe.

"Now let's start practicing", said Scooter.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Chapter 3

Baseball practice was held at the stadeum.

"Okay, due to the large number of baseball teams that are practicing, we've only got five minutes to practice", said Rowlf, "So we each get to hit the ball and run, and then practice will be over".

"That doesn't sound like much fun", said Fozzie.

The cheerleaders, who consist of Yolanda the Rat, Spamela Hamderson, Annie Sue Pig, Camilla, Jill, and Miss Mousey, came to give their cheer.

"Muppets, muppets, raw! Raw! Raw!", cheered the cheerleaders.

"Gimmie an M!", shouted Spamela.

"M!", shouted the others.

"Uh, we don't have time for this", said Rowlf.

"Let's play ball!", said Gonzo.

Kermit went to the pitchers mound as the others hit the ball.

"This is fun", said Bobo, "I get to be the umpire!"

Rizzo looked over the list of batters.

"Okay, Leon is first up to bat", said Rizzo.

Leon happily went to bat.

"Okay, throw it!", said Leon.

"Okay", said Kermit, who threw the ball, but Leon missed it.

"Strike one!", said Bobo.

Kermit threw the ball again, and Leon missed it.

"Strike two!"

Kermit threw the ball again, and this time Leon hit the ball, which hit Kermit in the stomache.

"I've got a hit!", said Leon.

Then it was Fozzie's turn.

"Hey, Fozzie, another bear!", said Bobo.

"Yeah", said Fozzie, "I just hope we aren't the Bad News Bears. Ahhhh! Wocka wocka!"

"Will you two just concentrate?", asked Kermit.

"Okay", said Fozzie.

Kermit pitched the ball, btu Fozzie stopped paying attention.

"You know", said Fozzie, "The funny thing about concentrating..."

The ball missed Fozzie, adn Bobo caught it.

"Strike one!", said Bobo.

"Fozzie!", yelled Kermit, "You're supposed to pay attewntion!"

"I can't help it", said Fozzie, "I haven't got paid yet. Get it? Pay attention, paid, wocka wocka!"

The other players were sitting on the bench, cringing at Fozzie's jokes.

"I sure hope that I get to be the star player", said Link.

Over my dead body", said Miss Piggy, in a threatening tone.

"Well, with enough practice", said Scooter.

"We don't have much time to practice", said Miss Piggy.

"I know!", said Lew Zeland, "My boomerang fish can help us win!"

Camilla went to Gonzo.

"Bawk bawk bawk bawk!", said Camilla.

"Yes, the part of the cheer that you got to do was good", said Gonzo.

"Bawk", said Camilla.

Rizzo went to Miss Piggy.

"Okay, Piggy, it's your turn to bat", said Rizzo.

"Oh, thank you", said Miss Piggy.

Miss Piggy grabbed a bat and Kermit threw the ball. Miss Piggy missed it.

"Strike one, porker!", said Bobo.

"Okay, that does it!", said Miss Piggy, who karate chopped Bobo with her bat.

"Uh, Piggy! Piggy!", yelled Kermit, "Save it for the ball!"

"Oh, okay", said Miss Piggy.

Kermit threw the ball, and Miss Piggy hit it, and got a home run.

"Wow!", said the other players, in amazement.

"Okay, let's play our fight music!", said Dr. Teeth.

The Electric Mayhem started playing some rockin' music.

"Hey, stop it!", yelled Rowlf, "We don't have time for music today!"

The band stopped, except for Lips, who wildly blew his trumpet for a few secodns longer than the rest of the band, and then he stoped.

"Show off", said a jealous Janice.

Eventually, it was Kermit's turn to hit the ball.

"Okay, I will pitch it to the pitcher", said Pepe.

"Go Kermit! Go Kermit!", cheered the cheerleaders.

Pepe threw the ball, and Kermit hit a home run.

"Yaaaaaaaay!", yelled everybody.

"Wow!", said Kermit, "I'm glad that I'm a player after all!"

"We can celebrate later", said Rowlf, "But now our practice time is up".

"Well, I'm just excited about the game tomorrow", said Clifford.

"I'm still worried", said Rowlf, "Not all of us got to bat during practice".

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Chapter 4

It was the day of Team Muppets' first game, against The Tigers. Pops was working at the ticket booth.

"Get your tickets here!", said Pops, "Only ten dolars. Five dollars for children!"

"And watch me blow bubbles out of my head here", said Billt he Bubble Guy, "And please give me a donation of four or more dolars! Money doesn't come out of my head, you know."

Many of the Muppets who are not on the team were taking their seats.

"We got great seats!", said Sweetums.

"We sure did", said Thog.

"I'm happy we get to sit here", said Doglion.

"Hey, I can't see", said the short man sitting behind Thog.

Statler and Waldorf once again sat in a skybox.

"Well, here we are at the Muppets very first game", said Statler.

"Do you think they will be better at baseball than they are at performing?", asked Waldorf.

"I'd be surprised if they weren't!", said Statler.

Statler and Waldorf laughed.

Rizzo, Pepe, Robin, Beauregard, Bean Bunny, Crazy Harry, Seymour, Digit, and Mildred all got their own skybox.

"Well, we've got a good view", said Robin.

"This is the cutest view ever", said Bean.

"I can't see the field", said Beauregard, who was facing backwards.

Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem went to their band stand.

"Well, we're ready to play the appropriate music", said Dr. Teeth.

"Yeah, and our fans will cheer for us", said Floyd.

"Yyyyyeeahh!!!", shouted Animal.

"That's the spirit, Animal", said Floyd.

"Team Muppet should win this one", said Dr. Teeth.

"And even if they don't, like, win, we will, like, still play rockin' music", said Janice.

"You've got that right", said Floyd.

"RIGHT! RIGHT!", shouted Animal.

The cheerleaders were getting ready.

"Well, the crowd is alrady going wild", said Spamela, "It's probably becaus eof us".

"Yeah!", said Miss Mousey.

"If they are not wild about us, then I don't know what they would be wild about", said Yolanda.

Rowlf was talkignt o Team Muppet in the locker room.

"Okay, team", said Rowlf, "Tonight, when we play, we must have fun!", said Rowlf.

"Right", said the players.

"Because winning isn't everything", said Kermit.

"Say what?", asked Miss Piggy.

"Now, although it's just a game", said Rowlf, "We must beat the Tigers".

"Right", said Bunsen.

"Mee mee", said Beaker.

"We must win", said Clifford.

"It's only constitutional", said Link.

"And if we don't win, we still get free sparklers", said Gonzo.

"Now, which of us will not be playing in tonights game?", asked Lew Zealand.
"Well, I can't stay on the bench", said Link.

"Neither can I", said Miss Piggy.

"Mee mee mee", said Beaker.

All of the players started talkign at once, with the exception of Kermit, who watched them all argue very nervously.

"I have a bad feeling about this", said Kermit.

Louis Kazagger and The Newsman were the sports announcers for the evening.

"Well, tonight is the nigth of a very good game", said Louis Kazager.

"That's right, Louis", said The Newsman, "There are a lot of fans here tongiht..."

"What do you mean a lot of fans?", asked Louis, "This is the first night for these teams. They can't have fans yet."

"Ooops", said The Newsman.

"Anyway, here is Johnny Fiama to sing the national anthem", said Louis Kazager.

The audience cheered and booed, with mixed reactions.

"Ah yes, the national anthem", said Sam the Eagle, "My favorite part of the ball game".

Sal stood in front of Johnny Fiama as he entered the field.

"Get outta the way!", yelled Sal, "Make room for Johnny Fiama!"

Johnny made it to the stand. The music started to play. Johnny started singing.

"Oooohhh, say can you see", sang Johnny, "By the dawn early lights..."

Johnny started to ham it up.

The audience started booing as Johnny sang.

"This is a very disapointing rendition of the national anthem", said Sal, disgusted.

"Why can't Sal sing the national anthem instead?", asked Seymoru, "He's much better".

"No, no, no", said Pepe, "Johnny Fiama is better, okay!"

"You're wrong", said Seymour, "That monkey is..."

"No, you're wrong, okay!", said Pepe.

The Electric Mayhem watched on as Johnny sang badly.

"I'm glad that we get to provide the rest of the music", said Floyd.

"This is the worst music I've heard all week!", said Zoot.

"I agree", said Lips.

"ATTACK!", yelled Animal, who proceeded to run out and attack Johnny Fiama, only Floyd held onto his chain tightly.

"No, Animal!", said Floyd.

"No matter how bad his singing is", said Dr. Teeth, "You must not attack him".

"Then can I attack him?", asked Janice.

But Johnny was about finished.

"...And the home of the braaaaaaves!"

The audience booed him very badly.

"Hey! Stop your booing! It's gonna get him bad publicity!", yeled Sal.

"Bad publicity?", said Statler, "He's had nothing but bad publicity in the last year!"

"Yeah!", said Waldorf, "And monkeys can't be tough!"

"Only pigs!", said Statler.

"What is that supposed to mean?", asked Waldorf.

"Well, that is the worst version of that song that I've ever heard!", said Sam, who got out of his seat, "And now that the national anthem is over, I can leave."

"We appologize for that very bad performance", said Louis Kazagger, "But now it is time for the game to begin!"

"Yay!!!", cheered the crowd.

"Okay, everyone, let's get ready", said Kermit to his team.

Team Mupet went to the field as The Electric Mayhem started playing music.

"Comming out to the field is Team Muppet", said The Newsman.

A group of tigers then went to the batting line.

"And up to bat is The Tigers", said Louis Kazagger.

"Booo!!", shouted Rizzo, Pepe, Beauregard, Bean, Seymour, Robin, Mildred, Crazy Harry, and Digit.

Sal then ran up to Statler and Waldorf's skybox.

"Okay, you two, I'll give you what you deserve!", yelled Sal, who started choking Waldorf.

"Uh, I didn't say anything about you or Johnny Fiama", said Statler, nervously, and then Statler got up and ranout of the skybox.

Kermit went up to the pitchers mound.

"Well, I hope I can outthrow them", said Kermit.

Kermit threw a ball, and the tiger whow as batting opened his mouth and ate the ball, instead of hitting it.

"Strike one!", said Louis Kazagger.

"If this keeps up then we should win", observed Rowlf.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Chapter 5

The first few tigers kept catching the balls with their mouths, instead of hitting the balls, andthen swallowed the baseballs.

"Strike three!", said Bobo, "You're out!"

The Tigers coach talked to the next hitter.

"Now listen", said the coach, "All of the other players have been eating the baseballs. I need you to make a hit, understand?"

"Yes, coach", said the tiger.

The Tiger went to make a hit.

"Okay, this one will probably eat the ball, too", thought Kermit, who threw the ball, but this time, the tiger hitt he ball.

The audience made surprised reactions.

"Well, the first hit of the night", said Louis Kazagger.

Beaker ran to the field to catch the ball, but it hit him on the head.

The tiger ran. Beaker picked up the ball, and threw it to Bobo, and Bobo hit the tiger with the ball.

"You're out!", said Bobo.

It was then tiem for teams to switch.

"Good work, team", said Rowlf, "I am very proud of you all".

"Oh, thank you", said Miss Piggy.

"Now we've gotta bat", said Rowlf.

In Statler and Waldorf's skybox...

"Do you think the Muppets will do better?", asked Waldorf.

"I seriously doubt it", said Statler.

In the area where the monsters were sitting...

"Why do I have a feeling that the winning score will be just one point ahead of the losing team?", wondered Thog.

Fozzie Bear was the first person up to bat.

The umpire growled at Fozzie.

"Uh, nice, nice tiger...", said Fozzie, nervously.

The pitcher was about to throw the baseball.

"Hey, Bear!", said Statler, "You stink!"

The pitcher threw the ball, and Fozzie, distracted, missed.

The pitcher threw the ball again.

"Stick with comedy", said Waldorf.

"Or better yet, don't", said Statler.

Fozzie missed again.

"Hey, will you two stop that?", asked Fozzie.

The ball was thrown again.

"Okay, we'll stop that", said Waldorf.

Fozzie missed the ball again.

"Strike three!", said the umpire.

Beaker was next.

The pitcher threw the ball to Beaker, but the first time, it hit Beaker in the stomach, the secodn time, it hit Beaker's nose, and the third time, it hit Beaker's eye.

"Wow!", exclaiemd Louis Kazagger, "What unfortunate bad luck!"

"Yeah", said The Newsman, "And I've had worse bad luck".

A cow then flew through the announcers window and hit The Newsman.

"And this is worse", gasped The Newsman.

Miss Piggy was next. The pitcher was about to throw the ball.

"Hey, Piggy", said the umpire, "You are the one thing I won't eat, ugly!"

"Oh, yeah!", said a somewhat offended Miss Piggy, who proceeded to hit the umpire with her bat.

"Hit the ball, not the umpire!", said Rowlf.

Robin decided to go get himself some snacks.

"Hey, Chef!", said Robin, "I would like to have something to eat".

"ookay", said The Swedish Chef, "Wood yu like chips, cwakers, pupcin, orr sudu?"

A tiger then pushed Robin out of the way.

"Outta my way", yelled the tiger, "But I'm higher on the food chain!"

That tiger then turned to The Swedish Chef.

"I would like to have a baseball, please, and put extra salt on it!"

"okay", said The Swedish Chef, who put salt on the ball... in fact, the lid fell off, and all of the salt fell on the baseball.

"That looks yummy", said the tiger, who ate the baseball... And smoke shot out of his ears while his eyes turned red.

In the audience, Digit was feeling a bit sad.

"You know, I feel like I am only here just to be here", cried Digit.

"Oh, we all are here just to be here", said Mildred.

"Yeah", said Bean, "We're here just to be here, and to enjoy the game".

"And I'm sure that some explosions will make the game better", said Crazy Harry, "Except that I forgot to bring my plunger".

"And you call yourself responsible", said Seymour.

Eventually, it was the last inning, and Kermit was up to bat.

"Well, so far, it's tied zero to zero. And Kermit the Frog is up to bat. If he hits it, Team Muppet might win. If not, the game will be extended".

"Yeah", yawned The Newsman, "And I am too tired to stay up".

The pitcher threw the ball, and Kermit swang hard... Only for the bat to slip out of his hands, and hit one of The Tigers.

"ouch!", yelled a tiger.

"Strike one!", said the umpire.

"Good grief", said Kermit, scrunching his face.

The pitcher then threw another ball, which Kermit missed.

"Strike two!", said the umpire, "And by the way, do you think you can get me Clifford's autograph? He was a better host than you'll ever be."

This made Kermit really mad, and then, with the next pitch, Kermit hit the ball so hard that he made a hoem run.

The audience cheered wildly.

"Kermit hit a home run!", said Louis kazagger, "He won the gaem!"

Kermit ran past the bases and made it to home.

"Yay!", cheered the cheerleaders.

All of the other Muppet players held Kermit up tino the air.

"Moi knew you would do it!", said Miss Piggy.

"Oh, please!", said Link, "You were only cocnerned with yourself".

"Well so were you", said Miss Piggy.

"Can I repeat your stunt if we ever get a new series?", asked Gonzo.

"Congraduations, Mr. the Frog!", said Lew zealand.

Robin came down to congraduate Kermit.

"Congraduatiosn, Uncle Kermit", said Robin, "I am so proud of you!"

"Hey, it's no big deal", said Kermit, "We've still got other games to play".

"Yeah, and I hope that we improve", said Rowlf.

"I'm sure we will", said Clifford.

The Tigers umpire came to Clifford.

"I am so glad that your team beat us", said the Tigers umpire, "And you sat on the bench the whole time, but may I have your autograph?"

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Chapter 6

Although Team Muppet only won because Kermit was the only one to make a score, and only one score at that, Team Muppet quickly became an overnight sensation, with a huge number of fans.

A few days after the game, some of the Muppets saw themselves on covers of magazines at the local newsstand.

"Well, we sure are getting a lot of publicity", said Scooter.

"Yeah, this is great", said Gonzo.

"I don't think it's that great", said Kermit, "Most of our publicity is in the tabloids".

They looked at some of the magazine covers. One had a picture of Jim Henson performing Kermit, with the headline "Kermit works with hands up their butts". Another cover showed Beaker with octopus arms, with the headline "Beaker is really an octopus!" Another headline said "Fozzie Bear is Not Funny!"

"That magazine must be published by Statler and Waldorf", said Fozzie.

Another magazine said "Kermit and Piggy Secretly Married!!!"

"Well, at least some of them are true", claimed Miss Piggy.

"Uh, that is not..", said Kermit, who then got approached by Fleet Scribbler.

"Hey, Frog! Can I get a picture of all of you Team Mupet players?", asked Fleet Scribbler,

"No, you cannot!", shouted Kermit.

Fleet Scribbler walked away.

"Hmm", thought Fleet, who took a picture of them unexpectantly.

"This wil make a good gossip cover story!", said Fleet, running away, since the whole team is not in the picture, then the headline will be "Some Team Muppet Members Missing!"

Sweetums showed up.

"Well, at least these rumors aren't as bad as my rumor", said Sweetums.

"What rumor is that, Sweetums?", asked Scooter.

"here's a rumor going around that I do not really have any legs", said Sweetums.

"I thought that rumor applied to all of us", said Gonzo.

Later on, when the Muppets went to practice...

"I am so proud of you all", said Rowlf.

"Oh, thank vous", said Miss Piggy.

"We've gained in popularity, we've made magazine covers, and we've got several new sponsors", said Rowlf, handing the players pamplets that least the new sponsors.

"Let's see", said Kermit, "We will sponsored by The Mallory Gallery, The Dubonnet Club, Mad Man Mooney's Used Car Dealership, El Sleezo Cafe...", Kermit then gasped, "Doc Hoper's French Fried Frog Legs?! I didn't even know they were still in buisness...."

Kermit fainted.

"Oh, no!", said Scooter, "We've got to get him back up!"

"Yes, Moi will give him mouth to mouth", said Miss Piggy.

"I've got this barrell of water", said Gonzo, who poured it on Kermit, little did he know that the barrell actually contained hot sauce, and when Kermit regained consiousness, he quickly screamed and ran.

"Nice going, hook beak!", said Miss Piggy, angrily.

"I've heard that we will also have our own action figure line", said Rowlf.

"How cool!", said Clifford.

"I hope that I am included this time", said Leon.

Kermit had then gotten over his faint and the hot sauce awakening.

"Well, anyway, let's just practice", said Kermit, "Practice makes perfect!"

"Okay", said Dr. Teeth, "Let's jam while they practice!"

"Let's make this a musical montage!", said Floyd.

"Montage! Montage!", yelled Animal.

The band started playing their music, starting with Animal playing his drums, Lips making a loud trumpet sound, Floyd and Janice playing wickedly cool bass and guitar sounds, Zoot making a soothing saxaphone riff, and Dr. Teeth playing his keyboard loudly. And their music led to what would be a montage if this was a movie.

First, Kermit threw three balls past Fozzie, who missed. Then, he threw the ball to Leon, who hit the ball, and Beaker caught it. Then, Gonzo missed two balls but hit the third one. Gonzo ran to secodn base, where he got karate chopped by Miss Piggy. Rowlf stood by the bench, smiling. The cheerleaders gave a cheer.

Then, they were playing an actual game. The crowd cheered. The band kept playing. Kermit caught a baseball. A ball hit the bat of an opponnent, only for the bat to fall apart. Gonzo caugth a ball and got a player on the other team out.

"Team Muppet has won another game!", said Louis Kazagger.

Team Muppet cheers at a victory party.

"Team Mupet lost again", said Louis Kazagger.

Team Muppet gets food thrown at them.

"Team Mupet won again!", said Louis Kazagger.

Team Muppet then cheered as they all got a big trophy.

Finally, the band ended their music, and the montage ended.

"Now that was something", said Lips.

Later, at another practice...

"Well, if we win the next game, we will play at the championship", said Rowlf.

"Yay!", said the others.

"So we've got to practice hard", said Scooter.

"That's right", said Rowlf.

"I'm sure that we will win", said Kermit.

"Well, in case we don't stand a chance otherwise", said Bunsen, "I have invented this here device that can hypnotize us into playing well".

"Mee mee mee mee mee", said Beaker.

"That's absolutely correct, Beaker", said Bunsen, "This device can hypnotize anybody".

Bunsen pointed the device at Beaker.

"Observe", said Bunsen, who turned the machine on, "Now, Beaker, you will play the best. You will give a performance of 110 percent. And you will be undefeatable".

Bunsen then turned the machine off.

"Now, Beaker, play ball!", said Bunsen.

But Beaker just posed his arms like wings and started acting like a chicken.

"Cluck cluck cluck, cluck cluck, bawk bawk bawk...", said Beaker.

"Uh, Beaker, I told you to play baseball, not act like a chicken", said Bunsen.

"Bawk cluck bawk", said Beaker.

"Oh, it's hopeless", said Bunsen.

"No, it's not", said Scooter, "We can still win if we try hard and beleive that we can win!"

"Win? Win what?", asked Zoot.

"Haven't you, like, been paying attention?", asked Janice.

"How much is it?", asked Zoot.

Gonzo walked into the field.

"Buck, bawk, cluck", said Beaker.

"Hey, this chicken looks like Beaker", said Gonzo.

"Baaaawwk!", yelled a jealous Camila.

"Oh, sorry", said Gonzo.

"Bawk", said a forgiving Camila, who rubbed her head against Gonzo.

minor muppetz

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Jun 19, 2005
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Chapter 7

It was almost time for the next game. Tickets were selling.

"Make way for Johnny Fiama!", said Sal, pushing varous customers out of line so that Johnny could cut.

"Uh, Sal, I don't think this is neccessary", said Johnny.

"Hey, you're Johnny Fiama!", said one customer.

"Yeah, of course I am", said Johnny, "Do you want an autograph?"

"No", said the customer, "I just want to make sure that you are not going to be singing the national anthem today".

"Well, don't worry", said Johnny, "I am just here to watch the game".

"Yeah!", said Sal, "So go home and suck your thumb!"

Team Mupet was having lunch, in a special lunch room for team players.

"Well, if we beat this game, we wil play the championship", said Rowlf.

"I really hope that we play in the championship", said Leon.

"Yeah, I haven't seen my face on any baseball cards yet", said Link.

Beaker was still acting like a chicken, and started stealign Camila's food.

"BAWK!", yelled Camillia, who started pecking angrily at Beaker.

"Bawk-gawk!", screamed Beaker.

"Break it up! Break it up!", said Bunsen, "I've got some special food for you, Beaker". Bunsen then put some chicken feed on the ground,a nd Beaker pecked the food up.

"Calm down, Camilla", said Gonzo, "Just enjoy your food. I'll enjoy watching you".

"We've got some new music to play", said Dr. Teeth, "Hit it, band!"

The Electric Mayhem started to play.

"Enough!", screamed Kermit, "We've got a game to focus on!"

"Right", said Miss Piggy, "And I wil help us win".

"I doubt it", commented Floyd.

"Well, I'm afraid that Beaker will have to sit this game out", said Bunsen, "He stil thinks he is a chicken".

"Cluck", said Beaker.

"Players, you've got fifteen minutes until starting time", said an announcer.

"Okay, everybody, out on the field!", said Rowlf.

Everybody ran out, all running over Rowlf.

Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem ran out to set up their instruments.

"Okay, let's all rock!", said Dr. Teeth, as the band started to play "Take Me Out to the Ball Game".

Statler and Waldorf were once again in a skybox.

"Well, let's make a bet", said Statler, "I bet that Team Muppet will lose".

"You can't bet that!", said Waldorf.
"Why not?", asked Statler.

"Because I want to bet against Team Muppet!", said Waldorf.

Robin and Sweetums were sitting together.

"I hope my uncle Kermit's team will win", said Robin.

"Yeah, and I hope they give me their trophy", said Sweetums, "I would like to eat a trophy right now".

Rizzo and Pepe were sitting closerto the front.

"Hey, great seats, okay", said Pepe.

"Yeah, and the food is good too", said Rizzo, "Too bad we ca't afford it".

"I get a good view of the cheerleaders, okay!", said Peep.

Eventualy, it was starting time. Louis Kazagger announced the teams.

"Annd now let's get things started!", said Louis, "Tonight, it's Team Mupet versus The Flowerpot Branchers!"

The Flowerpot Branchers were all human, and Team Muppet was first to bat.

Kermit was the first player to bat.

The pitcher threw the ball, and Kermit hit it, and made a home run.

"Uncle Kermit hit a home run!", said Robin.

"How exciting!", said Sweetums.

Next, it was Miss Piggy's turn.

"Come on", said Miss Piggy to the pticher, "While we're young..."

The pitcher threw the ball, and Miss Piggy also made a home run.

"Unbelievable", said Floyd.

"Fer sure!", said Janice.

Beaker was still acting like a chicken.

"Well, Beaker, I hope you can snap out of it soon", said Bunsne.

But then Beaker flapped his arms up and down, and proceeded to fly.

"Hey, my invention can make people fly!", said an excited Bunsen, "How exciting!"

"Hey", said Lew zealand, "Can you hypnotize my boomerang fish?"

Next, it was Fozzie's Turn.

"Okay, I hope that I can do it", said Fozzie.

"You can't do it", shouted Statler.

"You can't do it all night long!", yelled Waldorf.

"Okay, I'll just need to ignore them, and I can do this", said Fozzie.

And then Fozzie hit a home run.

"So far Team Muppet has had nothing but home runs!", said Louis Kazagger, "If this keeps up, Team Mupet should win!"

minor muppetz

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Jun 19, 2005
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Chapter 8

Soon, it was time for The Flowerpot Branchers to bat, as Team Muppet played the field.

"Okay, we've batted well so far", thought Kermit to himself, "Let's see if we can beat them".

Kermit threw the ball, and the batter hit it.

"And it's a hit!", said Louis Kazagger.

The ball flew, and hit Beaker, who was still flying above the baseball field. Beaker fell and landed on the running player. Fozzie caught the ball and threw it to Miss Piggy, who tagged the player.

"And he's out!", said Louis Kazagger.

"I think they might just score", said Rizzo.

By the last inning....

"Well", said Rowlf to himself, "There is just one more hit. But we'll be sure to win. We've got 68 points. The other team only has 44. There's no way they can beat us."

"Rowlf", said Clifford, "You've seriously got to stop talking to yourself".

"Sorry", said Rowlf.

Bunsne was inspecting his hypnotism machine.

"I wonder if I can make this machine hypnotise the players to be better players", said Bunsen, who then accidently hit a switch while it was facing two of The Flowerpot Branchers players, and they were suddenly hypnotized, and were acting like chickens as a result of it.

Gonzo came up to bat. The ball was thrown. Gonzo missed.

"Strike one!", said the umpire.

"oh, I'm sure I'll hit the next one", said Gonzo.

"Yeah, in your dreams!", said the umpire.

One of the players was on the base where Miss Piggy was standing on.

"Hey, you shouldn't be playing baseball", said the player, "You should be playing football".

"Why?", asked Miss Piggy.

"Because they use pigskin!", said the player.

"All right! That does it!", said an angered Miss Piggy, who then started karate chopping the player.

"I don't beleive this", said Statler.

"You mean you don't beleive that we came to a baseball game, and saw a fight?", asked Waldorf.

"No", said Statler, "I don't beleive that my popcorn doesn't taste weird".

Just then Beaker flew above the player who hit him while batting earlier, and laid an egg on him.

"Ew! Gross!", complaiend the player.

"Fight! Fight!", yeled Animal, who ran out to attack and bite the other players.

"You heard him!", said Bobo, "Let's fight!"

All of Team Muppet started to attack The Flowerpot Pitchers, except for Kermit, Rowlf, and Beaker.

"Well, Team Mupet has suddenly turned violent!", said Louis Kazagger, "And I guess we know what will hapen next!"

The next day, Team Mupet was at court.

"One of your players attacked one of the other players, one player laid eggs on another player, one of your musicians bit some players, and you all fought the other team", said the judge, who was also chairman of the local baseball council.

"Yes, sure", said Rowlf.

"I did not encourage this behavior one bit", said Kermit.

"Even though Animal bit a player", joked Fozzie, "Wocka wocka!"

Nobody laughed at Fozzie's joke.

"And one of your players even hypnotized two of the opponents into thinking they were chickens", said the judge.

"It was an honest mistake", said Bunsen, "I accidently did it to my assistant, too. I can't find Beaker. But I hope that the effect is sadly temporary."

At that moment, Beaker was flying high in the sky.

"Cluck-cluck, bawk-gawk!", said Beaker, who then staretd to turn back to normal, "Meep-meep, mee meep..."

Beaker was back to normal, but this meant that he suddenly fell to the gorund, screaming.

Back at court..

"On these charges, Team Muppet must forfeit the game", said the judge, who hit his gavel, "Case dismissed!"

The members of Team Mupet all groaned and cringed. They were now disqualified.

minor muppetz

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Jun 19, 2005
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Chapter 9

Team Mupet was upset over having to forfeit the game.

"Hey, everybody", said Kermit, "I'm going to go for a walk".

"Moi will go with vous", said Miss Piggy.

"Oh, okay, if you must", said Kermit, sadly.

"Yes!", said Miss Piggy.

"I'll walk with you all, too", said Rowlf.

The other team members went to the Muppet Theater. They sat at the canteen.

"I can't beleive we had to forfeit our winning game", sighed Fozzie.

"I wanted to use a cannon to pitch at the championship", said Gonzo.

"Oh, that would have been a very stupid idea", said Rizzo.

"Well, at least I can go back to throwing my boomerang fish on a more regular basis", said Lew Zealand.

"And I can spend more time looking at myself in a mirror", said Link.

"Yeah, so what if we lost?", said Bobo, "We had a good season".

"You sure did", said Beauregard, "Can I have your autographs?"

"I don't know", said Gonzo, "Can you?"

"I shouldn't be so sad, okay", said Pepe, "I wasn't even on the team, okay!"

"And you weren't a cheerleader or a band member", said Annie Sue.

"Speaking of the band", said Fozzie, "I wonder where they are. I haven't seen them in the longest time."

A few blocks away, Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem were performing at a club, which allowed for open performances by musicians.

"I"m so glad that we've got a new gig so soon after our last game was forfeited", said Floyd.

"This is rully groovy", said Janice.

Back at the Muppet Theater...

"Well, we had a great season", said Bunsen, "But we shouldn't let a little forfeit get us down I invented a drink that can help us get over our forfeit."

Bunsen poured out his drink, "Everyone have a drink!"

Fozzie drank the first cup, saying "Wow! It's like... It's like there's a party in my mouth, and everyones invited!"

"Let me try some", said Gonzo, who took a sip, "Hmm, could use some monkey grease."

"Hey, don;t hog it, okay!", said Pepe.

"We're thirsty, too!", said Link.

"I can't wait to taste it", said Bobo.

Meanwhile, during Kermit, Piggy, and Rowlf's walk...

"Well, I guess we should be thankful that we won so much this year", said Kermit.

"We also lost a few games that we didn't forfeit", said Miss Piggy.

"Yeah, so what if we had to forfeit the last game before the championship..."

"Talk about redundancy", said Miss Piggy.

"...We had a good season, and maybe we will be allowed to play next season!"

"Yeah, that's right!", said Kermit, "It doesn't matter whetehr we win or lose. We played great games!"

Miss Piggy was a bit disapointed, "Just about a few minutes ago you were depressed because we had to forfeit the game. And now you're okay with it?"

Miss Piggy then fell into a sewer, "I hate plot holes!"

"I'm surprised she could fit threw that hole", joked Rowlf.

"I heard that!", said Miss Piggy.

Back at the theater...

"This was a great drink", said Bobo.

"And we're not even drunk", said Scooter.

"Not drunk, okay?", said Pepe, "Then I don't want anymore!"

"Well, we just ran out", said Bunsen, "And I didn't even get to drink any. And neither did Kermit, Piggy, Rowlf, The Electric Mayhem, or Beaker, wherever he is. But it's okay, I can just go to the store and pick up some supplies."

Kermit, Rowlf, and Miss Piggy then came to the canteen.

"Listen up, everybody!", said Rowlf, "We may have had to forfeit, but we played a very good game..."

"We know", said Scooter, "We already got over it".

Clifford looked at a clock, "Oh, it's time for my favorite TV show!"

Clifford went to turn on the TV that was in the canteen, but instead of his favortie show, he got a news report.

"We interrupt your program for an important news bulletin!", said The Newsman.

"Oh, great", said Clifford, sarcastically, "A news report interrupting my favorite show."

The Newsman continued his report, "The Flowerpot Branchers, who just wona game due to a forfeit and were supposed to make itt o the championship, have just been discovered by the baseball council to have been using steroids for all of their games this season..."

"That must explain how we were able to beat them", said Scooter.

"...Due to steroids being agaisnt regulations, The Flowerpot Branchers have to forfeit, and Team Muppet has once again officially won their last game, and will play in the championship!"

All of the Muppets cheered.

minor muppetz

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Jun 19, 2005
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Chapter 10

So it was the day of the championship. Team Muppet was in the locker room, getting ready.

"Okay, we have made it to the championship", said Rowlf, "Let's win ourselves a championship!"

But just then, their opponents, The Mighty Pigs, entered the room, slamming the door open.

"Well, well, well, if it ain't Team Muppet!", said the coach.

"We are going to kick your butt!", said Link.

"Yeah, when pigs fly!", said the coach, "How come you and Piggy aren't on our team?"

"Because you pigs are going to lose!", said Miss Piggy.

"Oh, we'll see about that", said the coach.

"But... But we must remember that this is only a game", said Kermit.

"Yeah", said the coach, "A game of baseball!"

The coach then punched Kermit in the face, and Miss Piggy karate chopped him.

"Uh, thank you, Miss Piggy", said Kermit.

Kermit and Rowlf went out to the field.

"Well, it's going to be oen great game", said Rowlf.

"Yeah, and after how those pigs acted, I hope that we beat them", said Kermit.

"I beat them!", yelled Animal, who ran in hopes to attack the Mighty Pigs.

"No, Animal!", said Kermit, "Not that kind of beat...."

Bnsne then showed up.

"Hey, Kermit!", said Bunsne, "Come quick! Most of our players aren't in any condition to play!"

"But they were just a few minutes ago", said Kermit.

"Yes, but let me show you", said Bunsen.

Bunsen took Kermit to the locker room, where most of the players had somehow mutated. Lew Zealand's nose was bigger than his head, Gonzo's nose had gotten bigger and wrapped around his body, making him unable to move his arms, Fozzie's forehead and legs got bigger, though his feet got smaller, Leon's head shrunk and his arms got really heavy, Link's arms got sucked into his body, Scooter's body got unusually large while the head, arms, and legs stayed the same, and Bobo's head and arms got sucked into his body.

"Oh, no!", said Kermit, "How did this happen?"

"Well, I think it might have been that special drink I gave them", said Bunsen, "I didn't give any to you, Rowlf, Miss Piggy, The Electric Mayhem, Beaker, or myself, and we are in good condition".

Rizzo and Pepe then walked into the locker room, Rizzo's arms and legs being oversized, and Pepe's arms having been sucked into his body.

"This sucks, okay!", said Pepe.

"You've got to help us!", said Bunsen.

"And if we can't get more players", said Kermit, "We will have to forfeit the championship!"

"So far we have three players in healthy condition", said Bunsen, "I still can't find Beaker".

"Well, we've still got 38 minutes until the game starts", said Kermit, "Let's see if we can get them back in shape!"

"Si", said Pepe, "This ees embarrassing, okay!"