The Subway

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Has anybody noticed that in the song "Subway", that while the characters seem to enjoy the subway, they seem to also mention bad points about the subway, with such lines as "It's so hot I could die" and "you could lose your purse, or you might do something worse on the subway".

So, was this song meant to encourage riding on the subway, or to possible explain some bad points and scare people out of riding on the subway?


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I believe you're over thinking it, my friend. It was a segment to teach what a subway was, and the bad points were clearly just jokes, fairly apt ones at that. I couldn't think of them doing a song like that straight without making jokes about the Subway.

But then again, it could go to illustraite how the subway isn't perfect. And SS did start out as a realistic inner city. Why not have a few complaints in it? I feel the message they are conveying, if any, is that... well, it's what people have to use to get around, and not everyone has a car.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2004
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Back in the 70's, riding the New York Subway was quite an adventure (Still is!). It was dirty, crowded and noisy, and you could lose your purse, or at least get your toes stepped on. People were rude and pushy (Still are!), more often than not you had to stand (Still do!). And during Rush Hour you get packed in like sardines.

But I still wouldn't trade it for anything!:smile:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Same thing with Boston and the T... except most of the time, they have to bus people from station to station so they can do "repairs" that they never seem to finish or do at all.

I'd trade it for ANYTHING in the world.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2002
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I know that feeling, DrTooth! They've been working on the Orange Line for months now!

And also, like SS, the MBTA Subway System is something else they've been upgrading just for the sake of upgrading. I've noticed they've updated the lighting in a lot of the stations. And some of the Green Line used to be a LOT like the NYC subway system. The most drastic change I've come across is Boylston Street station. It was known for being the most dimly lit station in the entire system, with old incandescent lights. It almost looked like an old basement. But a few years ago, they upgraded the lighting, so it looks more bright and cheery. I have to say, I miss the old way.

And if you can believe it, when The Subway song was used in the mid-90s, there was a then-new animation that followed it about the word "Subway", and they actually used a T train!


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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That's actually one of my fave things about the song - it sounds like this huge massive celebration but the lyrics are totally cynical and ironic...add the mix of popular, obscure, and one-off characters, the incredible music and some great vocal performances (man i am so pleased that the volume 2 dvd is loaded with Marilyn Sokol performances - love her love her love her), and this is one of my all time fave Sesame bits which i'm glad to finally have!