Studio Voice Jim Henson & Kermit article


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2005
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Just wanted to let you know that there is a recent article on Jim Henson and Kermit the Frog in a japanese multi-media mix magazine called Studio Voice.I dont know what issue number it is.I think the cover has a cartoon drawing on it with the name Yoshitomo Nara under it and has A to Z in big letters.Anybody know more about this?
You will have to download Japanese text display support and then you have to be able to read Japanese.:smirk:


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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Translation and Re-Translation of Studio Voice article.

I've ran it through a translation service, if anyone cares. XD It's quite choppy, but as fans we can probably figure out what they are talking about in this article. It's basically giving a brief detail of Jim's life, his work with the Muppets, "Star Wars", the creation of Kermit, and other things. Although they have a picture of Fraggle Rock, I can't really decipher (even from the translation) that they even talk about it. Either way, here's the translation.

Studio Voice Magazine said:
Legend of second special edition gym ヘンソン When 1990 May, the alone man of 54 years old dies at the New York hospital, several 1000000 thing people attend mourning system, the Hollywood muscle, as for 弔 electricity from the entertainment boundary like the 怒 涛 say that it surged. The people felt that one age go away securely. As for that name gym ヘンソン. Starting from doll play production of the small local TV station of Washington, it is マペットクリエイター which the car mitt of the frog in starting point, produces how many thing character, creates big amusement reform with imagination. With the television ' the Star Wars ' and so on it continues the contribution in the technical aspect to national project with success as a basis, furthermore ' the darkness crystal ' and ' the labyrinth ' and so on Hollywood seems with the ファンタジー movie of professional inclination it kept repainting. Like ディズニー every sanctuary it comes and does not hand over the theme park, like the psychedelic music to fashion it does not convert. In addition like the un D war hole it was revered was not as legend of subculture and, but happy age, peace which extremely is happened to see normally in the television it was the idea contest gym ヘンソン for the American, it was the foam/home culture which in addition becomes the healing in age of hardships. Now when it passes after the death 15 year, it was deep-rooted on the American culture deeply, we would like to detect the depth of "another genealogy".
* Legend of gym ヘンソン
* the gym lived, TV culture dawn
* the correlation diagram of the gym-related work
* birth of マペット? Until technology of mirror = マペット which projects the human supports ' the Star Wars '.
* While the car mitt story of the frog
* ' the greatest in the world the long street ' walking,
* presently of the gym ヘンソン company * ' the genealogy of darkness crystal ' and アメリカンファンタジー
* Review5? The image work review of gym ヘンソン
* the new work ' mirror mask ' 2 people who were made
I've also done a crappy re-translation of the translation. XD Sorry if this takes up too much space. XD

Studio Voice Magazine - Re-Translation said:
The second special edition of "Legend of Jim Henson". In May 1990, Jim at age 54, dies alone at the New York Hospital, 1,000,000 people attend his funeral, the Hollywood muscle, and the electricity from other entertainment says it surged. The people felt at his age, he went away securely. As for that name, Jim Henson. Starting from puppet production at the small local TV station in Washington, it is Kermit the Frog, which the puppet of the frog was in starting point, produces so much character, it has great delight with the imagination. He contribtued to "Star Wars" and many other technical aspects successfully, along with "The Dark Crystal" and "Labyrinth", and Hollywood seems with Henson's movies of high standards, it kept repainting a beautiful picture. Like Henson, every sanctuary it comes and does not hand over the theme park, like the psychedelic music, it fashion it does not convert. In addition, "Fraggle Rock", it was revered not as legend of a subculture, but with a happy age, and a peace which is not normally seen in television, it was Jim's idea for the American, and in turning the Fraggles came in the healing age of hardships. Now when his death, some 15 years ago passes, it is deeply-rooted in the American Culture, we would like to see the depth of another genealogy.

*The Legend of Jim Henson
*When Jim lived, the TV culture dawned.
*How Jim's work correlated to itself.
*Birth of Jim Henson? Until the technology of "MirrorMask", which projects the human support system, not unlike "Star Wars"
* The origins of Kermit.
*Walking "The Longest Street in the World", Sesame Street.
*Present in the Jim Henson Company, "The Genealogy of The Dark Crystal" and "Fraggle Rock"
*Reviews? The image work of Jim Henson.
*The new work "MirrorMask" 2 people made it.
Thanks if you read my long-winded re-translation! I hope this shed some light on the article. I tried to re-write it as close as the translation got it to. A couple of parts I had no idea what it spoke of, so when it had that untranslatable kanji, and they spoke of peace during times of hardships, I figured out, it has to be Fraggle Rock. Because out of all Jim's creations/series, I believe that might (and probably is) the only one that fits the description. That..and in the article originally there was a picture of Fraggle Rock. XD

Vic Romano

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2003
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Thanks for that second translation, Renee! That first one was too cryptic!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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I just figured you guys would probably want to see the original translation, because you guys might be able to pull a different meaning from it then I was able to. I had to re-read the lines a few times, and really think about it hard before I typed some of them out. :smile: So thank you, Vic!


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2005
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Thanks for your work on the translation.Sounds like the first one was done by Yoda!!!!


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2005
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I still think it's too cryptic. >_< I'm having trouble reading even the second part of what I typed. But I hope it's good enough for you guys. XD