The Muppet Dodgeball Tournament


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Oct 1, 2005
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Chapter 1

The Newsman: Welcome dodgeball fans, one and all. This is an exciting time for the great game of dodgeball. Recently, there has been a argument among Muppet fans young and old: Who would win a dodgeball tournament? Well, your questions will be answered, as the Muppets agreed to participate, in teams, in a dodgeball tournament. The teams are as follows,

The Green team: Kermit the frog, Rowlf, Fozzie bear, Clifford, Robin the frog, and Gonzo the Great.

Miss. Piggy's team: Miss piggy, Link Hogthrob, Julius Stangepork, Spamala Hamderson, David Hasslehog, and Sam the Eagle.

The Monster team: Sweetums, Thog, Doglion, Big Mamma, Timmy, and Carl.

The Electic Dr. Teeth, Floyd, Janice, Animal, Zoot, and Lips.

The Backround team: Droop, George the Janitor, Eugene the weasel, Nigel the conductor, Baskerville, and Mahna Mahna.

The Bean team: Bean the bunny. That's it.

And starring Rizzo the rat and Pepe the King prawn as the referees.

....oh! And Scooter the Gopher as the dodgeball kid. He supplies the teams with dodgeballs.

So, let's get the first round started. It will be the Bean team, versus the Monster team."

Bean goes on the field, with the large group of spectator Muppets cheering him on. He is obviously terrified. The monsters enter from the other side of the arena, with dodgeballs in their hairy palms, growling and grunting. Rizzo raises his checkered flag.
"Everybody ready?"
"Wait a minute Ritzo. Why do jew have a checkered flag?"
"It's for starting dis thing."
"But isn't that for racing, hokay?"
"Not all the time."
Sweetums started to shout.
"HEY!! Are we dodgeballin, or what?"
"Oh yeah, go." Rizzo waved the flag, and Bean bunny got hammered by the flying dodgeballs, eliminating him from the tournament.
The Newsman cringed.
"Ooohh...that had to hurt. Well, that makes the Monster team go ahead to face the winner of the next bout in round two. But first, here is Lewis Gazagger with Bean bunny."
"Newsman, I am standing by Bean bunny, who is being put in the ambulance as we speak. Mr. Bunny, your thoughts?"
"Ooooh....make the dodgeball's stop..."
"And there you have it. Back to you."


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Bean!! Ha! That's lovely!! I cannot wait to see more of this!! What a wild idea!! The Muppets playing dodgeball! Great!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2005
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Chapter 2

Newsman: "Our second bout of the day will be the Backround team versus the Electic Mayhem team. This is sure to be a heart stopping event. Let's go down to the field."

The Backround team made their entrance from one side of the arena. They don't look very enthused by the whole situation. Nigel the conductor, and team captain, spoke to the team unenthusiasticly.
"Well then team, this is it. The bag of marbles, the big time. I know we have no chance in a Muppet's age of winning this game, but, win or lose, we will always keep to ourselves, and not speak unless spoken to. Any questions?"
The team kept silent.
"Good. Let's win or lose....or whatever."
The Electic Mayhem team entered from the other side of the arena, playing their instuments on a float. They looked very peppy and confident.
"Alright everybody! Let's play some dodgeball!"
"Dodgeball! Dodgeball!"
"Like, dodgeball is a barbaric sport."
"Naw baby, it's enviromentally friendly."
"Oh, well then. Let's totally wail on these guys."
Zoot woke up. "Huh? Snail?"
Dr. Teeth shook his head.
"Just keep your focus man."
Rizzo waved the flag, and Pepe shouted,
"GO! Hokay?"
Animal went ballistic, no pun intended, and chucked dodgeballs like nobody's business. Soon, the entire backround team had fallen.
Scooter, ran up to the backround team.
"How many fingers am I holding up?"
Nobody responded.
"You know, you guys could be a little more helpful."
Newsman: "And thats it for this round. The backround team has fallen, without saying a single word. Who da thunk? Now, here is Lewis Gazaggar on the field with Nigel the Conductor."
"Thanks Newsy. I'm here with the team captain, Nigel. Now Nigel, how do you feel about this devisating loss?"
Nigel shrug his shoulders and walked away.
"....uh....and there you have it. Back to you."


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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Haha! The background team was hillarious!! Fabulous Fraggleforever! Fabulous!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2005
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Chapter 3

Newsman: "This is getting exciting folks! Next up is the Green team versus Miss Piggy's team. Let's take you down to the field."

Kermit led the Green team to the field, while getting a standing ovation from the Muppet spectators.
"Aw man, everybody loves the frog." Clifford mumbled.
"That's my uncle Kermit!" Said Robin proudly.
"This is going to be so cool!!" Gonzo said excitedly.
"What do you mean? This is going to be painful." Fozzie retaliated.
"Oh brother." Rowlf shook his head.
Kermit signaled for the team to huddle up.
"OK team, remember our strategy."
"What was that?" Fozzie asked.
Kermit frowned. "Don't get on Miss. Piggy's bad side."
"Oh yeah!"
"That's a no brainer."
"Let's go!!" Robin tried to pick up a dodgeball, but the weight was too much for him, and it landed on top of him.
"Robin! Are you alright?" Kermit asked. He took the dodgeball off of him.
"I'm fine. Let's go!" Robin rolled the dodgeball to the center of the field.

On the other side of the arena, Miss Piggy led her team to the field. Sam the eagle, however, did not look very happy.
"This is preposterous. I am an eagle, and I am in a team full of turkeys."
"Turkeys? Why do you call us turkeys, Mr. Chicken?" Link asked.
"He's not a chicken and we're not turkeys!" Strangepork retaliated.
"This game is Unamerican!" Sam stated.
"Well, at least it isn't a turkey." Spamala suggested.
Miss Piggy gave them a stare that would make death cry.
"Sorry Miss Piggy." They said simultaneously.
"That's better."
Rizzo was holding the flag and Pepe was holding a whistle, ready to start the game.
"How come jew get the flag again, hokay?"
"Because they assigned it to me!"
"But I want the flag!"
"Then I get the whistle."
"But I want the whistle."
Piggy's shouting silenced everybody in the arena.
The match began, and one by one, everybody on the teams were eliminated, except for Piggy and Kermit.
"Oh Kermie, I dropped my dodgeball. Be a dear and pick it up for me?"
"OK, I......wait. I'm not falling for it Piggy."
Then, Kermit got a idea.
"Hey Piggy! There's a big group of reporters wanting the latest scoop on your fashion line!"
Kermit took advantage of the distraction, and pegged Miss Piggy.

Newsman: "And the Green team advances!!"

Lewis Kazaggar rushed up to Piggy, gumpily going to the locker room.
"Miss Piggy! How does it feel to lose to a man you have loved for many years?"
Piggy thought about this.
"Like this. HIIIIIIYAAAA!!!"
Lewis went crashing through the broadcasting box, where the Newsman was reporting.
" ya doin Reggie the Rhinoceros?" He fainted.
Newsman, with a look of shock on his face, continued. "Wow. I guess the answer was a definate bad. And also, love hurts. Literally."


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2004
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HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Oh man!! This is definitely your funniest fan-fic yet!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2005
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Chapter 4.

Newsman: "We are halfway through this folks. Thank goodness. And now, here is the Monster team versus the Electric Mayhem team. We take you down to the field."

The monsters grunted and growled to the center of the field. Sweetums pumped his team up with a speech.
"Fellow monsters, we may not be good looking, we may not be the first ones invited to a fancy party. But one thing is for sure, we like to eat!! Are you with me?!?!"
"Let's go!!"
The monsters grabbed the dodgeballs and ran to the center of the field.
The Electric Mayhem went to the center of the field, taking their positions.
"Dodgeball! Dodgeball!!"
"Calm down Animal! Save it for the match."
"Oh wow, like those guys are rully hairy."
"You got that right. I haven't seen that much hair since the last gig we played."
"When was that?" Lips asked.
".........let's just concentrate."
Rizzo and Pepe signaled for the match to begin, and the monsters chucked balls like crazy. One by one, the Electric Mayhem was eliminated.
In order:
Dr. Teeth
Not even Animal could get them all. He eliminated Thog and Timmy, but was eliminated by Doglion.
"[Gasping for breath] Tired! Tired! Bye bye." Animal fainted onto the gerney two men were holding by the ambulance.

Newsman: "Well, these monsters are taking things too far. They have injured everyone they have faced in this tournament. I mean, it makes me sick to my stomach."
Gorgon Heap appeared behind him.
"Not for me. ARRGH!!" Gorgon swallowed him whole. Satisfied, he walked away. Zippidy Zap was walking by, saw the empty chair and sat down.

Zippedy Zap: "Well dodgeball fans, this is your main dude, Zippidy Zap, and this tournament is just getting warmed up. I mean, it is like a delectable TV dinner on a Saturday night! Ha ha! I crack me up! Coming up next, it is the final match, with the Green team versus the Monster team. Dudes and Dudettes, this is going to be a toughy!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2005
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Chapter 5

Zippidy Zap: "Well folks, here it is. Who will win the bag of marbles? We take you down to the field."

The Green team made their way down to the field. Kermit took a deep breath.
"Well team, I'm not going to lie to you. This is a big challange."
"Big is right. Did you take a look at those guys? Steroid city!"
"Clifford please. Just remember our strategy..."
"Get on Miss Piggy's good side?"
Kermit frowned at Fozzie.
"That was for last time."
"Oh, I know! Never wear exploding underwear to a wedding, unless you have a pickle in your ear!"
Kermit shook his head.
"No Gonzo. That wasn't even close. What I am trying to say is..."
"Win or lose, we did our best!" Robin replied.
Kermit smiled.
Rowlf smiled as well.
"I like that."
"Hands in team!"
[Together]"One, two, three. GREEN TEAM!!!"

The monster team came on the field, with dodgeballs in hairy hands.
Kermit gulped.
"Good grief."
Rizzo and Pepe were about to get the thing started.
"Hey Ritzo, I got a gun hokay?"
"Ack! Get that thing out of here!!"
"What? I'm just going to shoot it in the air and get the match started."
"But we're inside!"
"Pepe! NO!!"
Pepe fired the gun, and shot one of the lights hanging on the ceiling. At that time, Bean Bunny came in with crutches.
"Hey guys! I made it!"
The light crashed on him.
".....well....back to the hospital for me...."
"Oops! Hokay?"
Rizzo sighed.
"Just start."
With that, the match began. The Green team came on strong, but the Monster team was even stronger. Doglion eliminated Rowlf, and Big Mama eliminated Clifford. Kermit eliminated Timmy, but Sweetums eliminated Gonzo.
With that, Kermit eliminated Big Mama, Fozzie eliminated Doglion, but was eliminated by Sweetums. It was just Kermit and Robin versus Sweetums and Thog.
"Keep your focus Robin."
"I will uncle Kermit."
Kermit saw Sweetums make a toss, so Kermit did as well. They eliminated each other, leaving Robin and Thog.

Zippidy Zap: "Oh my, ladies and Gentledudes! It is a classic case of David versus Goliath here!"

Robin was terrified. How was he supposed to eliminate that huge lump?
"It's hopeless. I can't do it." Just then, he heard familiar voices from the stands.
"You can do it son! I believe in you!!" It was Jimmy, Robin's dad.
"We believe in you Robin!" Robin's aunt, Maggie, was there too.
"WE BELIEVE IN YOU ROBIN!!!" It was all of Robin's cousins and siblings. His whole family was there to cheer him on.
Robin smiled a huge smile. He now got the confidence to face Thog. A song was playing in his head when he was trying to pick up a ball.
"I believe in you.
I can't even count the ways that
I believe in you.
And all I want to do is help you to
believe in you."
"Look out Robin!" He heard his uncle Kermit.
Thog made a toss, but Robin hopped out of the way. That gave Robin an idea. He got on top of a ball, hopped up, and it went with him. In midair, he tossed the ball, hitting Thog. Robin won for the Green team.


Robin was beaming. His father ran from the stands, and gave him a huge hug.
"I'm so proud of you son."
"Thank you dad."
Soon, his whole family and the Green team ran on the field to celebrate. Robin held up the cup, with some difficulty, for all to see.
Kermit wiped away a tear.
"That's my nephew."
The entire arena, including the athletes, celebrated on the field.
Back up the broadcasting booth,

Zippidy Zap: "Well folks, this was a most interesting day. The smallest participant of this thing won the tournament for his team, which goes to show you, size doesn't matter. Well, we are out of time. Until next time, I'm Zippity Zap. Keep it real."

The End.