The Impossibility (Short Fanfic)


Jul 18, 2024
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Piggy learns to accept the part of Kermit that drives the chaos in his life.
Status: Completed
She didn’t know someone so deep into slumber could still look so exhausted. The sun that rushed through the window captured the tired lines in his face, exposing them almost in spite. If it hadn’t been the pacing for his breathing, Piggy likely would have thought Kermit was faking his resting. For as long as Piggy knew him, the frog was always driven by the obsession of sacrificing himself to his work or the work of others, and that wasn’t bound to change. Not that it was a bad thing necessarily, in fact it was the most integral part of who Kermit was, driving him to do the things he did whether he willed it or not. It was that obsession that willed him out of the swamp on a single hope that wasn’t ever guaranteed, the obsession that gave his soon-to-be friends the opportunity at a new life, the obsession that kept everyone else stable and sane. He was so selfless it may have as well killed him for the worse or greater good.

It was the one thing, the biggest thing, about Kermit that Piggy couldn’t accept nor reject. She could blame all his flaws on that idea alone, or all of his strengths. But regardless, that was Kermit, and that was what made that frog so darn special to her.

Piggy was more flabbergasted at the fact that Kermit had decided to come to bed at all, in hers specifically. Normally, he’d continue to pull his all-nighter, and at worst crash at his desk or a sofa at the very least. But no, he was here, right beside her. Slipping onto the mattress like a silent cat afraid to disturb its owner. Even his breathing seemed almost breathless in sound unless one truly listened.

“I’ve met guys like that. They always tend to be the sweet ones.” Skeeter hardly dropped in for visits, but when she did it was always due to the fact that Scooter had been actively avoiding her messages and letters. Her brother had been too busy running errands around the theater, and Piggy was becoming frustrated with being confined inside its walls.

The woman had been leaning against the wall, next to one of the theater exits---and whether out of boredom or the kindness in her heart----offered Piggy a small stroll to get away from life’s insanity. The two had talked a few times before, but idly chatting amidst the summer air had been a step into a new direction of a blossoming friendship.

“Yeah, well it seems like he wants to ignore me on purpose half the time.”

“Wasn’t he doing that before though?” Skeeter nearly scoffed at the complaint, much to Piggy’s dismay. Her eyes were darting off aimlessly, her arms swinging with surprising ease. Piggy, on the other hand, drilled daggers into Skeeter’s head.

“He wasn’t with me before.”

“But you knew this before.” They came to an abrupt stop in their walking, as it became the first time that Skeeter met her gaze. “I mean, I always thought Kermit liked to avoid everybody if he could.” Her voice carried a clear tone, almost condescending in how blunt the answer was. It took everything within the swine to not snot a remark; after giving a stressed huff, she attempted to turn back the way she came---alone.

“I’m not trying to be rude about this. But I mean think about it, Piggy.” She hadn’t expected a response so rapidly, nor one of Skeeter’s caliber. It was a questioning enough idea that made her head itch back to the conversation, despite her gut instinct to keep walking---the seed was already planted at the darkest shelves of her mind, a scorching anticipation on where Skeeter could possibly be going with this.

Skeeter gave a smile that spoke of a snark nature, but just as quickly dropped into a more cold and somber tone; the thick heat of the sun that day was almost suffocating to even breathe. “He deals with a lot, everyone depends on him for everything. Most people who deal with that just tend to shut down. He’s a strong guy, Piggy---and the strongest always tend to be the most defensive, they're more sensitive in nature.” The woman’s face remained an indefinite constant, piercing through the blinding light and humidity of the season. “Scooter’s kinda like that too. That’s why I’m not bothered by the stuff he pulls.”

It was the only time the frog could gather any peace from the chaos of the world or his own mind. The fact that he decided to make an attempt at spending that with her broke and swelled Piggy’s soul all the same.

As silently as he came in, the pig wrapped herself around him, shadowing him from the morning light that threatened his solace. Out of everything she couldn’t, the one thing she could do was keep him safe in her own arms. What exactly the danger she was shielding him from could be, impossibly everything.

Yet, Kermit fought the impossible all these years---Piggy could at least withstand the idea for an hour or so. A slight smile loosened itself across his unconscious face, and she couldn’t help but reflect it back at him.