The Jim Henson Hour: Return to Muppet Central

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Enjoy this Jim Henson Hour fan fic.

Chapter 1

Kermit, Miss Piggy, Fozzie, Gonzo, Bean Bunny, Clifford, and Pepe had all decided to take a trip to Muppet Central.

"It will be great to be back at Muppet Central again after all these years", said Kermit.

"Yeah, and in timem for the 20th anniversary of The Jim Henson Hour", said Clifford.

"I'm still cute after all these years!", said Bean.

"Yeah, tell me about it, oka", said Pepe.

"Okay, I will", said Bean.

"I was being sarcastic, okay", said Pepe, "And this'll be my first trip, okay."

"Okay", ssaid Bean.

"You know, Kermit, I don't think I've ever been to Muppet Central", said Fozzie.

"Me, either", said Piggy.

"Oh, it was a cool experience", said Gonzo.

"Well, welcoem back, Kermit!", said Lindbergh, "These TVs are all still maintained."

"Good, Lindberh", said Kermit.

"Oh, hi, Kermit", said Vicki, "It's been so long. And you've finally brought Miss Piggy along!"

"WHo is this?", asked Miss Piggy.

"This is Vicki", said Kermit, "She was my assistant."

"Yeah, it'd better be 'was'", saida slighly-jealous Miss Piggy.

Then an electrical buzz was heard, and Digit went flying into the back monitors.

"Hi, Digit!", said Clifford.

"Oh, what a weirdo", observed Pepe, "He looks like a freak, okay!"

"Wow!", said Fozzie, "There must be millions of TV sets here."

"Yeah, can we watch Family Guy in spanish, okay?", said Pepe.

Waldo C. Graphic then entered the room.

"Well, the ratings are in", said Waldo, "We've been off the air for 19 years!"

"I know", said an annoyed Kermit.

"Hey, Gonzo, long time no see", said Leon, "Did ya bring any bikini-clad chickens?"

"No", said Gonzo, "Sadly, Camilla and her friends went to a boring egg convention."


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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LOL ... surprised Cait didn't beat me to it ...

You know, Muppet Central must be run by the same guys responsible for the auto industry ... unemployed but still getting paychecks :big_grin:

I take it by Piggy and Fozzie not going to MC, you're not counting their appearances (I think Piggy did some Hollywood thing, and Fozzie had a funny ghost story). They weren't in the studio, though.

I'll be interested to see how this turns out :big_grin:

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I take it by Piggy and Fozzie not going to MC, you're not counting their appearances (I think Piggy did some Hollywood thing, and Fozzie had a funny ghost story). They weren't in the studio, though.
I didn't count their appearances because they were never shown in the studio. I guess Fozzie's ghost story would be the closest he's been to being ion the studio, as it was planned by the Muppets for the show; Fozzie's other appearance was away from the studio on location in new York and the Today show set, while Miss Piggy's phone conversation wasn't really part of the show (by Muppet continuity).

Alpha Centauri

Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2005
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A story about the Jim Henson Hour cool! Will the Lion be in this?

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Chapter 2

The Muppets were looking around at the monitors. Kermit noticed Rowlf on one of the monitors, practicing a song.

"hey, Rowlf, good job!", said Kermit.

"Oh, thanks, Kermit", said Rowlf, "I wish I could be there."

"Well, you not being here means more of me, okay!", said Pepe.

"Hey, Miss Piggy!", said Leon, "You sure are lookignr ather porky today! he said with a laugh.

"Porky?", outraged Piggy, "Porky this!"

Miss Piggy, naturally, karate-chope Leon.

"Oh, wow", said Gonzo, "Me next!"

Digit and Clifford looked at some monitors, which featured Flash, Beard, and the Solid Foam Drummer on different monitors.

"Hey, gang!", said Clifford, "What you all doin'?"

"Oh, hi, Clifford!", said Beard, "We're jammin' in different locations!"

"Hey, since we're all at different places...", said Clifford.

"Uh, Clifford", said Digit, "Us two are at the same place!"

"Anywhoo", said Clifford, "Since most of us are in different locations, but still able to communnicate, why don't we do a musical number?"

"Great idea!", said Beard.

"Swifty!", said the drummer.

"Outta sight!", yelled Flash.

"Digit, get out your keyboard", said Clifford.

"Okay", said Digit, who pressed a button on his remote, which instantly pushed the keyboard into the room. Clifford got out his bass, and the band started jamming.

Waldo then flew into sight.

"Hey, I wanna join you!", said Waldo.

"Well, don't hesitate", said Clifford.

So with that, Waldo transforemd into a trumpet, then a clarinette, then a flute, and then a banjo.

"Very good", said Bean.

"THanks", said Waldo.

Rowlf started playing the piano on his monitor.

"See?", said Rowlf, "I can keep up with them!"

Each member of Dr. Teeth and the Electric Mayhem also appeared on different montiors.

"Well, do you, like, think we should join them?", asked Janice.

"Of course we should", said Floyd.

"Rock and roll!", shouted Animal.

And they joined in as well.

And then Digit played a brief keyboaerd solo, followed by a brief keyboard solo by Dr. Teeth. And then Clifford did a quick bass solo, followed by a quick bass solo by Floyd. And then Beard did a guitar solo, followed by a solo from Janice. And then Flash played a sax solo followed by a solo from Zoot. Then the drummer did a drum solo, followed by Animal's drum solo. And then Lips did a trumpet solo, then looked around, proud that there apparantly wasn't another trumpet player to compete with... Until Waldo, in the form of a trumpet, flew in and blew right in Lips' ear!

Soon, the performance was over, and the Muppets all applauded.

Statler and Waldorf appeared on a monitor, in the balcony.

"Well, I like turning down the volume and setting the dial to closed caption", said Statler.

"You do?", said Waldorf, "Why?"

"Because the closed captioning isn't very good with musical notes!"

Statler and Waldorf laughed.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Chapter 3

"What a cute musical number", said Bean.

"Yeah, I guess it was kind of sappy", said Fozzie.

"Sappy?", asked Pepe, "It was rockin', okay!"

"Well, it looks like everything is back to normal", said Kermit.

"At least by Jim Henson Hour standards", said Gonzo.

But then all of the TV screens turned static, and then they all switched over to Gorillia Television.

"Hello, there, Mupets", said Zhondra, "We at Gorillia Television would like to share something with you."

"Oh, what?", asked Kermit.

"Several bars", said Zhondra, "Press the button, Chip!"

"Okay", said Chip, who pressed a button, causing a few prision bars to fall all over the inside of Muppet Central.

"Oh, no", said Kermit, "We're locked in!"

"I'll take care of this", said Miss Piggy, who began pulling at the bars.

"Pull the lever, Chip!", said Ubu.

Chip puled the lever, and the bars became electric. Miss Piggy got fried, screaming. Leon laughed.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?", asked Clifford.

"You're right", said Zhondra, "Press the button again!"

Chip pressed the button, and the bars went back to place.

"Press the switch instead", said ZHondra. Chip did so.

"And now all the doors are locked!", said Ubu.

"You will be trapped in here, and now we'll controll you!", said Zhonda.

"Since when, okay?", asked Pepe.

"Since now", said Zhondra.

"We controll the monitors and Muppet Central", said Ubu.

"But you can't do this", said Vicki.

"We just did", laughed Zhondra.

They then pulled levers, and the Tvs kept moving around, causing the floor to move and the Muppets to be thrown around.

"I can unlock the doors", said Waldo, turning into a key. But when he tried to unlock one, he got electrocuted.

"And we can put you all into the worst television situations", said Zhondra, "Observe!"

She had one monitor show the white lion in the introductory room.

"An d with this laser we can put you in there", said Chip, turning on the lever and sending Bean Bunny into the monitor.

"Oh, no", said Bean, "I hope that lion's not hungry."

The lion then groweld and chased after Bean Bunny. Bean screamed and ran, until he jumped out of the monitor and back into Muppet Central. The channel changed back to Gorillia Televiison.

"Get our drift?", asked Zhondra.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Well, the music must be something you had to be there for, though the ending was funny.

Nice that you remembered those goth hackers. :stick_out_tongue:

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Well, the music must be something you had to be there for, though the ending was funny.
Although I didn't list any specific tunes, in my mind I was thinkign something similar to the instrumental verses of "All Night Party".


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Well, I get that, but there was so little to go on. I can understand if you didn't want to name a song. However, one can still describe the quality of the melody or something. What was the tempo like? This is basically how it read:

"And there was a solo, and there was a solo, and there was a solo. The End."

If we can't have the words, then it's vital to get an impression of how the song is played through description.