>>>Would it been nice when (IF) Disney gets the Muppets that Disney has the "Muppet movie" in the IMAX<<<
Well Disney doesnt need to fit in the equasion for this to happen, it just akes a visionary or two up at JHC to want this to happen. I for one have always wanted a Muppet Imax film, being as its thousands of miles for me to see MV3D.
Thats why I wish people like us were out at JHC. I myself have some really envelope pushing ideas for a Muppet film and tv show. Sadly though, it looks like Kermits Swamp years and other tripe is the order of the day.
But yes, a Muppet IMAX film would be a dream come true!
And just so I dont sound like Im a true Diznay hate-ah':
*Fantasia 2000 is th ebest darn Imax ever, and one of Disney's best animated films ever.
*Tarzan and Emperor's new Groove were the best animated features since Aladdin and Lion King.(between 95 and 98 they stumbled big time)
*Muppets @WDW is one of the top 3 best Muppet specials ever.