When Muppets / Muppeteers Travel


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2010
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I had this question on my mind this morning. You know through out history when Muppeteers and Muppets would travel to appear on television somewhere when it was Jim Henson and Kermit or Kevin Clash and Elmo, or even most of them at MuppetFest. When a Muppeteer travels, do they travel with The Muppet in a suitcase or trunk or is the Muppet shipped ahead of time at the location? And most importantly the rod issue, since airports do check luggage and puppet rods are made of metal, how would things work out? Would it just be as casual as "I'm a puppeteer and this puppet has metal wires which control the arms" or would the Muppeteer and the Muppet travel but the rods be shipped though the mail. It was a tricky question on my mind so I figure I ask on here. lol


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2010
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Especially the rods, since Airports do seem more cautious about what goes on a plane now a days and even little things like hairspray, nail clipers. So it must be quite tricky since not everyone is a puppeteer and unfortunately not everyone appreciates the artform to understand it like us. What next, a marionette puppeteer can't have strings on a marionette? lol But anyway, besides the rod situation I wonder if a couple of workshop people would need to be there just in case of worse case situation if something happened to the puppet. I remember hearing that Jim always had a Kermit repair kit on him that had a set of green thread to sow, an extra pair of Kermit's eyes, some green fleece, etc.

Muppet fan 123

Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2011
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Well, you see, you don't have this problem when you travel by map. :wink:

Just to joke here, in a recent interview (on November 27th to be exact. I'm a real Muppet nerd) Kermit said he and Pepe actually travel cargo. It's cheaper.

Mo Frackle

Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2011
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Every part of all seven continents is required to have a storage room of Muppets in the event that a performer arrives. Check Wikipedia if you don't believe me.

But seriosly, I suppose it depends on certain situations. I always imagined Kevin traveled with Elmo for personal appearances (and I say Kevin and not the other performers because he's the only one I'm aware of that has done personal appearances with a character). But for public appearances, I'd assume the puppets are shipped out. Emphasis on the word "assume".


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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Caroll Spinney has said back in the day, Big Bird used to travel in large instrument cases, like a bass violin case, or a big bass drum case.

I remember he said one occasion where he and Kermit Love (who always traveled with them since he was Big Bird's wrangler) were trying to get out of Canada one time, and one of the Customs agents kept asking Kermit to open up the case so they could see what's inside, he said, "Oh, it's just feathers, there's no need to open it." But they kept insisting that he open it, but he kept refusing to, until finally the guy was about to call security for failure to cooperate, and Caroll said, "Kermit! They're about to arrest us, just open it up and show him the feathers already!" FINALLY, Kermit unzipped the case slightly, let them peak inside and see the feathers, and they were finally on their way.

But it stands to reason that they were would be put in some kind of case or some thing; if I have to transport any of my puppets, Steve and Bethany are usually put in a travel case, while other puppets are put into a cardboard box.


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2010
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Caroll Spinney has said back in the day, Big Bird used to travel in large instrument cases, like a bass violin case, or a big bass drum case.

I remember he said one occasion where he and Kermit Love (who always traveled with them since he was Big Bird's wrangler) were trying to get out of Canada one time, and one of the Customs agents kept asking Kermit to open up the case so they could see what's inside, he said, "Oh, it's just feathers, there's no need to open it." But they kept insisting that he open it, but he kept refusing to, until finally the guy was about to call security for failure to cooperate, and Caroll said, "Kermit! They're about to arrest us, just open it up and show him the feathers already!" FINALLY, Kermit unzipped the case slightly, let them peak inside and see the feathers, and they were finally on their way.

But it stands to reason that they were would be put in some kind of case or some thing; if I have to transport any of my puppets, Steve and Bethany are usually put in a travel case, while other puppets are put into a cardboard box.
lol I love that story, totally made my morning. lol WOW, that must have been stressful for Kermit and Caroll, especially when Big Bird was in his hayday. Though I wonder like I mention in terms of rods, would the Muppeteers and the Muppets travel together but have to ship the rods separately. Because the rods are removable and not attracted to the Muppet. In the case of the story you just mentioned, it was easy for the security officers to look inside without casing a lot of attention to a huge crowd "THAT'S BIG BIRD!" but say the smaller Muppets like Elmo, if either Kevin or a workshop person was traveling with them had to take them out for security, would they need to take the puppet out and show them how the arms work and all that stuff? Back in the day it could have been as simple as a trunk or suitcase but you know how very secured the security is now a days, especially metal rods. Either way it must be very complicated.