why are tracks rerecorded for soundtracks?

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I've been wondering, why are songs on various soundtrack albums rerecorded? After all, pretty much all Muppet songs are pre-recorded before they are filmed/ tapped. Can't those tracks be used?

It seems like many of the tracks on the various Muppet Show albums are the same used on the show, with the lack of a laugh track. But then pretty much all post-TMS albums wih songs from the show only included tracks used on the album releases (a shame, as there were no albums released around the fifth season, and that season had many great numbers). But then the movie soundtracks pretty much use rerecorded songs, though still sung by the same characters. I admit that the only soundtracks I have are for TMM, MFS, and MWoO, but I also have the TMS 25th anniversary album, with songs from the movie soundtracks, and most of those have differences (mainly certain lines of dialogue removed).