Orange Cartoon Demon?

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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I browse the site Kindertrauma a lot because trust me, that thing is a goldmine for my YouTube Poops. My YTPs are often parodies of weird and creepy things mostly from kid's shows. So the viewers who were traumatized by said thing as a kid thinks,
"Oh! It wasn't too bad after all,". But I read about something that was so *****d up that I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Worst of all, the poster said that this was from Sesame Street, yup, that's right, SESAME STREET!
I've never liked the Yip-Yips but they are not at all what he is talking about. The Yip-Yips may be a little creepy but nowhere near as bad as this. Trust me, if something like THIS came on while I was casually watching SS as a kid, I probably would have television induced PTSD right now. I'd be flipping out like Flippy from Happy Tree Friends every time I saw a red animated character with horns on a computer monitor. Okay, maybe that's a little overly dramatic:but still, that is extremely terrifying and shockingly inappropriate (to Christian viewers, a demon character appearing on screen and talking to kids would be seen as VERY offensive!) He also mentioned Cartoon Network so I personally believe that he had stayed up a little too late and had seen [adult swim]. I think it was probably Robot Chicken that he had seen because it fits the stop-motion animation style that could easily be mistaken for CGI by young minds (I used to think it was CGI), and the fact that the show is so random and loves to mess with people, I would be surprised if they haven't done something like that. Heck, I've seen some Robot Chicken sketches that I can think of right now that would fit that description perfectly. The Cinderella one where her Fairy Godmother is Satan, the sketch of a nun arm wrestling the Devil, the one of the Peanuts characters dancing in Hades, etc. But I'm just going to ask: Does anybody here know what the heck this guy is talking about? I'm very intrigued and curious about this, if this really was from SS:we may have a new Crack Master or a real life Candle Cove to discover. Comment below and tell me your thoughts and if you know of a character from any animated (or semi-animated like SS and The Electric Company) that would fit that description.
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Luke kun

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2014
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I knew what it was right away - it's Swayzak from Toonami. He matches everything this poster mentioned, and he was from Cartoon Network. Also, he doesn't have horns.

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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I just looked up Swayzak. Definitely a dead ringer. Thank you for figuring out this mystery for me. It was quite interesting to finally see what was described by that poster, :smile:.

Luke kun

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2014
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I'm like "dude this is the afternoon Toonami, it's DEFINITELY not Sesame Street" and of course when he mentioned CN I was like "IT'S SWAYZAK! IT'S SWAYZAK!" I even mentioned it on the Kindertrauma page itself. Also, "to Christian viewers, a demon character appearing on screen and talking to kids would be seen as VERY offensive!" It was TOM he was talking to, and he wasn't that scary.

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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I'm like "dude this is the afternoon Toonami, it's DEFINITELY not Sesame Street" and of course when he mentioned CN I was like "IT'S SWAYZAK! IT'S SWAYZAK!" I even mentioned it on the Kindertrauma page itself. Also, "to Christian viewers, a demon character appearing on screen and talking to kids would be seen as VERY offensive!" It was TOM he was talking to, and he wasn't that scary.
Sorry, I'd never seen it before. I only know those shows from the Robot Chicken parodies of them:
By the way, I automatically thought of you when I saw this skit for the first time, :stick_out_tongue:.

Flaky Pudding

Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2013
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Yip-Yips!? Seriously, dude!? Sorry but, I'm still rolling my eyes over the fact that anybody could mix up Swayzak with freaking Yip-Yips of all things. Does that poster even know anything about Muppets or SS? If not, he should do some research before posting that ridiculous answer, :rolleyes:.