YES!! They were vicious, hideous, heartless, terrible
They were!
When my grandparents (on muh daddy's side) got a satellite dish in the early '80s, it was at the same time FR debuted. For a while they had HBO, and whenever the fraggles had to go into the garden or visit the Trash Heap, I would tense up in the recliner and peer over the arm while peekin' through my hands, like, "O PLEASE let 'em get through, o PLEASEoPLEASEoPLEASEoPLEASEoPLEEEEEEASE...)
And they would---MOST of the time!!
But now I'm a li'l older, and a li'l wiser....and a li'l hairier (okay,
SOMEbody was gonna say it, I might as well get it outta the way), and now they're just bumbling, dimwitted, quarrelsome big ol' creatures.
Who should never be com
pletely trusted by a fwaggle.