the audience reactions to Fozzie

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Has anybody noticed how rare it is to see what the audience, aside from Statler and Waldorf, thinks of Fozzie? Usually, if the audience boos him, it's usually just when needed.

Here are some examples of times where the audience clearly hated him:

Juliet Prowse (pilot version): the audience boos him.
Ethel Merman: while most of the audience laughs at Fozzie's first joke, eventually Leo starts heckling him, and when Fozzie demands to see only real Fozzie Bear fans in the audience, everybody (except for Statler and Waldorf) leaves.
Raquel Welch: When Kermit announces that Fozzie has decided to give up comedy, the audience applauds.
Diana Ross: The audience instantly boos Fozzie off-stage as soon as he enters.
Unknown episode: the audience applauds him at first, but then when Fozzie points out that if they keep clapping they won't be able to hear his monologue, they clap louder.
The Muppet Movie: the audience at the El Sleezo Cafe boos him to death.

Interestingly, it seems like Fozzie did have a bit of luck in the first season openings. At least one opening showed the audience wildly cheering before his joke, and I think another one showed the audience laughing at his opening joke.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2002
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Well, I don't know if these are all in reaction to Fozzie's jokes, but in watching "The Muppet Show" Season 1 on DVD, I've noticed that almost every single audience shot has Sam the American Eagle in the exact same pose, with a look of disgust on his face! Ha, ha- that's Sam! Gotta love him!:smile::embarrassed: :attitude:

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I think the Muppet Morsels say that some of the audience members in the very back are just put up on poles or something, rather than performed by puppeteers. I think something similar was done for the wrestling audience in The Muppet Show: Sex and Violence (it's obvious that a lot of audience members aren't moving).


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
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Yes that is correct. They didn't have enough puppeteers so the ones on the back are just for show display.
Interestingly in Sex and Violence Gorgon Heap is like a statue. I'd hate to be sitting in front of him though. He could be eyeing me off for a meal like a predator keeping very still while observing its prey:eek: