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  1. M

    Something I have wondered

    Having a 2 year old, I have rediscovered the joy of Sesame Street, so much that I tracked down a dvd copy of Christmas Eve on Sesame Street, my all time favorite Christmas special (why its still not shown Ill never know). Anyway, as I watching this I noticed something. Luis is no where to be...
  2. M

    Looking for lyrics

    Sesame street has a song on episode 4038 where the eskimo kids sing about putting on their (ukiuks?) cause its cold out side... Anyone know where I can find the lyrics or song??? TIA
  3. M

    Sesame clips

    Im looking for my favorite SS clip. Its a clip where a bunch of mupets are just screaming out words that rhyme such as cat, fat, hat, flat. Then out of no where one of them just screams out "THE BIG FAT CAT HE SAT ON A HAT!!! HE SAT ON THE HAT AND MADE IT FLAT!!" (or something to that...
  4. M


    With an 15 month old baby, I have been reintroduced to Sesame Street. What happened?? Now this is in no way a thread to rip my favorite childrens show, but to me it seems like its the same show everyday. First its the actual Sesame Street segment. Then its the letter of the day...