I was barely two years old when these episodes originally aired. And for the longest time episode #'s didn't matter to me. Still don't. The stuff INSIDE the episodes was what got you excited.
People my age never would've dreamed Sesame Street would still be on 40+ years later, let alone having a forum to dissect every nanosecond down to the last molecule.
We thought, like so many other PBS shows from the 70's, they'd run out of money or ideas (or both) and it would run its course, and it would be a great childhood memory that you young folks might read about in the Ancient History books.
Didn't exactly work out that way.
But I'm still pleased you kids (and I say that because I'm old enough to be the father of just about everybody here) can discover and enjoy the same things I got to see first time around. Especially ancient clips like this.