"The Sesame Street Horror Special: Herry Werewolf" - COMPLETE!


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2003
Reaction score
I know it's been several years, but I thought I'd dust off this "Sesame Street" fanfic I've left untouched for years, until recently, when a recent furry convention's horror and werewolf theme that I attended inspired me to finish the story! This is set around Season 21 (1989-1990), and is introduced by Vincent Twice as a special episode of "Mysterious Theater," and involves Herry Monster getting a werewolf's curse!


We start on the “Mysterious Theater” opening sequence, complete with eerie music and sound effects and the stylized painting of a sad woman in mourning clothes with a wine glass at a funeral placing her handkerchief on a grave, where the “MYSTERIOUS THEATER” title flashes on the tombstone to thunder crashing. Then we zoom into the grave until everything goes black, and then we come up to the library where Vincent Twice calmly sits in his armchair. His candle is lit, like always, and thunder is rumbling outside. He then turns to face the camera and begins his introduction.

Vincent Twice: Good evening, and welcome to a special edition of “Mysterious Theater.” I am your host, Vincent Twice, Vincent Twice. In tonight’s episode, we WON’T be seeing Sherlock Hemlock OR his trusted companion Watson. Instead, I am presenting to you “The Sesame Street Horror Special.” It is a story about our old friend, Herry Monster. Sure, you may THINK he’s a cute and friendly monster, but not in tonight’s special, where he becomes CURSED! When the full moon comes out, Herry transforms into a hideous beast. Watch, as we observe the poor monster in… “Herry Werewolf!”

We fade to outside of the familiar apartment, addressed at 123 Sesame Street. It’s evening outside, and there’s a full moon. Inside, we see Maria, Gina, Elmo, Big Bird, Telly Monster, Herry Monster and Grover watching a movie in Maria’s apartment. Scary music comes from the TV, as well as evil laughter.

Gina: Remember, guys, this is only make-believe.

Telly: We know… say, the Count doesn’t suck people’s blood, does he?

Maria: Oh no, no he doesn’t! The Count is a vegetarian, and he prefers to drink V8 juice.

Telly: Whew… that’s good to know.

A loud woman screaming comes from the TV, and everyone jumps.

Big Bird: Look out! He’s right behind that lady!

Grover: Relax, Big Bird. It is only a m-m-movie… nothing here can happen in real life.

Big Bird: It’s not the movie I’m afraid of… it’s the nightmares I’m going to have tonight!

The movie continues. After a while, Elmo and Telly and Grover and Herry and Big Bird are clutching each other nervously.

Herry: Don’t worry… the good guys always win in these movies.

Outside, the moon is completely full. A wolf howls off in the distance. Herry looks up at the moon in horror. He then notices a bit more fur growing on him.

Herry: AROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (everyone stares at him) Oh, excuse me. I… I gotta go to the bathroom! (he runs off)

Elmo: Why did Herry run away?

Telly: Maybe he’s more scared of the movie than we all are!

In the bathroom, Herry Monster looks at himself in the mirror. He notices he is shedding some fur a bit!

Herry: What… what’s going on?

The wolf howling can be heard again, and Herry looks up at the moon. Herry howls again, and then suddenly crouches to the ground. We see his feet. Claws begin to grow on them! From the back of his pink-and-white striped pants, a blue tail sprouts through. Herry crouches down more, trembling a bit, and then turns to face the camera! He is now a big, blue wolf!

(NOTE: The older, giant blue Big Bad Wolf puppet is used for Herry as a werewolf here.)

Herry the wolf howls, and then looks at himself in the mirror.


He runs out of the bathroom in horror, knocking down the door. Herry, embarrassed by how he looks, decides to hide his face by grabbing a dark blue trenchcoat that just happens to be lying on the ground and cloaking himself in it. He runs past the Sesame Street gang, still watching the film. They don’t see Herry’s wolfish features.

Big Bird: Herry, where are you going?

Herry: Uh… I need to be home by 8:00, and I have to do some homework!

Telly: But Herry, it’s summertime, and it’s only 7:30!

Herry: Yes, but early to bed, early to rise. BYE!

Herry rushes outside the apartment, opens a familiar trash can and tosses the coat into the can.

Oscar: (from inside the can) Ouch! (pops out) Hey, an old trenchcoat! This will come in handy for the cold winter nights… NOT! (sees Herry) YIPE! I’m going back to my trashy slime opera! (dives back into the can)

Herry: (moans) What can I do? I’m a wolf! I only hope my mom and dad will take it well. I don’t want to scare anybody! I need help!

He runs down the street to his own apartment. There, he opens the door and walks in. He knocks on the door to his family’s apartment.

Herry’s Mom (Camille Bonora): (from inside) Herry? Is that you?

Herry: Yes, mom. I have some really bad news, too. I… I’ve changed.

Herry’s Mom: Oh? Let me look. (Herry walks in, showing his wolf-like appearance to his mother. She looks like Herry with blue curly hair.) AAAH! Goodness gracious! It’s happened!

Herry: What happened?

Herry’s Mom: It’s the curse! The curse of the werewolf!

Herry: What’s that?

Herry’s Mom: I think we should have told you sooner, son… please sit down. (they go over to a couch) You see, your great, great, great grandfather was a werewolf. When he was your age, a wolf tried to get him. He escaped, however, but he was left with a curse. Whenever the moon would get full, he would transform into a wolf-like creature, like you did.

Herry: How come I am a werewolf, mom?

Herry’s Mom: Well, Herry, that’s because your great, great, great grandpa vowed to pass on the curse to every fifth-generation son. And, unfortunately, you are that fifth-generation son. So, you got the curse. Sorry, Herry! (she sobs and clutches Werewolf Herry)

Herry: Sorry, Mom. But what can we do?

Herry’s Mom: Well, for now, we have to hide it. When the sun begins to set, you must hurry home as fast as you can! Your father and I will help take care of you. Then we will try to get help! Don’t worry, son. You won’t be cursed like this for long!

Herry: I’m scared, Mom. How long will it take?

Herry’s Mom: I don’t know, Herry. We will try our best…

Then we fade to the next morning. We see Herry all covered up in his blankets in his bed. He removes the covers from his bed, and we see that Herry Monster appears to be back to normal!

Herry: Hey… I’m ME again! But how? I think I should ask my mom.

Herry goes into the kitchen where his mother is preparing breakfast.

Herry: Look at me! I’m normal again!

Herry’s Mom: That’s WONDERFUL, Herry! But it will not last.

Herry: Not last? What do you mean?

Herry’s Mom: Well, werewolves only become werewolves when the moon is out, and when it is full. So you are safe for the day. But once the sun begins to set, you must hurry home as quickly as possible, before you change into a werewolf again!

Herry: OK, Mom.

Later, we’re at the arbor between 123 Sesame Street and Hooper’s Store. Herry is talking with Big Bird and Telly and Grover and Elmo.

Big Bird: Boy, that movie sure gave me the creeps! I didn’t get to sleep until around midnight!

Telly: I’ll say! But at least I was able to sleep. But I don’t get it why Herry had to run home before the movie was over.

Herry: Well, guys, I think I should tell you. I… uh, I…

Elmo: What is it?

Herry: …I had a TV show I didn’t want to miss. Yeah. I have to watch it every week!

Telly: Oh… I understand. Did you sleep all right?

Herry: I think so… (to the camera) I can’t tell them I had a lot of trouble sleeping due to being a werewolf. (to Telly) I was pretty hot, though. Must have been my new pajamas.

Grover: I could not really sleep well either. I dreamed that the Count turned evil!

Big Bird: Well, dreams can be pretty strange in ways. Once I dreamed that a big bag of birdseed fell from the sky! It landed on me, knocked me down, and then began pouring birdseed in my mouth! It was rather scary at first, but I then began to enjoy eating the birdseed. I woke up laughing.

Herry: Those are dreams for ya!

Gordon: (walks in) Hey guys, Big Bird. Talking about that movie?

Herry: Sort of. We’re also talking about the dreams we have.

Grover: It is a very interesting conversation, I must add.

Gordon: I’m glad to hear that.

Elmo: Elmo not sure if he want to watch another monster movie.

Grover: Maybe we should have waited until we were older.

Big Bird: Yeah… but maybe we should make our OWN monster movie!

Telly: That’s a great idea! I just got a new video camera! I could shoot it!

Grover: And I could write it!

Telly: But who should star?

Elmo: Maybe the Count could be the monster?

Big Bird: Maybe. But we have to THINK of more good ideas.

Telly: What about YOU, Herry? What do you want to do for the movie?

Herry: Uh, I don’t know…

Grover: Hey, Herry, my mommy suggested that I sleep with a friend tonight. You know, with that scary movie and all. Are you up for it, Herry? (slaps his back)

Herry: Uh, I don’t know… um, my mom is cleaning the house, and it smells so bad you could get sick from it.

Grover: Oh, Herry, I do not believe that! Can I at least sleep over tonight?

Herry: Hmm… OK, but there is something I have to warn you about.

Grover: Ooh! Tell me now!

Herry: Not here, Grover. We will have to go over there. (points over to near the nest area)

They go over there, near Oscar’s can. Herry begins to whisper.

Herry: (whispering) Now, I have been cursed by an ancestor of mine. When the sun goes down and the full moon comes out, I turn into a wolf!

Grover: But Herry, that is ridiculous!

Herry: I’m not joking, Grover! This is serious! When the full moon is in the sky, I become a werewolf. I’m afraid to tell my friends, and I don’t want them to see me like that, because I don’t want to scare anybody!

Grover: Oh… like in the movie?

Herry: Pretty much. I am now due home at sunset so I am not on the street when I transform. The whole reason I left early last night was because I have become a werewolf and I didn’t want to show ya! It was scary.

Grover: Oh… well, I do not believe it until I see it. But if I do, I can try to help you.

Herry: Promise?

Grover: I promise.

They shake hands. Suddenly, Oscar pops out of his trash can.

Oscar: I wouldn’t hang around here if I were you! When the moon comes out, a wolf prowls Sesame Street! He scared me last night! (goes back in his can)

Herry: SEE? Oscar saw me as a werewolf and I frightened him!

Grover: This sounds very serious. OK, Herry. I now believe you.

Later that day, the sun is starting to set. A nearby clock begins to strike six. Herry points at the sun.

Herry: Look! The sun is setting! We must get home.

Grover and Herry walk down the street. Once they get to Herry’s building, they walk in. Herry’s mom and dad are both there.

Herry’s Mom: Herry! Why is Grover here?

Herry: Don’t worry, Mom. He knows the secret. He says he can try to help me.

Herry’s Dad (Marty Robinson): OK, son. But don’t try to scare him, all right?

Herry: I won’t, Dad.

A ding sound comes from the kitchen.

Herry’s Mom: Ooh, it’s time for dinner!

Later, the table is really messy.

Herry’s Mom: That was a really good meal!

Grover: I must agree, ma’am. That was good. (to Herry) I cannot believe your family eats the plates after the food!

Herry: What, you didn’t see that up there? (points to a sign reading “Monster dinners are really great, we eat the food, and then the plate”)

Grover: Oh, I get it. (gasps) Herry, look! The moon is out!

Herry gasps and stares at the moon. The “Mysterious Theater” theme begins playing in the background, as a wolf howling is heard. Herry covers his eyes and tries to hold it off.

Herry: Grrrr…

Grover: Let me help you, Herry!

Herry: No, Grover! I… cannot… resist… the transformation!

The moon shines brighter, and Herry turns away. Grover looks puzzled.

Grover: That looks rather painful.

Herry: It is at first… now don’t be scared because…

Herry, now having transformed into a werewolf again, then turns to face Grover.


Grover: Yipe! Herry… you… you were not kidding at all! You really ARE a werewolf!

Herry: (sadly) I know… there’s nothing I can do about it!

Herry’s Dad: Heavens to Betsy! You’ve become a werewolf again, Herry! We don’t know what we can do about this!

Grover: You know, I once saw a book at the Sesame Street library that was all about curses and black magic and stuff like that. Maybe it will help!

Herry: I’d better come, too. I’m the one who is a wolf!

Later that night, they go to the Sesame Street Library. Herry is still a werewolf. The library is closed. They go through a back way.

Herry’s Dad: I have a friend of mine who works here, and he gave me a key to enter here.

They walk in. It is really dark. Herry’s Mom gets out a flashlight and they walk along the bookshelves. Grover stops them at one point.

Grover: OK, the book is on one of these shelves. I cannot reach it, though. Herry, you are a strong guy, right?

Herry: Yes. I feel even stronger as a werewolf. (picks up Grover) Upsy-daisy!

Grover: Here it is! (Grover is lifted down by Herry, and Grover holds up a book, entitled “Book of Magic and Spells”) This could help us!

Back at the apartment, they look through the pages of the book.

Grover: Drat! There is nothing here to help with werewolf curses!

Herry’s Mom: I know! We’ll call the Count! He’ll know what to do.

Herry: Are you sure, Mom? All he would probably do is count us. Besides, I might scare him!

Herry’s Mom: Don’t worry. The Count is like a vampire, similar to how you are a werewolf. Trust me, he will probably be able to help us!

A while later, Herry and Grover are having a snack together. Being a werewolf, Herry eats rather messy. The doorbell rings, and Herry’s father goes to answer it. Count von Count is there.

Count: Greetings. I am the Count. They call me the…

Herry’s Dad: Yeah, yeah, I know, because you love to count things. But we have a big situation, here. Our son has become… a werewolf.

Count: (delighted) A WEREWOLF? Let me see!

Herry’s Dad: Now don’t do anything bad to him!

Count: (sees Herry) Ah, that’s one! One werewolf! Ah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! Wonderful! (thunder and lightning go off)

Herry: See, Dad? I told you he’d just count me.

Herry’s Dad: Now, son…

Count: Sorry about that. Now, I understand you are having trouble because you have gotten a werewolf’s curse, right?

Grover: That is what Herry has got!

Count: Right. I have an even bigger book of spells than what you have that might be able to help. You can borrow it. (he gets out the book, which is extremely heavy, and drops it on the table with a bang) My next-door witch neighbor let me borrow it, and it will probably have something to help you. Well, I am off to my castle!

Grover: Hey, are you going to turn into a bat and fly to your castle?

Count: What, are you batty? I can’t turn into a bat!

Herry: Well, we saw a movie and there was this vampire that sucked blood and could turn into a bat and hated sunlight.

Count: Aha, I’m not like those meany vampires. I will go home… by cab!

Then the Count holds his cape up to his face in the Bela Lugosi Dracula-style pose, and exits the apartment. From the window, we can hear…

Count: (from outside) Taxi! (tires screech and we hear a cab door open) To the old castle outside of the city, please!

Taxi driver (Richard Hunt): (from outside) AAAH!!!

Grover: Well, Herry, are you tired yet?

Herry: No, Grover I am not. I guess it comes from being a werewolf.

Grover: Oh. I think I shall take a little nap.

Grover goes to put on his pajamas. The doorbell rings again. Herry’s mom peers through the windows on the door to find Big Bird standing there.

Herry’s Mom: (gasps) It’s Big Bird! He can’t see Herry in this condition!

Grover, now in his pajamas, runs to the door.

Grover: I will get it! (answers the door) Sorry, Big Bird, Herry is not home right now!

Big Bird: Then why did I see Herry’s bike chained up in the driveway?

Grover: Uh, that is because HERRY, RUN!

Werewolf Herry jumps up in terror and begins to run. Big Bird is shocked at what he sees.

Big Bird: (gasps) A WOLF! What’s it doing in there?

Grover: But you see, Big Bird, Herry Monster is a werewolf! Whenever the moon is full, Herry becomes a wolf by night!

Big Bird: Oh… WAIT, HERRY! (runs in)

Herry: NO! I’ll just scare you!

Big Bird: Come on, Herry! Show me your problem!

Herry: (facing away from Big Bird) All right… but I warn you, it’s gonna really scare you!

Big Bird: Fine! I just want to help you.

Herry: All right… (swiftly turns to face Big Bird and reveal his wolfish features) THIS! You see…

Big Bird: I don’t get it… is that a new Halloween costume you got or something?

Herry: No. Didn’t Grover tell you? I’m a werewolf! I scare people!

Big Bird: Gee, that sounds awful. Is there a way to reverse that curse?

Herry’s Dad: There is, but it could take time.

The next morning, Herry and Grover wake up. It seems that Herry managed to fall asleep. Herry walks over to the mirror and discovers he is still a werewolf!

Herry: NOOOOO!!! IT CAN’T BE!!!

Grover: What is it? (gasps) Herry! You are still a werewolf!

Now Herry’s parents run in.

Herry’s Mom: Oh my poor baby! You’re still a werewolf, even during the day!

Herry: But… how can it be? It’s daytime, and the moon has gone down!

Herry’s Dad: I wouldn’t be so sure of that, son. (he points out the window; the sky is bright and blue and clear, and the moon can be seen in the sky)

Grover: I did not know that the moon could come out in the daytime!

Herry: What are we going to do?

Herry’s Mom: I don’t know… Grover and Big Bird already know… I think it’s time you told your friends.

Herry: (gulps) This is not going to be easy!


A while later over at the arbor, Elmo and Telly and Grover are playing a bit of ball. Maria and Gina are watching, too.

Telly: Say, I heard Herry had some bad news to tell us.

Elmo: Elmo hope bad news not be REALLY bad!

Telly: Say, here comes Herry right now. I wonder why he’s wearing that big coat and hiding his face?

Herry: (disguising his wolfish features in a giant green overcoat) Hi, guys.

Elmo: Why is Herry wearing a big coat? It not winter!

Grover: It is a really long story. Herry is now a werewolf!

Telly and Elmo just laugh at it.

Telly: Ah, that’s probably just a joke due to that scary movie!

Herry: No… no… it is TRUE! (he rips the overcoat in half, revealing his wolf-like appearance)

Elmo and Telly: AAAAAAAAAUGH!

Herry: Today’s show is brought to you by the letter “W!”

Telly: Please… don’t eat me!

Herry: Sorry, Telly, I don’t want to eat you! I want you to understand!

Elmo: NO! Elmo scared! RUN, TELLY!

Herry: Grr… (begins chasing after them)

Grover: Herry, wait!

Maria: We’d better help them out. (follows with Grover and Gina)

A big chase scene begins. Little Chrissy and the Alphabeats then come in and begin performing a rock song about werewolves, with backing vocals by the Oinker Sisters!

(NOTE: I’m not that good at coming up with these kinds of songs, so you’ll have to imagine the lyrics.)

Herry: (to Little Chrissy) I’m a GOOD werewolf, not a bad one!

Grover: Your song does not make any sense, either!

Little Chrissy: We’re on a roll here. Continue running! (resumes singing)

After the song…

Big Bird: STOP! (they all do) Herry is NOT a bad werewolf! He told me last night.

Telly: He didn’t bite you, did he?

Big Bird: Of course not! He and Grover told me all about it.

Elmo: Does this mean Herry is GOOD werewolf?

Herry: Yes I am, Elmo. (reaches to shake his hand, but Elmo refuses)

Elmo: NO! Elmo not touching big scary werewolf!

Herry slaps his forehead in an annoyed manner. Suddenly, Sherlock Hemlock and his dog, Watson, come into the scene.

Sherlock Hemlock: E-GAD! I, Sherlock Hemlock, the world’s greatest detective, am close to solving the case of Herry Werewolf!

Maria: Sherlock Hemlock? What are you doing here?

Sherlock Hemlock: You can’t have a mystery without a detective, can you? And besides, this IS an installment in “Mysterious Theater,” and I was supposed to make a quick cameo appearance here. It’s in my contract.

Suddenly, Vincent Twice runs in!

Vincent Twice: Wait a minute, Mr. Hemlock. You are not supposed to be in this story!

Elmo: Who’s that creepy guy?

Herry: (to Sherlock and Vincent) Look, guys, can’t you take this out somewhere else? We have a big situation here.

Sherlock Hemlock: Fine. Come along, Vincent, we shall discuss this over tea and crumpets. You too, Watson.

Sherlock Hemlock, Vincent Twice and Watson leave.

Maria: So, Herry, we are going to try and help you with your werewolf curse.

Herry: The Count already helped out a bit. He got me a book about magic spells and curses. But it is too complicated for me to read.

Gina: Well, we’ll all help you out, Herry.

Grover: I helped him a little bit, but then you guys made a big scene the moment you caught sight of Herry!

Telly: We’re all sorry.

Elmo: Elmo is sorry, too.

Maria: Let’s go back to your place and try to reverse the werewolf curse, OK?

Herry: Thanks, everybody.

They walk off back to Herry’s apartment. A little on the way, Elmo sees someone coming towards them…

Elmo: Oh no! Another werewolf!

Herry: What?!

It turns out to be the Big Bad Wolf (the lavender puppet version). He seems annoyed by Elmo’s comment.

Big Bad Wolf (Kevin Clash): Aw no, here we go with the werewolves, making us Big Bad Wolves seem worse!

Herry: I got affected by a werewolf curse. Normally I’m an ordinary fuzzy monster, but the curse made me turn into a wolf!

Big Bad Wolf: Yeah, I know all about those, even though I am not a werewolf. Maybe I could help ya!

Maria: Oh, that would be great! We’re heading back to Herry’s apartment to look through a book of magic, curses and spells the Count lent us.

Big Bad Wolf: Then let’s go!

Sometime later at Herry’s apartment, they look through the book of spells together. Herry’s parents and Count von Count have joined them.

Grover: Ah, we found the chapter on werewolves! Let’s see… there should be something about getting rid of such a curse… (flips through some pages) Aha! Here we go! It requires some wolf’s bane flowers, and to be outdoors when the moon is out at dark.

Elmo: What are wolf’s bane flowers?

Maria: It’s another name for monkshood flowers. They are very poisonous if you’re not careful, but the book says they can counter the powers of a werewolf.

Big Bad Wolf: (shudders) I’m going to keep a distance when you bring out the wolf’s bane. It’s harmful to us Big Bad Wolves too!

Gina: I know where I can get wolf’s bane flowers.

Telly: Say, can’t we just get the Amazing Mumford to remove Herry’s werewolf curse?

Count: Him? Ha! Mumford is a magician, not a sorcerer! And his tricks almost always go wrong!

Telly: What’s a sorcerer?

Herry’s Dad: Someone who is way more magical and has natural magic powers, unlike a conventional magician, and the tricks almost always go right!

Count: I’ve known a few sorcerers over the years, but none of them can help us at the moment.

Maria: Well, when it gets dark, we’ll go out to the arbor and try out the spell.

Hours later, Herry and his family, Big Bird, Elmo, Telly, Grover, the Count, the Big Bad Wolf, Maria, Gina and Gordon have gathered in the arbor, as it’s dark and the full moon is out. Herry and the Big Bad Wolf both howl at the moon together.

Telly: How about that? A regular duet!

Herry: Sorry, I still can’t resist.

Count: Don’t worry, Herry. You won’t be like this for much longer. Bring out the wolf’s bane!

The Big Bad Wolf backs away a safe distance, and Gina carefully places a circle of purple wolf’s bane flowers around Herry’s legs. Herry begins to shiver and scratch.

Herry: Ooooh, the wolf’s bane is making me itch, and I’m not even touching it!

Maria: Just calm down, Herry. It’ll all be over in a minute.

Grover: OK, according to the book, you are supposed to look up at the moon and say the following: “Oogly boogly woogly why, no more a werewolf am I, I’m gonna be a normal guy.”

Herry: (to the Big Bad Wolf) Sorry Big Bad Wolf, but I’m better off being a regular monster.

Big Bad Wolf: Hey, no hard feelings!

Herry: (gulps) OK, here goes… Oogly boogly woogly why, no more a werewolf am I, I’m gonna be a normal guy!

A beam of light shines down on Herry Monster and he begins to shake as flashing starts to occur. The others recoil back a bit nervously. Suddenly there’s a big puff of smoke accompanied by magic twinkling sounds. When the smoke clears, Herry Monster coughs a bit, now himself again.

Herry: (coughs) Hey… (feels his nose and face) No wolf snout. (feels the top of his head) No wolf ears. Somebody get a mirror!

The Big Bad Wolf holds up a mirror to Herry.

Herry: Wow! It worked!

Herry’s Mom: Oh, Herry! (hugs her son)

Elmo: Yaaaaay!

Telly: No more werewolf!

Count: That makes zero! Zero werewolves! Ah-ha-ha-ha! (thunder and lightning cracks)

Everyone else laughs, cheers and applauds.

Big Bad Wolf: (chuckles) Looks like my work here is done! Glad I could help.

Now we pan back from the arbor, until we can see the Sesame Street lamppost and Vincent Twice in the foreground, watching what is happening. Vincent turns to face us as the “Mysterious Theater” closing theme starts up again.

Vincent Twice: And so ends “The Sesame Street Horror Special,” and Herry’s werewolf curse. Until then, I’m your host, Vincent Twice, Vincent Twice, saying “Good night” from “Mysterious Theater.”

But then Sherlock Hemlock and Watson approach Vincent once again…

Sherlock Hemlock: Some mystery. Bah! A werewolf’s curse is not the kind of mystery you’d bring in a detective to solve!

Watson barks in agreement.

Vincent Twice: You’re forgetting, Sherlock, that I am also the master of horrors! (utters a villainous chuckle)

Sherlock Hemlock: Mystery and horror are two different things!

Sherlock and Vincent both argue indistinctly, with the volume of their voices lowering over the ending theme music…
