Silly Song Time, Surprise


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2004
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Does anyone remember these song routines from circa 1970? Both routines featured some Anything Muppets singing something, then cutting to another scene to illustrate their point.

In "Silly Song Time", a bunch of hippie-like AMs walked in front of a large sign with said words. One of them said "Hey, do you know what time it is? It's silly song time." They then broke out into a song, the only lyrics from which I remember are "... of which comes after, and which comes before." They then broke 2 or 3 times for a single scene elsewhere to illustrate before and after.

In one such scene, Gordon (Matt Robinson) went up to Mr. Hooper's window and asked for an ice cream cone. Without saying a word, Hooper pulled an empty sugar cone out of the dispenser and handed it to Gordon. He replied "Before you give me the ice cream cone, can you put some ice cream in it?"

In the other song, "Surprise", we had a rock band of Anything Muppets, possibly a recognizable one like Little Jerry and the Monotones. The refrain of their song went (as best as I can remember):

Hoo-i-do surprise
When something, suddenly happens, and you can't believe your eyes
It's a surpri-ise"

The one cutscene I remember from this skit showed Bert, in the apartment, sedately reading. Herry Monster appears and slowly sneaks up behind him and lets out a loud and scary "Braaah-hhaaaah-hhhaaaahh!!!". Bert, who was not frightened in the slightest, responded with in a calm but annoyed voice, "Will you please stop that? I'm trying to read my book."

A verse immediately after one of the cutscenes (not sure which one) sang "A surprise can be real scary, a surprise can make you mad(??)"

I think this same group did an "I feel sad" and an "I feel proud" song from the same timeframe. Those two even had "screaming" audience sound effects.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2004
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i rememebr that last 1 and yes it was the same group Little Jerry & The Monotones.