I think part of the problem, too, is that so much of comedy in recent years is so dumbed down, that even many adults might not "get" some of the more sly and subtle humor of years past.
I think I noted this in the "You Ever Noticed/What's the Deal with..." thread, but it's like in recent years, "adult humor" has gotten far more childish that anything, what with so much of it being body/bathroom/gross-out humor that you would think would only appeal to kids.
That, and in the other corner, much of humor today is also nothing more than being "ironic" and "sophisticated" to the point that it's droll and ghastly . . . somehow, that's considered "funny" now.
Humor is subjective, yes. And I really disagree with this article: as I just mentioned of what comedy has "evolved" into in recent years, it's certainly not "funnier than ever before" as the author indicates.