Sesame Street films


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Mar 2, 2004
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with talk about SS animation, it would be nice to find info about the films that have been made on the show over the years. especially those made durring the 1st 5 years SS was on. i wonder what the first film was made and when they began making films for the show? while that might be an obvious question for all we know they might of gone out filming stuff a year in advance. it be nice if the Sesame Workshop had info i when certain films were 1st made, who made them, and maybe go behind the scenes and had stories on how they were made and any interesting stories about them.


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Mar 2, 2004
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rememeber the film about the men who painted this large number 5 either on a street or a play area of a N.Y.C. neighborhood? the 2 men lay down this large white thing witch had a 5 cut out and 1 of the men spray paints the inside of this thing and the kids sing Johnny by the ocean Johnny by the sea. Johnny broke a bottle and he blaimed it on me. I told Ma. Ma told Pa. Johnny got a spanking so ha ha ha! How many spankings did Johnny get. 12345! now this was probably 1 of the silliest film SS has ever made. 1 thing i wonder about is what did the 2 men think? probably didn't wanna do it but were ordered to by their boss. just imagine theese 2 men who work for the city of New York go in 1 morning, let's say this was in 1969, their boss calls them in and says men the 1st thing i have for you to do is go to Jones St. and paint a 5 in the street? the men look puzzled and ask why do you want us to do that? their Boss says some T.V. producers who are working on a show called Sesame Street wants us to do this. SS an educational series that helpes pre-schoolers with letters & numbers wich is going to debut on NET National Educational Television this fall. the men, so where just going to paint a big 5 in the street? how's that supposed to be educational? the boss, come on guys i have no time to argue with you about this. just go down to Jones St. as i said. the film crew will be right there. so off they go. on their way the men feel funny about this. 1 says to the other, i don't get it Frank. it's seems so rediculous and i have to be the 1 to paint the 5. i agree Jack. this is wierd. well they finally arrive at their destination and get the 5 out and begin painting and everything goes as follows. then after that's over with, they remove the 5 they just painted and get everything in the truck and go about their usual bussiness. Jack the guy who panted the 5 said boy in all the years i've had this job i never thought i'd do anything like this. Frank the other guy yeah tell me about it.


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Mar 2, 2004
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i'm sure we all recall the firefughters film. you know with the song the fireman he's ready to go the fireman. what's interesting about this 1 is you never know when or where a fire will break out so i wonder if maybe they send film crews to various stations and them when a fire broke out in the teritory of the station that 1 of the film crews were, then they finally they had what they wanted. i figure this might of been possible because to have 1 film crew sit at 1 station to wait for a fire, they might of been waiting for a long time.


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Mar 2, 2004
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many of us have seen the film of the red letters., the H, O, and R being pulled up the builiding. but do you remember an Electric Company film were they had all theese rd letters on the roof and were attaching them to a sign holder making the word hotel? while theere's no R in hotel, there were some others off to the side and the letters H and O looked like the 1 in the SS flim. there were also some deep sea diver films made for TEC i wonder if if that was also the same deep sea diver in the SS films?


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Mar 2, 2004
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this actually started out with Gordon about to go for a bike ride and asking if we'd like to come along and this film was shown of him riding around N.Y.C. and he's waving to everyone he meets. and while that's not strange, it's almost as if all those people expected him to come by so they were obviously ready for him. the music that was played with the film was good as well. of course years later they would just show the film of Gordon bike riding.


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Mar 2, 2004
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remember the film where their in a Mexixan neighborhood showing kids playing and towards the end of the film they all have some kind of refreshments? and some guy sings something in spanish towards the end. wonder what he said?


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Mar 2, 2004
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rememeber this odd 1 where this cartoonist walk up to this chair and held up a blank piece of paper and theese 5 birds witch were supposed to be chickens though really didn't look like chickens would appear on the paper clucking and the lady would count them.


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Mar 2, 2004
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many of us rememeber the running film and Raposo singing run run everybody run. how about this other running film witch has flute playing through it. it starts out with a aferican person running through a field and what looks like baseball players running towards the camera and several other clip were people are running. > also rememebr the 1 about bridges? a lady says, sometimes when you want to get somewhere, you need a bridge. and they show all of theese bridges and towards the end she says, and some bridges are very very beautiful.


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2004
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rememeber this old film where the kids are in a city park looking at clouds and imagine what they look like. in thi 1 the clouds really look like a chicken, a bunny, etc. i get a feeling that wasn't done on location but more than less some kind of special affects or something. the last part was interesting with the sky being black and theese 2 scary cats as 1 of the kids said appeared. then the sky was the usual blue night time sky and it ends with 1 of them saying let's go home. also rememeber the eating film where all the animals are eating and Raposo is singing a song, can't remember the beginning but the last part goes like eating is important in a very special way. you must eat very carefully. so you'll get bigger every day. and the turtle i think goes aaaaaaahhhhhhhh.