Older is Better


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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i have been wachting MFS alot hear latly and i have come to the dision that older is beter. the reall classic Muppets are so good at what they do when you add new ones in there it just dont add up right it somthing odd about it all. But one muppet who has come past all that is Pepe i love him and he just seems to mesh reall well with the origanl cast it was like he was with them from the beginning but the other ones like Clifford and sal and others from MT just dont fit in quite as well. i hope to see more Form Pepe with the muppets and Bill Bireata is one great muppetier he does all his voices with such pasoin keep it up pepe you just got a new Fan me.

It took me along time to realize it but i do really like pepe wow i said it now i know no one will reply to this one becaus it just sounds a little stupid and you all have talked about this befor but i dont care i wantted to write it so i did .

Heres to you pepe :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2003
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I'll reply!

I agree with you completely. I'm an old school Muppet girl. One possible exception is Muppet Treasure Island which my sister and I agree was "new school done in old school style"

And I do like Pepe - "I'm not a shrimp! I'm a King Prawn!" :rolleyes:

Clifford is old school - sorta. He's not Muppet Show old school but he was introduced before Jim Henson's death. His first appearance was in the band on the JHH.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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yea still i just dont think he fits i sometimes think of him being on SS but i dont know that just the way i fell about him. not saying i dont like him but clifford is just not there for me i dont know i guese if he was with a reall tuff time with the muppets i would like him more. i love seeing people and muppets rising to the occasion. like in AVMMC Fozie and Pepe really steped up in the end trying to really help the muppets that what i like to see i really havent seen Clifford do that just layin back and being cool . :embarrassed: :rolleyes:

:mad: My hero :sympathy:


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2002
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Older is sometimes better. I really like watching TMS with Scooter, the EM, Rowlf, Fozzie, Link, ect. I think no new muppet show can really do better than TMS, but I'd like to see them try.

When it comes to movies, sometimes I prefer MTI over TMM. Maybe thats because I've seen the original 3 movies a million times.

Amazing Mumford

Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2003
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Older is definitely better. Admiittedly, I never watched Muppets Tonight or the last two movies but the other post-1990 stuff is average at best. Last year's Christmas movie was somewhat disappointing and I couldn't even watch all of Kermit's Swamp Years. Sadly, the Muppets seem to be going downhill lately.

Like many others have mentioned, I miss the old characters like Scooter, Rowlf, and the Swedish Chef. The new characters aren't necessarily bad, just not the same. Plus, the stories from the '70's and '80's seemed to be more heartfelt and personal (obviously due to Jim's involvement) than what they've produced since.

One comment on Pepe: I fear that he will be to the classic Muppets as Elmo was to Sesame Street-the character whose popularity soars to the point that he dominates the entire show while pushing older characters to the background. Let's just pray that never happens.

Gorgon Heap

Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2002
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I will just say this- the writing has gotten weaker and the characterization has gotten thinner and less original, if that makes sense. The new characters aren't as rich or layered, and some of the layers of the original characters have been lost.

David "Gorgon Heap" Ebersole


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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Oh nooo pepe will never out do the old guys he cant i wont let him. he fits with them does not push thiem out right now. he seems like to me that he has been with them all along but just hasnt been on scrren. And hey dont say to much for the last muppet movie for Tv . It was beter then i have seen. Your to ruff on them . they are doing vrey well and did in AVMMC some of the muppets seemd to be back in there right place not all of them but some and some did more then walk around and not say or do anything. please be easy on the JHC caues it not easy being Green and they are a liitl green right now :smile:


Well-Known Member
Oct 5, 2003
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I will just say this- the writing has gotten weaker and the characterization has gotten thinner and less original, if that makes sense.
I would have to agree. I would say that if I had to pick one word to describe recent Muppet performances it would be 'forced'. Like MFS. I think the Muppets were focusing too hard on trying to be 'cool' rather than being Muppety.


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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that could be but they are trying to be to new is the thing

Skeeter Muppet

Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2002
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Times change. Things change. The Muppets cannot remain the same as they were 30 years ago; it is virtually impossible. True, change is not always for the best. But complaining and griping and wishing for the "good ol' days" does jack squat and gets one nowhere.

And personally I think that not everything the Muppets have done since the passing of Jim and Richard is terrible. I like MCC, I enjoyed both MFS and the Christmas movie (gasp!) and I will not judge the new Muppet Show until I see it.

And yes I realize I'm being snarky. Because topics like this royally tick me off. But I replied anyway because I'm obviously a glutton for punishment and I like being kvetched at.
