Sesame Street: World History

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
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(an animated opening is shown, featuring the planet earth, with the title World History written around it. Elmo announces the title in voice-over)
(the scene begins with Gordon, Elmo, Big Bird, Abby Cadabby, and some kids at the arbor area)
Gordon: Okay, are you all ready to learn about world history?
All: (enthuisiastically) Yes.
Elmo: Elmo is so excited.
Abby: So am I.
Gordon: (opening a history book) Well, then let's begin. (reading) "In the beginning, God create heaven and earth, as well as all life forms."
Big Bird: Isn't that nice?
Abby: I've been trying to create life forms with my magic wand, with no luck,
Gordon: "...However, at first, people had to learn on their own. Some of the world's first people were cave people..."

(cut to the Caveman Days sketch where Ernie and Bert cross the street)

Gordon: "Soon, the cave people learned to invent things. Back in the stone age, cavemen wrote on stones insetad of paper."
Elmo: That must have been hard.
Abby: I write with my wand.
Big Bird: I am greatful that I have paper.

(cut to the caveman sketch where Sherlock Hemlock invented paper)

Gordon: "Eventually, more and more people knew how to do things, and then school was invented, to teach younger people important skils, such as the alphabet and counting."

(cut to the Sesame Street News sketch involving the first day of school in history)

Gordon: "Soon, there were more and more changes. Clothing changed, modes of transportation changed, and tolerance changed. And there were many discovers."
Abby: Like what?
Gordon: Well, for one thing, people used to think that the earth was flat.
Abby: I thought the earth was flat.
Gordon: Well, it's not. The earth is round, and thanks to gravity, we can all walk on earth without falling off.
Abby: That's so magic.
Big Bird: It does prevent me from flying, though.
(Cookie Monster appears)
Cookie Monster: But a cookie is both flat and round. See? (holds up a cookie, displaying the flat sides and then showing the round sides)
Elmo: Amazing!
Abby: That's so magic.
Cookie Monster: And now me gonna do trick.
Big Bird: What trick?
Cookie Monbster: Me gonna make this cookie disapear. (eats the cookie)
Abby: I can do that with my magic wand.
Gordon: Anyway, the earth was discovered by a man named Christopher Columbus, who also discovered America.

(cut to the Sesame Street News sketch with Christopher Columbus)

Gordon: "The first americans were Indians, which Columbus called them, thinking that he was in India, rather than America."

(cut to the sketch where kids imitate Indians, before learning that Indians don't really talk the way that the kids talked while pretending to be indians)

Gordon: Soon, this country needed somebody to rule the country, so this person was called the president. The first president was George Washington. A well-known rumor is that when he was a child, he chopped down his fathers cherry tree, but he didn't lie about it.
Elmo: Because lying is bad.
Abby: Magic can prevent people from lying.
Big Bird: Or your nose could grow.

(cut to the Sesame Street News sketch where Kermit interviewed George Washingtons father)

Gordon: Soon, people were living in the wild west.
Gladys: Oh, that's my kind of a story.

(cut to the sketch High 12)

Elmo: What happened next?
Gordon: Well, then we got lots and lots of new technology, and one of the greatest inventions of all time has been movies.
All: Movies?
Gordon: Yes, movies.

(cut to the sketch where Ernie and Bert watch The Picnic at the movie theater)

Gordon: At first, movies were silent, with only music and pictures. Then voices could be heard.
Big Bird: Wow.
Gordon: And other great inventions have included radio and television, which covered great historical events, such as the first man who got to be on the moon.
(two martians appear)
Martians: Ohhh...
Martian #1: Yip yip yip! Man on moon!
Martian #2: Yip!
Gordon: And in addition to people, worms also got to be on the moon.

(cut to a Worms in Space sketch)

Big Bird: Well, that was a great history lesson.
Elmo: Yes, indeed.
Abby: Can we learn again?
Gordon: Maybe some other time.
Abby: Or maybe now. (waves wand, which rewinds the program, though it eventually breaks, leading to the credits)


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2005
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Nice. Was the Slimey sketch actually called 'Worms in Space'? Awesome!

minor muppetz

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
Fragglemuppet said:
Nice. Was the Slimey sketch actually called 'Worms in Space'? Awesome!
Yes. They involved the worm astronauts forming the shape of either a letter or number (I can't remember which one... maybe both depending on the sketch). I couldn't remember off-hand what individual letters/ numbers they formed, otherwise I would have specified which sketch it was.

There is also a sketch that I forgot to include, the one where Grover tries to make a quil for Don Music.