My thoughts
What I liked.
---Everything with the monkey.
---Rush as Barbossa again (I think his absence is part of what made
Dean Man's Chest so lacking).
---Elizabeth and Will's impromptu wedding.
---The pirate captains.
---Meeting Jack's parents.
---Norrington as a good guy again.
---Beckett's final stand as his ship is blowing to pieces. He's a very unlikeable character, but that is a really touching scene. He seems proud to the last... and I realized, as much as I didn't like him, he was only ever doing his job. And doing it very well, too.
---When Jack, Will, Elizabeth, Barbossa, and Gibbs are all pointing their guns at each other and the monkey points a gun at the parrot.
---Tia Dalma's bigger role (for the first half of the movie... I'll talk about the last half in the next section).
---Tipping the
---Falling over the edge of the Earth.
---The dog with the keys making a final appearance!
---The scene after the credits that gives us some closure.
There's lots, lots more. I really liked most of the movie. It was so much better than
Dead Man's Chest, and really completes the trilogy on a high note. I can't wait to see it a second time!
But, anyway...
What I did not like.
---Tia Dalma as Calypso. This just seemed to come out of nowhere and went nowhere. It's like, for the first two movies and half of this one, we don't hear anything about Calypso. And then, all of a sudden, it's like, "Oh, yeah, by the way, Tia Dalma happens to be a pagan sea god trapped in human form. Don't let her out!" I could live with that, if anything came of it. But when she's released, she doesn't do anything but turn into crabs and cause a big storm. Without much of a stretch, she could have created a storm
without being a goddes... it's already been established that the girl has some kind of power. And also, with the last half of the movie, I couldn't tell which side she was on... is she a goody or a baddy? I liked her character, and just wish they could have made more of it that actually made sense.
---I would have liked a little more clarity on the pirate brethren, and what the song is all about (the ones the doomed people sing at the beginning).
---I also thought that the endless bargaining and bantering made the plot a little convoluted, and there were times I had no idea what was going on.
---I loved the nine pirate captains, but just wish we could have seen them all in battle. I wouldn't be surprised if there are deleted scenes of them on the DVD, though.
Well, those are my thoughts boiled down. What do you agree or disagree on?