Science confuses me, does it confuse you too?


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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I had several scientificly based questions, and no one can answer them, so I'm suggesting it didn't all start with a big bang!

My questions:

If water and electricity do not mix, how come we have water, and electrcity inside of us?

If most of our bodies is made of water, how come we can drown?

I'm slow too, so if these are obvious, oh well, I'm just slow, LOL!

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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The electricity our bodies generate is a very small amount. The "electricity" stimulates neurons to keep us functioning properly. When a human gets struck by lightening, or some other form of external electricity, it is much more powerful than what is inside us that it interrupts the normal charges. This brings up the water issue. it is not that water and electricity do not mix, Its that they mix too well. Water is a conductor. Electricity can travel through it at a faster rate than in the air. It makes the shock much more powerful. I'm just guessing here, as I never really thought about it, your body fluids may act as a conductor for your internal electricity.

Second question, because I am not entirely sure what you are specifically asking...

First, our bodies are more dense than water. We have other fluids and solvents in our body besides water. Second, we do not have a swim bladder, which is needed to regulate buoyancy at different depths. Third, surface area. The average person will sink of they are in an upright position when they are in water, however, laying on your back increases surface area, allowing you to float. Fourth, we do not have gills and cannot breath in water. Fish and other aquatic/semi aquatic organisms breath oxygen. Gills are specialized organs that absorb what little oxygen is actually in water.

Sgt Floyd

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2006
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You're not slow. Some people just don't understand science science easily.

Also, I happen to be a science teacher in training.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Well that explains it! Thanks for answering my questions Sarge!