I am assuming that you are talking about the Disney Sing-Along Songs. Anyway, when I was in the fifht grade I was really obsessed ith having all of these. I'm not as obsessive now, though, but I thought they were great. Many of them were hosted by either Ludwig von Drake or Jimminy Cricket, and I think at least one of them was hosted by the bird from the theme song.
I have, or have had, the following:
I Love to Laugh
Disneyland Fun
The Bear Neccessities
Under the Sea
Circle of Life
the video that promoted the live-action 101 Dalmations movie (I can't remember it's title)
And I have also seen the following:
Be My Guest
I wodner why the Muppet Sing-Alongs couldn't be more like these? Well, It's Not Easy Being Green was like these videos, and the Muppet treasure Island vidoe was like these in the sense that it promoted a movie (though only two clips from past productions).