specials that were edited on Nickleodeon

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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From 1992-1995, Nickleodeon frequently aired various Muppet specials. I know that some of these were edited, but I would like to know what all was edited.

The only specials that I know for sure were edited are The Muppet valentine Show and A Muppet Family Christmas. I don't think The Muppet Musicians of bremen or The Christmas Toy were edited (unless Nickleodeon made the same cuts as the video releases, and I do know that the opening scene from The Christmas Toy was edited on video when released by Jim Henson Video).

The song How Much Is This Doggy In The Window was cut from Nickelodeons airing of The Muppet Valentine Show.

I'll post the various edits from A Muppet Family Christmas later.

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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Here is what Nickleodeon edited or altered from A Muppet Family Christmas:

1. When the special was originally broadcast, the opening song ended with the title being shown over a shot of the farm house. On Nickleodeon, the title logo was shown in the first shot of the special, with the farmhouse shot edited.

2. The scene where the turkey first meets camillia was cut. The scene fades to black right after the Turkey says "This is starting to be fun".

3. After the snowstorm is announced, Kermit looked out the window. Then we got a commercial break, and when the commercial break was over, the commercial break was followed by the shot of kermit looking out the window (from before the commercial break) but with the title logo (in blue letters, instead of pink) shown in the shot. And this leads us to the next edited scene....

4. When Fozzie and his Mom were checking through the list of who was sleeping where, we see them talking the whole time. On Nickleodeon, the scene began with a shot of a fireplace while we hear a voice-over of them making the first check of the list.

5. In the original broadcast, there was a scene where the muppets gazed at the christmas tree being put up, and then Fozzies mom calls Fozzie over to where she is, and Fozzie tells everybody that his mother has an announcement. On Nickleodeon, most of this scene is replaced by a shot of the tree, with a voice-over of Fozzie saying "My mother has an annoucnement".

6. The scene where Fozzies mom puts up the christmas tree was cut (the only time this has been shown was in the original broadcast. This is cut from all rebroadcasts and video releases).

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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I would also like to point out that the original airing of A Muppet family Christmas had commercial breaks at different times than on Nickleodeon. Where the scenes would fade to black for a commercial, Nickleodeon would just have the scene fade to the next scene. Here are the commercial break differences.

orginal broadcast commercial break order:
1. After the opening song is finished.
2. After The Electric Mayhem performed jingle bell Rock.
3. After Kermit looks out the window at the snow storm.
4. After Kermit and Miss Piggy slip on the icy patch.
5. After the caroling medley is over.

Nickleodeon commercial break order:
1. After the Turkey says, "This is starting to be fun".
2. After Doc observes The Count counting worried frogs.
3. After the caroling medley is over.