Some updated fan awards


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
Reaction score
Since not everyone always checks all the other areas of the forum, i just wanted to update everyone on this year's Muppet Central Forum Awards.

You may already know some changes were made to the fan fiction and artist awards to reflect those works that transcend calendar years...instead of being started in 2010, any works that were started previously but was added to in 2010 are now eligable.

Some new changes though that you may not yet be aware of...

This year's awards were almost cancelled. Actually they WERE cancelled by the original committee due to low turn-out but i've stepped up to revive them as it would be a shame to lose out on them entirely especially when there was such great stuff that came out of 2010. So the awards are STILL ON - but with extended voting and new date (still TBD but looking towards first weekend of April). So you can still get in your votes!

Finally, five new awards have been added to the ballot - two of which honoring our fan fiction and art. Someone noticed that the fan fiction award was for a specific work and that the fan artist award was for the artist. So additional awards have been added for Outstanding fiction writer and Outstanding Work of Art.

The new forum award thread is at