The MuppetCast - Show #50 - Ham & Eggs


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2003
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It's the Easter show! Kind of. Well, I mention Easter in the show.

Sorry it's late! Going home and doing the family Easter thing tends to take up a lot of time. Even more so when you have TWO families (mine and my wife's) to go to.

This week I finally take some time and talk about my recent trip to Walt Disney World, and go into some detail about some fun experiences there. I also get some time to do a nice review of 3 Pigs & a Baby. Many funs will be had by all!

Wow, "funs" passes spell check? Hmm, cool.

And thanks to The Count for providing the music for this week's montage!

I'm encouraging people to email or leave voice mail messages for the upcoming one-year birthday show, which believe it or not, will be in two weeks! Can you believe this has now been around for almost a whole year! Very cool, thank you all for making it possible.

The official email for the podcast is The voice line is 614-364-4270.

Have a good one!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Finished... And it was a great show.

Let's see...
The Irish hare character from Sesame Tree is named Hilda, though that could change from now to when the show debuts in a month's time.
Sad about Anthony Minghella... Very much enjoyed the Storyteller intro and first minute or so of The Heartless Giant. Although, The Soldier and Death will always have a special sentimental spot with me. This goes back to when JHH first aired... We had no knowledge of it airing. Sorta caught it by chance. And the episode they had was the Monster Telethon with Soldier and Death.
About Three Pigs and a Baby... What's this clever symbol you mentioned? Also, you said the ending reminds you of Miss Piggy crashing through the Mallory Gallery in TGMC. Quite appropriate given this MuppetCast's opening sequence. But there's another connection you might not have noticed. Not sure if the Stick House pig is the one named Sandy. Well, it just so happens that there was another Sandy Pig in a Muppet telling of the Three Little Pigs story... That Sandy Pig was actually Miss Piggy's role in the version of the tale included in the video release Muppets Classics Theater. So there's another little tidbit of trivia for you.

About the Disney trip report... Everything was sooooo great to listen to.
When you say you had lunch at Whispering Canyon, you mean the tour lunch right? Got a smidgeon of confusion there.
You know, I wonder if you can tolerate the Aladdin soundtrack from having the park's music system stuck on that one song the last time you went. Asking about it because I cannot for the life of me stomach Carousel of Progress.
Cool to know about the updates to the parks based on the movies and new technologies.
Muppet cat... Gaffer? *Small joke there.
Twas very entertaining to listen to you and your wife too as she got in on the act this time.

Looking forward to next week, will definitely leave a message for the 1-year show. Congrats on reaching the 4H post mark and have a great day.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2003
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Hey Count! I knew I had read that rabbit's name before, but I forgot to look it up. Thanks for the save! They could indeed change it, although by this point I would really hope they've shot some video footage, and on that footage the characters would hopefully have talked and introduced themselves.

I thought about including The Soldier and Death, but since The Heartless Giant was the story from the first JHH episode, I thought I'd use that one instead. I know a lot of people really like TSAD a lot, though.

The symbol in Mason's house is a Masonic symbol, and it's carved into the keystone atop a stone arch at the end of a corridor in the house. That's a significant place to put the symbol, as I understand that the use of a "keystone" atop a stone arch was a protected trade secret among the stone masons of early times. It took me a minute when viewing the feature to figure out what it was, because it's very small onscreen, but it made me laugh. Very funny connection. I didn't realize the connection between the Great Muppet Caper "bust in" thru the window and the intro to the show this week until I listened to it again last night while uploading it. I just love it when all those connections come together seredipitously. I forgot about Sandy pig! See, these guys doing these Unstables Fables are really great!

Glad you liked the trip report. I was afraid that it might have gone too long, or become TOO detailed in some portions. But I was happy that we kept away from simply listing what attrations we rode and when. Glad you liked it!

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Hey Steve... Something I forgot to ask about. What was that sign-off at the end of the episode? Was that the BSPN translator machine? Man I love that bit... That's a Mike & Mike sketch/reference.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2003
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No Count, but I wish it was that clever. It's just a run-of-the-mill "speaking text" program, where you can type some text into a box and it reads the text back to you. I'm out of endings right now, but Quesal's recording more.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Hey Steve have you ever thought about doing some of the Trash Gorden endings of Sesame Street. it's just in idea.


Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2003
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That's a good idea Dwayne! I'll have to try that every now and then; those segments are fun.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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wow I had a good idea well i gusse thats my good idea for the month.

Baby Gonzo

Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2007
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I'm listening to the podcast now, and I just have to say, I laughed outloud when I heard your wife talking about the people in Georgia complaining about the weather. I do that alot. Also, it only takes about four and a half hours to drive to Orlando from Savannah. Sometimes more if traffic is bad.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2008
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Hey Count, where does the song "Frogs in the Glen" come from? Sesame Street or the Muppet show?