Side Notes and OOC's (The Moppet Family)


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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Hello there, I've started this thread as an open-topic for chat about the Moppet Family, future developments, etc.

I said a while back that I was re-opening the website...well, I got busy and that hasn't come through, but I was wondering what people thought about my idea of start a MopFamWikipedia. I'd have to submit a discription of MopFam and convince the review-board to accept it as a Wiki but with over 12,000 veiws of the thread in three monthes, I think we may have a chance at convinceing them to let us start and maintain one.

Another thing, would anyone be interested in real-life merchandice, or are we all short-of-pocket? I'm thinking, mugs, t-shirts, possibly self-published book-releases etc. Would anyone be interested? Obviously all merch would be created at cost-price since the rights to the characters belong with each charcter's-writer.

As for a website, I may be able to make one again sometime, but I need an easier way to maintain it as the old formats I used to use are very difficult to update, etc.

Other than that, the thread itself is going great at the moment!


The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Eh... Let's see...
1 You don't need to convince anyone to "let" you open up a branch of Wicapedia. All you do is sign up/open an account there as a new member and you can start submitting your own articles to any of the available topics. You can even edit other's articles (the main problem I personally have with that system) and create new Wicapedia topics.
2 Would be interested in merch... Just not at this time, got my moneys in other things at the moment.
3 You could always submit the concept to Ken at CMX, though not sure if it'd get greenlighted... Given that there's already the main line of KBZ featuring the main piratical character whose name isn't fitting for the likes of MC here.
4 Website? Eh, if you can do that and keep it simple so updates can be added from time to time, sure...
Otherwise, just leave it for someone else to do or for some other time.

Additionally, this thread might be a good place for MopFam summaries. That way, anyone who's behind in the current action can catch up in a quick glance and jump in without questions about what's going on. Well, moreso than usual.


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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1. (to Ed's idea) Yes, having a thread for summaries might not be such a bad idea, as I'm a very bad baby!
2. I can't believe you're actually considering mirch! Don't you think Mop Fam is a bit too small-scale for anything like that? I would like to buy at least one peace if such a thing existed. I'm picturing being about 70 years old, pulling an old mug out of a box, having only a faint memory of what it is, and telling everyone who'll listen about a small group of friends I had and how crazy we were!
3. About a wikki, you could, although I think it would probably confuse some people who might stumble apon it.
Having said that, go right ahead!


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2004
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Well Beau you know how I feel about the Wiki. I think we need a website or something. Also guys here's a idea to throw out there. If we had a website or maybe a one time podcast or something like that. Would ya'll be intrested in hearing an audio interview of Mother? It's an idea Beau and I have tossed back and forth to each other. Merchandise...well I'd love some but I is broke..but I'd scrounge up some for something. You know that.

Vic Romano

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2003
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I think some kind of website just to know what the heck is goin' on in that nutty thread. I'd love to hear an interview with mother though, I'd like to hear audio of all of the characters!


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2005
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I pretty much agree with everyone else that a website or something would be good, I really liked the website Beau had put together before. An audio interview with Mother would be awesome! Also, Merch. sounds cool, but like everyone else I've got that money issue so I don't know that I could do it right now.

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Oooh... Audio interviews to go with the written ones? Yes, I'd definitely be in favor of that for Mother and all the other crazies at the MopFam.

Vic Romano

Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2003
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I know what some of my friends here at MC look like, and I know what a very small few sound like, so I think it'd be cool to hear even more.