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    Laura Branigan dead at 47

    She died Thursday night from a brain aneurysm, a needless death. In the Toronto Sun today her brother Mark was quoted as saying she had complained of headaches two weeks before her death but she didn't bother go to see a doctor about it :(
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    Muppet Show Posters

    I was in my local CD store and flipped through the posters and noticed they had 2 Muppet related posters, one of Animal by himself and another one of the Muppet Show with all the characters, it's going up on my wall later.
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    I'm living up to my name!

    Hehehe, I am truly Animal now :halo: I went and bought an electronic drumset this week, when I'm not working I'm playing the drums.... this is no toy by the way, it set me back a few hundred dollars.... now I gotta find me a Animal poster! LOL
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    New from Ontario Canada

    I just stumbled across the board.... I used to watch the Muppet Show every single night as a kid, now I see it is coming back to TV this fall up here in Ontario... my VCR will be given a work out LOL