PuppetBuilding.com got compromised by hackers who flooded the site with links to porn and gambling sites. The spam got so overwhelming that I had to take the whole thing offline.
I've been working on getting it back up and running for several months now (I'm actually working on it today!). It should be be back soon with a couple of major changes. For one, it's now going to be run by a team of really talented puppet builders who work in a wide range of puppetry styles, which was kind of always my intention. We'll also be doing a regular video podcast and I'm developing a new, easier-to-use layout for the site.
Sorry I can't promise when it will be back up and running, but in the meantime if you need any of the information that was there just as Tom said I do have it. Just send me a private message and include your email address and I'll send it to you directly.