The Wimp Monologues...

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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The Wimp Monologues: The Art of Reaffirming One's Self-Worth Through Depressing Over-View


"La la la la! Boy, what a day! This would be a great day to play! Gee, now, who am I gonna go out and play with? Hmm. Well, I could go play with Gobo. No, Gobo's out exploring caves. I forgot about that. Oh, and Mokey's with him. She says she finds the undiscovered caves inspiring, whatever that means. Red's swimming again. And... well, Boober's doing laundry. Boober's always doing laundrey. Gee, I guess all my friends already have stuff to do. I wish I could be with them now. I should be with them. Hey, wait a minute! Gobo always invites me to go to the caves! Why didn't I get to go this time? Aw, I guess Gobo just didn't want me to go along. And it's not like I don't find the caves inspiring or... or whatever! Why couldn't I go? I- I like to swim, I think. Red didn't invite me to go swimming either. I didn't even get asked to do boring ol' laundry with Boober. Why can't I help out? Why can't I go along? What's wrong with me? ... I guess... I guess maybe they don't want me around. Well, they don't need me around, why would they want me around?

I'm just a little wimp,
It seems I'm kind of limp.
And how could anyone
Ever have any fun
If they loved a shrimpy little wimp?

Maybe they'd... just be better off without me. They probably wouldn't even notice if I were gone. Maybe that's what I'll do. I'll just disappear! Maybe I'll go live with the Gorgs. Or the Doozers! I could go live with the Doozers. Maybe they'd appreciate me more. I'll just leave. I'll just go away and... they'll all be happy. They'd all be happier without me around. ... Gee, Gobo always used to say I was his best friend. We'd always do everything together. Well, we still do everything together, I guess. We did go and get Uncle Matt's postcard this morning. *sigh* If I left, I wouldn't get to do that anymore, it's always so exciting... and so frightening. And I guess there's nothing warmer than a hug from Mokey, no one as fun as Red... and, knowing Boober's always there to wash your socks is so comforting! I sure would miss everyone.

But you'd never have to skrimp
When you learn to love a wimp!

Maybe they didn't just abandon me. I mean, Gobo's always taking me along, I'm sure he just wanted to share our great fun with someone else so they didn't feel left out either. And I know how Red likes to concentrate. I can be such a distraction! Ha ha! And Boober's just Booberish. Just think of all the great times you've had before. And, well, not to brag, but I don't help out a little around here. Where would the volunteer fire department be without their top siren? Ha! Gee, maybe they do need me around.

And, that's why you should learn to love a wimp."


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Awww, so cute peering into the head of Wembley! I love it! Are you going to be doing any more of these? I really like the approach!

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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I'm glad you liked it! I wasn't sure how people would take to it.

I would like to do more, but I think you can only go so far before it gets either repetetive or overly-depressing. :embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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This is great. I loved going through Wembley's thought process. You wouldn't happen to have any by the other fraggles would you?

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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I wasn't planning on doing this one yet, but, more Fraggles it is...


"Ahh! Wash, wash, wash! I do love laundry. This is my absolute favorite time of the week. Laundry day! Sitting here by my washtub, soaking in the suds. *sigh* I just love doing the laundry! I love it so much, somtimes, I'll do an extra ten minutes on top of my fifteen-minute work week. This is my time to escape the drudgery of the Fraggle day. Playing and singing and dancing all the time. That's all well and good, but I'd so rather be right here, in the sanctity of my washroom. Why, I don't know what I'd do if it weren't for laundry! Boy, that is an unpleasant thought. A world without laundry. Yech! How terrible! That would be absolutely the worst thing ever! No laundry to do, how would I spend my time? How could I live if it weren't for laundry? What would I do? Laundry's my life! It's so exciting. Why, with each new stain, a new adventure! Each grass mark, another time to prove your stuff! The challenge, the thrill! There's no better feeling in all the world than the satisfaction of removing that stubborn mustard stain, or knowing you've washed out something no one else could. Well, here on Fraggle Rock there's most certainly never a shortage of laundry. Other Fraggles are always getting dirty playing their silly games. ... Actually... yuck! This is disgusting! How terribly dirty! Well, like I said, always a new challenge... Oh, no! Oh, this is terrible! Terrible! I've soiled all my water with this filthy shirt! Now it's too dirty to do any more laundry in it. I'll have to go all the way to the pool and get more water, I'll have to replace all my suds, not to mention the fact that now I have to dump this mess out. Oh, always something to ruin my day! Drudgery, doom, and despair! What a waste of time this will be! Time I could be using to finish my laundry. I suppose I'd better go take care of this. The whole day is ruined!

Wash, wash, wash! Now I do hate laundry!"


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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Ha ha! That was actually pretty funny! I love Boober, he cracks me up. Looking forward to more of these, they're nice quick little reads!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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*laughs* This is cute, Super Scooter! Very nice little snippets of stories! They're really neat. I like them.

Super Scooter

Well-Known Member
Dec 17, 2002
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I hope I'm doing them right. They'rre supposed to be sort of like what actors use when auditioning for a part. It's supposed to display several emotions, and help an actor demonstrate his/her range.

Other than that, I'm having more fun with these than writing long stories. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Why yes. It's a wonderful place to be, isn't it?
:excited: Anyway this is great! It's so funny, and it helps fill the fraggle void I've been feeling somewhat on MC.
Even though I know you don't want to do too many, I was hoping after the first one that you would do another. (After all, the title was plural.)