TMS Compilation fan-fic: "Muppets & Science"

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Enjoy this compilation, fell free to comment, and feel free to let me know if any of the segments I list were already included in any of the Playhouse video compilations.

(the title, "Muppets & Science", appears on-screen in a darkened laboratory with tthe muppet show theme song playing. Bunsen and beaker walk in and turn the light on)

Bunsen: well, beaker, today is the day that we look through everything in the lab.
Beaker: mee mo!
Bunsen: Of course you knwo, beakie. Now, let me look at my list of things to do. (looks at list) let's see, according to this list, you hav to check the bug room. (beaker sighs) Don't mess anything.
(beaker goes into the room, but he runs out screaming with bugs all over him)

(leads to the song "she loves you")

Bunsen: well, those bugs sure did love you beaker. (beaker gives a blank stare at him as he chuckles) Now let's look through these old newspapers.
Beaker: mee mee mee mee.
(they look)
Bunsen: funny. I don't ever rememebr reading this interview before.

(lead to the sketch wehre kermit interviews the koozebanian spooble.

Then lead to the sketch where the swinetrek is reported to make a soft landing on a distant planet)

Beaker: (singing along to the music he hears on his headphones) Mee mee meep mo, mee me mee....
Bunsen: oh, beaker, what are you listening to?
beaker: me mee meeee.
Bunsen: oh, Avery Schriver.

(lead to avery schrivers closing number.

Then lead to the act from the four fazoobs.

Then lead to the Pigs In Space skecth about Snacka Waves)

Beaker: mee mee mee mee.
Bunsen: yes, you can make yourself a snack.
(beaker puts an orange on a plate, and puts Muppet Labs all-purpose tenderizer on it, accidently spilling some on his hand. It starts to go numb)
Beaker: mee mee mee...
Bunsen: oh, beaker. You shouldn't have used that! That is my first invention, the muppet lans all-purpose tenderizer!

(leads to the muppet labs sketch with the All-purpose tenderizer

Then leads to the "Trudge trudge Streaka streaka!" sketch)

(Beaker is dusting the counters. Beaker sees a hatrack moving around in the background)
Beaker: ahh... Me mee mee mee mee!
bunsen: oh, Beaker! There is no moving hatrack. it's only your imagination. pure imagination! Which is also a song sung by Ben Vereen.

(leads to the song "pure Imagination".

Then leads to the Muppet labs sketch about steel carrots)

Bunsen: hey, Beaker, look what I found!
Beaker: mee?
Bunsen: I foudn this picture of Peter Ustinov.
Beaker: mo? (he gives a "so what?" expression)
Bunsen: well, mr. ustinov once pretended to be a robot for me.

(leads to the muppet labs robot politician sketch)

Bunsen: well, beaker, I think we should watch the news.

(bunsen turns on the news, which leads to the muppet news sketch in which black and white striped maceral becomes king.

Then leads to the Pigs In Space sketch where Dr. Strangepork invents a dissolvatron)

Bunsen: (in beakers body) well, that dissolvatron works too well, huh, beaker?
beaker: (in Bunsens body) mee mee mee mee.
Bunsen: let's try to change back now.
beaker: mee!
(bunsen and beaker both point dissolvatrons at each other)
Scooter: (in Bunsens body) man, what happened?
Gonzo: (in beakers body) My act has become a success!
(Bunsen and beaker, in Gonzo and Scooters bodies, come in)
Bunsen: (in Scooters body) hey, I think this needs some adjusting.
Beaker: (in Gonzos body) mee mee.

(leads to the song "Being Green", the version from the Peter ustinov episode)

Bunsen: well, we are back to normal.
Beaker: mee mee.
Bunsen: and I have foudn the superglue we were lookign for.

(leads to the muppet labs sketch where Gilda Radner tests out super adhessive)

Bunsen: well, we eventually got unstuck, right, beaker?!
Beaker: Meep!
Bunsen: and that glue lead to a great closing number.

(leads to the song "tap your troubles away")

Bunsen: aw, memories. (he accidently walks into beaker, and gets stuck) oh, Beaker, what have you been watching your clothes with?
beaker: mee mee mee!
Bunsen: oh, no! and we are stuck again!
Beaker: Moooo!!!!!! (supposed to sound like "Nooooooo")

(they try to get off each other while the credits roll)

:confused: :eek:

Philip Kippel

That was another great fanfic, minor muppetz.

Maybe you and I could collaborate on some TMS compilation video fics. I've good great ideas for sketches to use.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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That was great, as are all your fanfics. What is the Avery Schriver closing number you mentioned?

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Fragglemuppet said:
That was great, as are all your fanfics. What is the Avery Schriver closing number you mentioned?
It was a nonsense song sung by Avery Schriver and joined by many weird-looking creatures, including Shakey Shanchez, Male Koozebanian Creature, two baby koozebanians, some of the fazoobs, and other characters. I don't think this song actuallyt has a specific title. The muppet morsels on the first season DVD don't even list a name for it (it just says "this song was written by Avery Schriver...").

For more info, I suggest you look at the muppet show episode guide at Muppet central, found in the guides section, or buy the first season on DVD.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Thank you. I have the first season already; I just haven't gotten that far yet.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I just started a thread a few days ago about segments that should have been in certain compilation videos, and it looks like quite a few of the skits I listed that should have been in Muppet Weird Stuff were included in this fan fic.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I was just looking through this and noticed that I included Being Green from the Peter Ustinov episode. I don't know why I did that.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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minor muppetz said:
I was just looking through this and noticed that I included Being Green from the Peter Ustinov episode. I don't know why I did that.
:wink: Obviously you must really love that Kermit song subconsciously my friend