Pigs in Space outline



If any of you like 'Pokemon', look at this:

ANNOUNCER: "And now, PIIIGS IINN SPAACCE!! -- featuring the heroicable Captain Link Hogthrob, the fantasicable First Mate Miss Miss Piggy, & the smartypantsamobical Dr. Julius Strangepork. When we last left the Swinetrek, there was a mysterious pink ball made out of puff on the Main Deck."

(a Jigglypuff appears to be in the Main Deck.)

JIGGLYPUFF: "Puff? Jiggly? .... Puff."

(Link enters the Main Deck.)

LINK: "Gasp! Look at that one, I think this is the cutest alien-being I've ever seen. I wonder what's its name is?"

JIGGLYPUFF: "Jigglypuff."

LINK: "Jigglypuff? Cute. Cute name."

(Dr. Strangepork enters the Main Deck.)

STRANGEPORK: "Hot Zigity! That's one ultra cute balloon."

LINK: "It said its name is... uh, Jigglypuff, right?"

STRANEPORK: "I'll bet First Mate Piggy would like to see this... Jigglypuff, Link."

LINK: "Oh?"

(Miss Piggy enters the Main Deck.)

PIGGY: "Oh, Captain Hogthrob, what a cute little puff-ball."

JIGGLYPUFF: "Jigglypuff!"

PIGGY: "It's a... a... a Jigglypuff?"

LINK: "Oh, First Mate Piggy, just take a look of this sweetheart."

STRANGEPORK: "Gee, I don't what it can do."

LINK: "Uh.... Jigglypuff?"


LINK: "What do you do?"

(Jigglypuff then sings its lullaby, which would in a brief moment put the pigs to sleep.)

(Piggy tries to karate-chop Jigglypuff, but...)

PIGGY: "Huh? Yawn... I need a nap from the karate chopping... sigh."

(Now that all of the pigs are sleeping, Jigglypuff gets mad and mark their faces.)

ANNOUNCER: "Tune in next time for another snooze from PIIIGS IINN SPAACCE!!"

What do you think?