The Great Muppet Family Moments


Mar 27, 2014
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Welcome to my story with the lamest title ever! A brief rundown of stuff you need to know:
Kermit and Piggy are married, as are Floyd and Janice. The former have the pink frog and green pig from MMW. Courtney is my OC, she's Floyd and Janice's daughter. Daphne is the pink frog. These chapters will be posted in no particular order. Feel free to tell me if I'm doing something wrong, if you love it, if you hate it, if you could not care less about it, but I hope you enjoy it!

Chapter 1: How the Curtain in Statler and Waldorf's Box was Accidentally Ripped (It Wasn't Courtney's Fault. No, Seriously.)

Courtney Pepper was bored.
And that was saying something, considering that she was at the Muppet Theater.
She looked around for possible ways to entertain herself. Her eyes fell on the prop room door. "Daphne! Come on! We're going into the prop room."
"'Cause I'm bored and I have an idea."
"Oh no..."
A few minutes later, the pink frog and the red-haired guitarist had lugged Gonzo's unicycle and trampoline onto the stage.
"Now, watch me do an act of true..."
"Stupidity?" mumbled Daphne.
"No, frog. Bravery," Courtney shot back. "Without further ado..." She hopped onto the unicycle and sprang off the trampoline. Daphne screamed and covered her eyes. Courtney whooped, but the sound quickly faded out as she saw where she was going.
By now, Daphne's parents were onstage with Courtney's hot on their heels. Kermit scrunched up his face. Miss (Mrs.?) Piggy and Janice were trying to take in the absurdity of the situation. Floyd facepalmed. "Oy. Try explaining that to Statler and Waldorf."
"Ub... guys? I tink by dose is bleeding," Courtney yelled from the balcony.
Janice shook her head.


Mar 27, 2014
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Chapter 2: The First Performance
Daphne was nervous.
She was going on stage to do her first-ever act for the Muppet Show in a few short minutes, after all. Plus, Statler and Waldorf were out there (hopefully they hadn't noticed the hastily repaired rip in the balcony curtain), and if that wasn't a reason to be nervous, she didn't know what was.
At least her best friend Courtney, her brother Archibald, her cousin Robin, and their friend Bean Bunny were going to be out there with her.
On second thought, was that good or bad? Oh well.
A slightly charred Gonzo walked off the stage dazedly. He had just been doing a high bars routine over a fire to that duck song from YouTube, for whatever reason. Unfortunately, gravity took over and Gonzo narrowly missed the flames. That was Gonzo for you.
The audience heard a fair amount of yelling for the fire extinguisher backstage before Kermit came on to restore a decent impression of order. "Sorry about that, folks. You know how Gonzo is. Up next, we have some first-time performers here at the Muppet Theater, although it isn't their first time being in the spotlight. Without further ado, you know Robin and Bean Bunny, but please welcome Courtney, Daphne, and Archie to the stage! Ladies and gentlemen, 'Glee Club Rehearsal', from 'You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown.' " Kermit walked offstage and smiled (as much as a frog can smile) at the group. "Break a leg, everyone. You're on!" They walked onto the stage somewhat awkwardly and got in their positions. Daphne, Courtney, Archie, and Robin stood in a line with Bean Bunny in front of them. The curtain went up. Courtney began her lines. "Give me back my pencil, you blockhead!"
"Not unless you promise not to tell her what I said!" Robin replied.
Daphne asked, "What did he call me?"
"Quiet!" Bean Bunny said. "Now remember this is a mood piece, we must paint a picture with music and words... and concentrate!"
All five Muppets started to sing.
"Oh give me a home
Where the buffalo roam
And the deer and the antelope play"
Courtney leaned toward Robin. "Give me my pencil."
"Where seldom is heard
A discouraging word"
"Not on your life," Robin sang.
"And the skies are not cloudy all day"
"If you don't tell me what you told her I'm just going to scream," Daphne sang.
"Give me my pencil you blockhead!!!" Courtney insisted.
"Home, home on the range"
"Give me my pencil"
"Where the deer and the antelope play"
"Not until you promise not to tell her"
"What are you trying to do? Stifle my freedom of speech?"
"Where seldom is heard"
"Give me my pencil!"
"A discouraging word"
"No promise no pencil!"
"And the skies are not cloudy all day
Oh give me a land
Where the bright diamond sand"
"Sing!" Bean Bunny said.
"Flows leisurely down the stream"
"Why did you take her pencil?" Archie asked Robin.
"Aaarghh!" He stormed off.
"There the graceful white swan
Goes gliding along"
"What did he call me?" Daphne asked Courtney.
"Like a maid in a heavenly dream"
"He said, he said you were... an enigma!" Courtney replied.
"Home, home on the range"
"An enigma?"
"An enigma?"
"Boy that makes me... What a terrible thing to... What's an enigma? Never mind!" Daphne stormed off too.
"Where the deer and the"
"What's an enigma?" Courtney asked.
"What's an enigma?" Archie asked.
"Hey! He's still got my pencil!" Courtney exited into the wings.
"Where seldom is heard
A discouraging word"
Archie pretended to notice he was the only one left and walk off.
"And the skies are not cloudy all daaayyy!" Bean Bunny finished the song by himself. "Hey, where'd everyone go?" He shrugged and exited the stage. The curtain came down. Kermit announced the guest star and walked back to talk to the performers. "So how'd you like it?"
"I want to do it again!" Daphne grinned.