Professional Monkey Puppet on eBay. Angus Puppets


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
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Hello one and all.

Well I’m still around and back at eBay puppet building. It took a wee bit of time to build this one but he’s done and now up on eBay. My simian friend Roddy McChimp has joined the ranks of Angus Puppets and like so many of my eBay puppets I've written a little write up on him and took some pictures to go with the eBay posting. So click on the link below, have a look and enjoy. As usual I've loved all of your comments and support in the past so If you can bid on him please do. If you cannot don't worry just enjoy and except my thanks.

Take care all

Terry Angus


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2004
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Hey Terry,

Do you make puppets for people who make requests and send character designs? It seems to me that if you make a character that someone wants, it will fetch you a little more dough than can be had on E-bay for a random specialty puppet. Let me know, I have a design that I want to get made into a puppet. I was thinking of doing it myself, but if I did, it would probably suck.


Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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*nearly falls over with laughter* I heard about this not from the forum, but from the Roddy McDowall mailing list thanks to Cheryl Ann, so I had to dash over here and comment on it. You really did a fantastic job on this one!

I have to ask, which of Roddy's Apes characters did you model this puppet off of? Cornelius, Caeser or Galen? Or was it just a combination of all three? (Personally, I think he resembles Cornelius more closely than the other two).

This is, really, this is just too good. Fantastic work.



Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
Reaction score
Hi one and all.

Well it came faster than I thought but today is the last day for the Roddy McChimp’s auction on eBay. There is four hours left on him and sadly I don’t think he’ll make reserve but such as life. Lesson learned? Although everyone loves him, never do a parody puppet again. Stick with Animals and Monsters. Anyway I have two letters to answer here today and the first one is Matt. Yes I do make puppets for people who make requests and here’s how it works. When I do a commission job the consumer tells me what they want and then I do a budget on that puppet and send it to the client. From there we talk about it and they decide if it's what they want. I welcome any job I can get. You can e-mail me and let me know what you have in mind. Here’s tha e-mail: Send me your design and thanks for your letter.


Here’s a last look at Roddy McChimp folks there are very few hours left:

BornBlue said:
Hey Terry,

Do you make puppets for people who make requests and send character designs? It seems to me that if you make a character that someone wants, it will fetch you a little more dough than can be had on E-bay for a random specialty puppet. Let me know, I have a design that I want to get made into a puppet. I was thinking of doing it myself, but if I did, it would probably suck.



Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2002
Reaction score
Hi Skeeter aka Kim.

I am very glad that you liked Roddy McChimp and I am glad that my wife Cheryl was able to put it up on the Roddy McDowell mailing. I hope no body thought of it as a spam. I basically designed him after all three of Roddy’s chimp characters but I was also trying to be careful and not make him too 100% on the button as I didn’t want to get into trouble. I didn’t put as much detail into the costume for that reason as you know there is much more to the arms and sleeve/cuff. My favorite of those chimp characters that Roddy played was Galen as he was a much more fun loving character. If I get time today or tonight I’ll be writing a thank you letter to everyone on my wife’s Roddy mailing list.

Thanks again Kim and take care.

Terry Angus

Here’s a last look at Roddy McChimp folks there are very few hours left:

Skeeter Muppet said:
*nearly falls over with laughter* I heard about this not from the forum, but from the Roddy McDowall mailing list thanks to Cheryl Ann, so I had to dash over here and comment on it. You really did a fantastic job on this one!

I have to ask, which of Roddy's Apes characters did you model this puppet off of? Cornelius, Caeser or Galen? Or was it just a combination of all three? (Personally, I think he resembles Cornelius more closely than the other two).

This is, really, this is just too good. Fantastic work.
