The Friends of the Friendless Clud Threab


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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The experiences of Sarge, Julio, and myself have inspired me to start a new clud for people here at MC, based on that club that Lucy joined when seemingly everyone in the world forgot it was her birthday: The Friends of the Friendless.

There's a verse from a Baha Men song entitled "You Can Get It" that speaks of the friends you make don't return your calls and pretend you don't exist... are there "friends" like that in your life? Are there buddies who seemingly go out of their way to avoid you? For seemingly selfish reasons like suddenly you're not good enough for them, or you're of no importance to them anymore? Are you tired of being played like they would play a fish and I can't make it much clearer than that?

Then this clud is for you, because we're friends of the friendless, as long as you got us, and we got you, we'll never be friendless ever again.

*Gets off of soapbox and begins playing one of those cartoony instrument contraptions that consist of like horns, drums, cymbols and such to get thing sfestive*


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2011
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I avoid those people like I would top 40 music...but hey, an all-in-one-orchestra! Cool!

*Newsie pulls up lawn chair, cold drink in hand with a cute lil umbrella in it*



Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2004
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i should clarify i do have some true took age , time and life to learn who my real friend where and im glad for that, i know who i can count on and who im just a hang out buddy to and who doesn't truely understand the real meaning of friendship...but call me stubborn if you will, i will never right off a friend if they truly need me i will be there no matter what


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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Puhleeze. One-sided friendships defined my entire life up until relatively recently (and still, my only "friends" are just online, not in real life). I feel like I constantly have to throw dictionaries at people to teach them what "friend" means. It does NOT mean that I get to do all the work or all the social bonding.

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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was "clud threab" intentional or a typo that I am enjoying a little too much? If its a typo, I vote we keep it XD

Anyway, One sided friendships are just too common. Most of my "frienships" have also been one sided. Most of my "friends" have also removed me from facebook, which I belive was under influence of my "friend" with the boyfriend...we had started drifting appart and I think the final straw was when I got a better grade than her in english...which I really think was the reason she stopped talking to me. Either way, its sad that it seems like removing you from facebook is like the ultimate insult.

My relationship with my ex was pretty one sided. But then again, I think maybe I took advantage of him buying me things all the time and its probably why it lasted almost a year. Anyway, I was the one who had to call, I was the one who made plans, I was the one who had to call HIM when HE cancelled (which was basically every other date...)


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2004
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while i understand and appreciate being included i dont think this is the right "Club" for me, i know these types of friendships exist but what can ya do

like i said ill always be there for my friends no matter what to show them all the true meaning of friendship by being there if and when they truly need me even if i know a week or month later im throw away like yesterdays fad.

ill even be there and have been there for the ex i mention that stopped talking to me for months...the thing is i dont want to be lables as someone who despises his friends because i dont and really even now with none of them talk to me do to whatever reason i dont hate or despise them i just feel sorry for them, but i cant lie that i wont be there if they need me....such is life people grow up move away had families and hardly see thier friends and im ok with that


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2008
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My stupid sense of moral duty prevents me from denying these people (even my father) a cup of water as they crawl through the desert ... but I don't have to like it, LOL. :smile:


Well-Known Member
Aug 8, 2003
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was "clud threab" intentional or a typo that I am enjoying a little too much? If its a typo, I vote we keep it XD
Yes Sarge, it was, it's a throwback to Prawnie's old "The Lonely Lovesick Teenagers Clud Threab" from like 2006 or so.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Hey Im 33 and it took me awhile to realize one needs to be their own best friend..and that if you just have a few, even a couple friends who you can do stuff with and have common music/interest's good. I know with the advent of facebook and texts, people don't call much anymore. I like to think the wheat from the chaffe paradigm applies to friendship, and that if you notice a friendship or even relationship is 30/70, 20/80, 10/90, 5/95...then it's ok to reevaluate things. I rather be alone then be with people who constantly bring me down or just seem toxic to be around.