40th Anniversary of The Cube


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2004
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It was 40 years ago today that The Cube debuted on NBC's aptly named showcase "Experiment in Television."

Directed by Jim Henson, written by Jerry Juhl, and featuring Jerry Nelson in a small but memorable role, the film depicts a man who finds himself in a white cubical room and has no idea how he got there. Although anyone can enter the cube, the man cannot leave. Panels in the cube open temporarily to admit various visitors like a hotel manager, a handyman, an interior decorator; some seem to know the man or want to offer advice and all are generally unhelpful to the man as he tries to unravel the mystery for himself and for the viewer of where he is, how he got there, and how he can leave.

If you haven't seen the film before, it's currently available on iTunes.

So to celebrate the 40th anniversary, let's talk about this experimental film. What are your thoughts and feelings on Jim Henson's The Cube?