Pigs In Space Gets Real


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Oct 27, 2011
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I'm only posting this, because the fic board is empty today... At least o this side of the screen.... So.... here goes it...

Pigs in space gets real
Chapter One-A real Spaceship
It's sunday. Everybody's doing what they usually do on sunday. Rowlf, Animal, Lew Zealand and Bobo are watching football, Jaz and Fozzie are playing video games (And possibly kissing in between play time.), Floyd and Dr. Teeth are rehearsing songs, Gonzo was testing his cannon...For fun..., and Kermit and Miss Piggy were cuddling on the sofa watching the news. The news report was about NASA building a tribute rocket to their favorite entertainers. "Well guys, our tribute rocket is a model of the S.S. Swinetrek. It's for our favorite entertainers, Link Hogthrob, Miss Piggy, Jaz, and Dr. Strangepork." The Member of NASA said on T.V. as she lifted the tarp to reveal the model of the Swinetrek. "How interesting..." Miss Piggy said. "And if one of those people is watching, we'd be honored if you could use it in your next Pigs in Space sketch!" The NASA member exclaimed. "Well what do you think Kermie? Can we use it? It was built almost especially for that purpose!" Piggy said. "Well...Ok... Animal probably destroyed the set for Pigs in Space anyway..." Kermit scrunched up his face. "Thank you Kermie! I'll go tell the genius, and the two idiots that were sucked into that sketch!" Miss Piggy kissed Kermit on the cheek, and then she got up and went to tell Link and Strangepork.
The next day, Kermit had the Muppets set up the special effects booth, and the cameras very early, just so Piggy wouldn't have to wait to do her thing. Piggy, Jaz, Strangepork, and Link were there right on time, and Kermit was ready to wish all of them luck. "Link, don't get hurt out there. Strangepork, make sure he doesn't get hurt. Jaz, be yourself. Piggy, please be careful. If anything happens to you, I-" Piggy put a finger over his mouth. "Don't worry mon capitaine, I'll be fine as long I get to see you afterwards." Kermit removed her finger and kissed her until Scooter told everyone that it was 15 seconds until Piggy was supposed to be on set. "Well darn." Kermit said. "See you in a few minutes!" Piggy said in a alluring tone that had Kermit lovestruck. "Now it's time for...PIGS IN SPAAAAAAAAAAACE!!!" The announcer began. "Last time on Pigs in Space, Link Hogthrob and Dr. Strangepork were trying to figure out were they put their swill stroganoff." Piggy looked up trying to locate the annoucer. "You are joking! Swill stroganoff? Everybody knows that yesterday I put it in-" Jaz immediately covered Piggy's mouth. "Shhhhhhhhh! If they find it too early, we'll have to ad lib the rest of it! I'm not good at ad libs!" Piggy rolled her eyes, while watching Link and Strangepork search for their stroganoff. After a few seconds, Link had decided to looked near the controls. "Um... First mate Piggy? Can we check your stomach after we finish looking?" Strangepork laughed, then tried to restrain from laughing anymore. Jaz's mouth was wide open, and she was trying so hard not to smile. Piggy, on the other hand, had her arms crossed and was enraged. "What's THAT supposed to mean, Bacon brains?" Link's stupidy, once again gave him the wrong answer. "Well, I'm suggesting you ate it, because you like to eat." Jaz and Strangepork busted out laughing. "Yeah? Well let's see if you ate it by hitting your stomach! Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!" Piggy hit Link in the stomach, which caused Link to crash into the control panel. He ended up pressing many multicolored buttons and pulling a lever, which were all labled, "Please do not touch." The spaceship began to shake violently. "Link? W-What did you do?" Piggy asked. "I don't know." Link began. "By the way, nice acting, and tell Kermit that this is a nice addition to the script!" Link whispered. "Link! It's not part of the script! Something is wrong!!!" Jaz yelled.
Kermit watched as the ship emitted smoke, and began to elevate into the sky. "What the hey? Susan, I thought it was only a replica!" Kermit told the NASA member. "Did I mention it was a replica that was in working condition? And it's been untested?" Kermit's big buldgy eyes now got bigger and bulgier. "WHAT? Piggy's on that ship!!! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!?!" Kermit was furious, and Susan saw that. "I'M SO SORRY! I DIDN'T KNOW NO ONE TOLD YOU! I'M NEW FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD!!!" Susan cried. "Oh... You're new? Kermit scratched behind his head. "Gee, I'm sorry... But we still need everyone off of that ship!" Kermit said.

Yuna Leonhart

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
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"Um... First mate Piggy? Can we check your stomach after we finish looking?"
That was probably the funniest line in the whole chapter :laugh:
I could hear Link saying this in my head. And I love the way you potrayed Kermit and Miss Piggy's relationship, it was really cute :flirt:


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Chapter 2
Kermit, we have a problem
"OMG! Piggy look outside! we're going up!" Jaz yelled. "We're going up? Link, you idiot! You activated the ship!" Piggy said. Link was still dizzy however, so he really wasn't paying any attention to what she was saying. "According to my calculations, we are 6.5 million feet off of the ground." Strangepork deduced. "B-But that means we're in outer space! How are we supposed to survive? We don't have any oxygen tanks, or food, not even spacesuits to go out in space with!" Jaz said. Piggy and Strangepork were searching the ship as Jaz spoke, and Strangepork found a room filled with oxygen tanks. Miss Piggy, naturally, found the kitchen. "Don't worry Jaz, we should be fine." Piggy assured. "Hellooooo! Spacesuits!" Jaz sassed. Link became concious again. Since he was on the floor, he pointed out "fishbowls". "Those are space helmets dummo." Piggy sassed similar to how Jaz did. Jaz just looked around in her "I stand corrected" look. Link thought for a moment. "Why can't we just jump out of the spaceship?" Jaz and Miss Piggy both hurled a shoe at him. "THERE'S NO OXYGEN IN OUTER SPACE YOU IDIOT!" They yelled in unison. Link, once again, was left clueless. Link decided to look for useful tools. He opened a cabinet, and he found duct tape. He looked in the kitchen, and found a knife. Link examined the wall and found a blinking red button. Link's curiousity was let loose once again. He pressed the button, and next thing you know, everything was getting sucked out the door. "Link! That's the door! close it! we're...we're...losing...oxy...gen..." Jaz said as she was losing air. Link slammed the button. "Linky...crack open some....oxygen...tanks!" Strangepork commanded. Link used the knife he found and cut open two oxygen tanks. "Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiink!!!" Piggy snatched Link up by his collar. "Don't you know you could have killed us? And you cut two out of three oxygen tanks open! Now only one of us can go out in space!" Link shook himself free and he vowed he'd do something about his stupidity for as long as they were in this situation. Jaz and Strangepork exchanged looks. They knew something else bad would happen, and so did Miss Piggy.
Kermit was pacing, as Scooter and Fozzie paced along with him. "Can we break into the ship's command system?" Scooter suggested. "No, we're getting new shipments of that equiptment." Said Susan. "I've got it!" Kermit pulled out his cell phone and started dialing a number. "What is it boss?" "Piggy never goes anywhere without her iPhone." Kermit said. "Yeah, and if that doesn't work, then we can call Jaz's iPhone!" Fozzie suggested. C'mon Piggy, pick up the phone... Kermit thought.
All of a sudden, everyone on the Swinetrek heard Kermit saying "Piggy, it's me, can you please pick up the phone? Please?" Piggy realized that her phone was going off, so she answered it immediately. "Kermie? Kermie is that vous?"
Kermit's face lit up with joy. "Yeah Piggy, it's me. Uh huh, uh huh. Yeah, I can't believe it's a real ship either. Has anything gone wrong? Uh huh. Link did what? One tank of oxygen left? What the hey? Piggy, do you have enough make up?" Kermit laughed.
Piggy frowned with slight anger. "Kermit, remind me to kill you if I ever get outta here. Yes, the camera's still on, why? Oh, so you can see us on T.V.? But what about the time slots? Oh, you mean watch it on the studio's T.V.? Oh! Kermie, you're so smart, I could kiss you! Um...Well if we were in the same room..." Piggy blushed.
"Gee, I wish we were in the same room then. Hee hee! Alright, well call me if you have any problems, okay? Okay, bye Piggy." Kermit hung up the phone, and Scooter turned on the studio T.V. "Alright guys, let's get crackin'!" Kermit comanded. Kermit knew that in order to get his pig and his other friends from space, he had a lot of work to do.


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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I did three too, so... here goes it.

Chapter 3
The asteroid meets the Swinetrek
The Swinetrek crew was chillin' out in the kitchen. Jaz was playing with her iPhone, Piggy was texting Kermit updates on what was happening, and Link and Strangepork were playing Go Fish. "Dang!" Jaz exclaimed. "What's wrong?" Piggy asked as she finished a text message. "I missed the pig!" Piggy was puzzled. "You...You missed the pig?" "Yeah, I'm playing Angry Birds!" Jaz began. "The object of the game is to lauch birds with special abilities at these really ugly looking pigs." Link and Strangepork looked at Jaz, and Piggy looked up from her phone. "You've got one more chance to say that." Jaz looked around her, and was terrified. "Uh, I mean beautiful and talented pigs that have sparkling personalities?" Jaz trembled. "That's what I thought you said." Piggy then returned to her phone, and Link and Strangepork returned to their game. Jaz left the kitchen to check to make sure the camera was still on, but instead she saw a giant asteroid. "Piiiiiiiiiiiiiiggy! Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiink! Straaaaaaaaaaaangepoooork!" Jaz screamed. The three pigs ran in and saw the problem. Link tried to steer away from the asteroid, but instead he broke the controls. "You know what Link? I'm going to kill you before the asteroid does!" Jaz treatened. "Well, It's not just gonna be me that dies! It'll be everyone on Earth!" Link exclaimed. "You think I don't know that?" Jaz yelled back. Piggy snuck passed her panicing pals, and then she slipped on her spacesuit. Piggy grabbed an oxygen tank, the camera, and Strangepork's Dissolveatron, then she left out the door. Fozzie texted Jaz to take the escape hatch, and that's when they realized Piggy was missing. "Just leave without her, this is a life or death situation!" Strangepork advised. Jaz didn't want to do it, but she hit the dispatch button in the escape hatch, and they were on their way back to Earth.
Kermit looked up at the Studio T.V. and saw Piggy in outer space. He dropped his bagel. He couldn't believe that his girlfriend was about to risk her life. "Kermie, I'm doing this for you, and all of our friends on Earth. This asteroid is big enough to destroy all of us. I want you to know that you... You will never see me again, so be strong. I'm going to turn the camera now..." Piggy began to cry. Then She mouthed, "I love you mon capitaine." and turned the camera off. Kermit was hurt and confused. She...She must be kidding.She's probably in the capsule with the rest of them...right? Kermit thought. The only thing Kermit could do now is hope, and he needed as much of it as he could get.

Yuna Leonhart

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
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Oh no, please let Miss Piggy be alright. Who's gonna be the Muppets' resident diva and who's gonna pursue Kermit when she isn't there to do it!?

Hm, bagel, now I'm hungry :hungry:


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Well... Let's see what happens next in this final chapter!

Chapter 4
Reunited at last!
The escape pod had finally landed. As it landed, Jaz ran out and gave a big hug to Fozzie, and Link and Strangepork ran out and high fived Scooter. She wasn't kidding... Kermit thought. "I'm sorry boss... She did it for a good cause though." Scooter assured. Kermit just nodded his head in agreement. After everyone had gone home, Kermit accompanied Gonzo as he sat on the roof and looked into the sky. "Well, I'm goin' in. You comin' Kermit?" Gonzo asked. "Yeah just give me a second." Gonzo left, and Kermit smiled at the sky. "Piggy, Wherever you are, I'm proud of you." Kermit then began to walk back inside as a few tears ran down his face.
Kermit didn't feel any better the next day. He had Scooter introduce all the acts for him. Kermit just hung out in Miss Piggy's dressing room. All of a sudden, Kermit starts hearing voices. "Mon Capitaine, it is Moi!" Kermit just became more sad. "Jaz, stop that, it's mean." "Kermie, where am I?" "In the unemployment line if you don't quit it!" Kermit threatened. "Kermit, you'll never find me! Ah ha ha!" "Where else would you be? In the closet!" Kermit approached the closet, and swung the door open to find...clothing. "Huh?" All of a sudden Kermit's eyes were covered. "Guess who!" "Jaz." Kermit said lamely. "Wrong answer! Here, keep your eyes closed, and I'll give you a hint." Kermit was then kissed, and then he opened his eyes. "Piggy?!?" You're alive?" Kermit could've kissed her, but Piggy beat him to it. They were kissing and Kermit was expressing how much he missed her. After they kissed, Piggy giggled. "You missed me that much, huh?" Kermit smiled. "Even more than that." Kermit embraced her. Jaz walked in, but instead of trying to cheer up Kermit, she just backed out of the room, knowing that Kermit was just fine. "Piggy, don't ever scare me like that ever again!" Kermit hugged her closer. "Kermie? Are you alright? You're acting... rather clingy." Kermit let go. "Piggy, I have something I want to give you. I was saving it for a time I knew I would need it." Kermit began going through his pockets that he somehow has. "Remember when you were about to turn off the camera? You mouthed... You mouthed that you loved me... And sure, you've told me before, but I wanted to make sure it was really true." Kermit met eye to eye with Miss Piggy. "And I want to show you, that I feel the exact same way." Kermit got on one knee, holding Piggy's hand in one hand, and a little black box in the other. Then Kermit opened the box. "Miss Piggy, will you marry me?" Miss Piggy's eyes filled up with tears of joy. "I...Kermie..." Piggy couldn't speak. She instead gave Kermit a big kiss. "I'll take than as a yes." Kermit smiled. Piggy nodded in agreement. Kermit hugged her incredibly tight, and this time, Piggy didn't care he was clingy. She was glad he was.
THE END! I love happy endings!

Yuna Leonhart

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
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The ending was simply adorable but I felt it was a little too short and that the problem was solved rather quickly. Kermit should have suffered a little more, then the happy ending would have been sweeter than chocolate covered strawberries :wink:


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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The ending was simply adorable but I felt it was a little too short and that the problem was solved rather quickly. Kermit should have suffered a little more, then the happy ending would have been sweeter than chocolate covered strawberries :wink:
Yeah I know.
But the people I asked to look at this before I posted it, wouldn't tell me how to fix it!!!

Yuna Leonhart

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2012
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Hm, I could offer you to look over your works but I can't guarantee that I can do a fast job.