Mad Lil' Jerry said:
I find it interesting that some skits scared some of you,
or that other skits or songs made you cry or laugh...
But were there other skits that provoke other emotions or
feelings... due to Sesame Street and to what extent?
I guess I'm trying to determine to what level has SS
embedded itself into your mind. As children when we are
starting to become self aware of ourselves and start
to undertand and convey thoughts... I just wonder if
anyone has becomed warped in some respect because
of what they saw or heard.
Well I guess I'm not in a position to give an objective opinion on whether or not I'm warped
But as far as "other feelings" go,
* "somebody come & play" (with the orangutans) gave me a melancholy feeling as a kid. Not so much the song, though that was part of it I think. A lot of it had to do with the cement environment they were in...I didn't even conciously think "animals shouldn't live in places like that", it was more just a feeling of how hard & cold that place must be...also the pool of water (?IIRC) I always imagined as stagnant or dirty.
* the "i" animated film where the voice says "i" and the dot keeps trying to jump to the top of the i always made me feel uneasy, becuase of the delay and reverb used for the voice.
* the singing orange gave me a wierd feeling, though I thought the film was fascinating. Same for Bert with purple hand, and the muppet skit (Sesame news flash?) with Miss Muffet where the spider has parts of his body removed (rearranged?).
* Harvey Kneeslapper I hated with a passion. I thought he was the biggest a-hole in the world. I know many felt then and now you should "lighten up" about it, but even as an adult I don't find him amusing.
* Ernie too annoyed me, as he was always antagonizing Bert.
Bert evil?? I don't think so. Seeing these as an adult, I kind of wonder why Ernie was allowed to treat Bert like this. I know..."lighten up".
* this is not exactly an emotion, but even as a kid when I saw the pinball and typewriter skits I remember thinking they were the "new crop", and considered them sort of "lame" (for lack of a better word...just weaker overall). The pinball song was OK in a pop-mentality way, but not nearly as interesting as Jazzy Spies which it seemed to replace.
* the waiter Grover bit where he shows a picture of a menu item that has potato chips and a pickle on it (IIRC) I always found appetizing. Same for the Bert & Ernie when they are eating pizza & grape juice, and especially the one where Ernie get an ice cream cone with all the colorful flavors.
I know a lot of people found stuff scary, but I can't remember ever feeling that about anything on Sesame Street. But when people were scared of stuff, I'm sure their age at the time had a lot to do with it.