Sesame Street Trivia!


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2002
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1. Jerry Nelson stopped playing Mr. Snuffleupagus for which reason?

A. Too much travelling between NY and London to do "The Muppet Show"
B. He lost interest in playing the character
C. Performing Snuffy was hard on his back
D. He wanted to play Barkley instead

2. True or false: Dave Goelz has voiced a primary character on "Sesame Street".

A. True
B. False

3. Which one of these performers has NOT appeared on both "Sesame Street" and "The Muppet Show"?

A. Lou Rawls
B. James Taylor
C. Paul Simon
D. Dizzy Gillespie

4. Which jazz musician brought Maria and some kids into his studio to show them computers and how they help make music?

A. Miles Davis
B. Ornette Coleman
C. Herbie Hancock
D. Pat Metheny

5. And which future sitcom star was among those kids?

A. Soleil Moon-Frye
B. Tatyana M. Ali
C. Gary Coleman
D. Kellie Shangyne Williams

6. Which "Muppet Show" guest star also played a recurring human character on "Sesame Street"?

A. Carol Burnett
B. Loretta Swit
C. Wally Boag
D. Alan Arkin

7. What does Robert DeNiro NOT pretend to be for Elmo?

A. An asparagus
B. A cabbage
C. A dog
D. Elmo

8. Which of these isn't a Little Jerry and the Monotones song?

A. "With Every Beat Of My Heart"
B. "Count It Higher"
C. "Mad"
D. "Telephone Rock"

9. Maria and Luis both pretended to be Cookie Monster once. Who did Maria and David pretend to be?

A. Snuffy
B. Don Music
C. Two-Headed Monster
D. Kermit

10. When the Two-Headed Monster formed the word "Mom", who did their "mom" turn out to be in drag?

A. Elmo
B. Herry
C. Telly
D. Leo

11. Who is the notorious invisible ice cream cone thief that Lefty warns Ernie about?

A. Rocky Road
B. Louie the Lip
C. Kermit the Grof
D. 88 Flavors Farley

12. Slimey's not the only one who's taken the trip to the moon. Who else has attempted the trip?

A. Big Bird
B. Snuffy
C. Gladys
D. Buster

13. What was the name of Telly's one-time girlfriend?

A. Elizabeth
B. Belle
C. Hayley
D. Juliet

14. When Cookie Monster appeared on "Beat the Time", he had to bring three things that rhymed with "rain". One of them was a chain. Who was on the end of it?

A. Herry
B. Two-Headed Monster
C. Frazzle
D. Fat Blue (Guess Grover finally snapped!)

15. Before the passing of Northern Calloway, it seemed that David was everywhere on the Street. Which one of these things was he NOT known for doing?

A. Singing "Mary Had A Little Lamb" while Linda did the sign language
B. Teaching Herry to tie his shoelaces
C. Hanging out at Bert and Ernie's place to collect bottlecaps with Bert
D. Occasionally providing voices for various Muppets

16. Who were the first four humans on the Street?

A. Bob, Susan, Gordon, Mr. Hooper
B. Susan, Gordon, Mr. Hooper, David
C. Susan, Gordon, David, Maria
D. There weren't any; the Muppets had the run of the street

17. Who were the four "J" friends in the song "J Friends" and who are they purportedly supposed to be?

A. Joe (Raposo), Jerry (Nelson), Jim (Henson) and Joan (Ganz Cooney)
B. Jerry (Nelson), Jim (Henson), Jack (Parnell) and Jeff (Moss)
C. Jim (Henson), Jon (Stone), Jeff (Moss), and Joe (Raposo)
D. Joe (Raposo), Jane (Henson), Jim (Henson) and Joan (Ganz Cooney)

18. Occasionally a Sesame Street Muppet or two will take a field trip. Which of these other shows has not had a Muppet make an appearance?

A. Martha Stewart "Living"
B. The Muppet Show
C. The Daily Show
D. The Frugal Gourmet

19. Occasionally Jim Henson played some characters that weren't so nice. Who was one of them?

A. Oswaldo el Grunion
B. Sinister Sam
C. Beautiful Day Monster
D. Louie the Lip

20. It seems there's no satisfying Fat Blue. What type of soup does he order (constantly) before not being able to eat it because it's cold?

A. Matzoh ball
B. Chicken noodle
C. Sizzling rice
D. Alphabet

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Trivia Answers

Hello, TravellingMatt: I'm ready to answer some of your trivia questions. Here are the ones I absolutely know as correct answers.
8. b. "Count it Higher", was recorded by Chris and the Alphabeats. Just why is he referred to as Chrissy when his name is Chris?
9. c. The Two-Headed Monster. BTW: Telly and Elmo also pretended to be a two-headed monster when attending a class in Monster School with The Two-Headed Monster as their teacher.
13. d. Juliette is the name of Telly's sometimes girlfriend. Why would Lulu be considered as a sometimes girlfriend of Cookie Monster?
14. c. Frazzle was the monster at the end of the chain produced by Cookie Monster when he competed on Beat the Time.
19. b. Sinister Sam is the name of a not-so-nice muppet performed by Jim Henson.
6. d. Alan Arkin performed a human character on Sesame Street named Larry. I got this answer thanks to your post in the Sesame Street Character Guide thread. This gives me a 30% on your quiz!

BTW: I thought I'd help you out with some humans, Gedde Watanabe performed the character of Hiroshi and Mike was performed by Wally Saxton.

Yeah! My post total now equals my birth year, that's right, I also have a 25th anniversary this year! I feel that I should post some sort of obscure quote besides my sig, to prove that I'm just as big a Muppet quasi-geek as you guys and that I can quote even with the best of them. Here's my quote:
Don't be a nincompoop.
Stop nibbling on your nails."

Thunder clashing and Lightning flashing, the Count.


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2002
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Originally posted by TravellingMatt

18. Occasionally a Sesame Street Muppet or two will take a field trip. Which of these other shows has not had a Muppet make an appearance?

A. Martha Stewart "Living"
B. The Muppet Show
C. The Daily Show
D. The Frugal Gourmet

I presume the answer to this is C. The Daily Show. Although Kermit did make an appearance on the show. Does he qualify as a SS Muppet in the question you posed?

It's just that the two were talking about Ernie, Bert and Jon working with the SS Muppets.

The way Kermit was talking on that show I thought he was going to sing that it wasn't easy being blue. :smile:

The Count

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Jul 12, 2002
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Re: Sesame Trivia, Splurge.

Hey Splurge, I just saw your post in this thread, and I have to correct you on your response. The only reason I do so is to help enlighten others about the Muppets. With regards to Q 18, where TravellingMatt asked which show has a Sesame Street muppet never appeared, the Daily Show is an incorrect answer. Not only does Kermit count as an SS muppet, but my ID-sake, the Count von Count also made an appearance. Remember? It was November 2000 and the United States was gripped in the controversy over which presidential candidate had won the elections of that year, and whether the state of Florida should recount all their votes. The Count appeared on a satelite feed to discuss the topic with Jon Stewart, who introduced the Count as the world's foremost authority on mathematics. True enough, it was a couple of vintage sketches used to conduct this conversation, but nevertheless, that's two SS muppet appearances on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart! I hope this sets you at ease and that you have a good night.

Thunder clashing and Lightning flashing, the Count.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2002
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Wow, I didn't know that Kermit and the Count had appeared on "The Daily Show".

We'll scrap question #18 and put in this one instead:

18. Big Bird appeared in "The Muppet Movie" and...

A. "The Great Muppet Caper"
B. "The Muppets Take Manhattan"
C. "Muppet Treasure Island"
D. "Muppets From Space"

The Count

Staff member
Jul 12, 2002
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Question 18

Well, let's see...
18. The answer to which other Muppet movie has Big Bird appeared in is b. The Muppets Take Manhattan. Though I don't have great vision anymore, I remember from when my sight was better that Big B was seated in the back row of the chapel along with the rest of the gang from Sesame Street.
As to your original Q18, the correct answer was d. The Frugal Gourmet. We know that SS muppets appeared in the Marty Feldon episode of the Muppet Show, where we get an entire gang of them! As you see from my previous post, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart hosted two different SS muppets, not counting Steven Colbear's piece where he stupidly blames Cookie Monster for the current problem of obesity. Sesame Beat,, offered up the last clue commenting upon the fact that when Cookie Monster appeared on Martha Stewart Living, she had to tie him down due to his constant cookie cravings. I hope this settles the score, though it drives up my score to 35%.

Thunder clashing and Lightning flashing, the Count.


Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2002
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Don't forget, Bid Bird was in The Muppet Movie, too.

"Oh, I'm on my way to New York City to try to break into public television."



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Jul 24, 2002
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The Answers

1. Jerry Nelson stopped playing Mr. Snuffleupagus for which reason?

C. Performing Snuffy was hard on his back

Once Mr. Nelson realized this, he relinquished the role to Marty Robinson.

2. True or false: Dave Goelz has voiced a primary character on "Sesame Street".

B. False

To my knowledge, Mr. Goelz has not voiced a primary character. He may have voiced a secondary character or an Anything Muppet or two...

3. Which one of these performers has NOT appeared on both "Sesame Street" and "The Muppet Show"?

B. James Taylor

However, James Taylor's appearances on "Sesame Street" have been memorable: singing "Jelly Man Kelly" with some kids and a tuba player on the Street (I'd sure like to see him back on the Street singing that song with Telly on tuba!), singing "Your Smiling Face" to Oscar, and performing "Up On The Roof" with his band.

4. Which jazz musician brought Maria and some kids into his studio to show them computers and how they help make music?

C. Herbie Hancock

At the time, Herbie Hancock was using quite a large amount of electronics in his music. His biggest hit from this time frame was "Rockit", released in 1984 on the CD "Future Shock".

5. And which future sitcom star was among those kids?

B. Tatyana M. Ali

She went on to play Ashley Banks on "The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air".

6. Which "Muppet Show" guest star also played a recurring human character on "Sesame Street"?

D. Alan Arkin

Mr. Arkin appeared in the early "Larry and Phyllis" sketches in the early 70's, which placed an emphasis on cooperation. He played Larry, naturally.

7. What does Robert DeNiro NOT pretend to be for Elmo?

A. An asparagus

He does pretend to be a cabbage, a dog, and Elmo in a very amusing moment.

8. Which of these isn't a Little Jerry and the Monotones song?

B. "Count It Higher"

This song is by Chrissy and the Alphabeats, and borrows indirectly from the song "Twist and Shout"!

9. Maria and Luis both pretended to be Cookie Monster once. Who did Maria and David pretend to be?

C. Two-Headed Monster

After seeing the Two-Headed Monster argue over whether to go to the movies or the park, David and Maria imagine themselves as the monster.

10. When the Two-Headed Monster formed the word "Mom", who did their "mom" turn out to be in drag?

C. Telly

Telly hugged the monster while wearing a blonde wig and sappy music played in the background.

11. Who is the notorious invisible ice cream cone thief that Lefty warns Ernie about?

B. Louie the Lip

Of course, Louie the Lip, much like the invisible ice cream cone Lefty was hawking, didn't exist.

12. Slimey's not the only one who's taken the trip to the moon. Who else has attempted the trip?

C. Gladys

Gladys jumped over the moon while emulating the nursery rhyme "Hey Diddle Diddle".

13. What was the name of Telly's one-time girlfriend?

D. Juliet

Although now I think they're just good friends...

14. When Cookie Monster appeared on "Beat the Time", he had to bring three things that rhymed with "rain". One of them was a chain. Who was on the end of it?

C. Frazzle

This was one of Frazzle's few, but memorable Sesame Street appearances. He made all his Street appearances count!

15. Before the passing of Northern Calloway, it seemed that David was everywhere on the Street. Which one of these things was he NOT known for doing?

C. Hanging out at Bert and Ernie's place to collect bottlecaps with Bert

For all I know, David didn't collect bottlecaps. However, he did have a nice hat collection!

16. Who were the first four humans on the Street?

A. Bob, Susan, Gordon, Mr. Hooper

According to the trivia on this website, the kids picked the actors.

17. Who were the four "J" friends in the song "J Friends" and who are they purportedly supposed to be?

D. Joe (Raposo), Jane (Henson), Jim (Henson) and Joan (Ganz Cooney)

Let's sing a song about "J"!

18. Occasionally a Sesame Street Muppet or two will take a field trip. Which of these other shows has not had a Muppet make an appearance?

This was a trick question...I found this one out once it was revealed that Kermit and Count were on "The Daily Show". The replacement question's answer...Big Bird was in both "The Muppet Movie" and "The Muppets Take Manhattan".

19. Occasionally Jim Henson played some characters that weren't so nice. Who was one of them?

B. Sinister Sam

Sinister Sam was the antagonist in one of many "Western Saloon" skits.

20. It seems there's no satisfying Fat Blue. What type of soup does he order (constantly) before not being able to eat it because it's cold?

D. Alphabet

He kept on asking for certain letters that were missing, sending Grover to get them. By the time Grover had given Fat Blue alphabet soup with a complete alphabet, it was cold.


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2002
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Ok lets see big bird was also in the wedding squence of muppets take manahttan