New Random Muppet Poster


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2004
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Nice, I'll be getting me one of those!



Well-Known Member
Aug 23, 2008
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Don't like it either. Why don't they use original pics from the 70's when the Muppets were actually Muppets.


Inactive Member
Apr 13, 2002
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I see what they are going for and it's not bad. I dig the curtain and the logo (along with the decoration around it). Half of the images are classic photographs (but not distractingly so) while others are more modern. A sort of old-meets-new. The newer ones are not my top choice, the classic Bunsen and Beaker photo could be sized better and there could be some slight shadows interacting between characters, but this is a fairly good attempt.

This beats the heck out of the ugliest Muppet poster on the planet that I often speak of. The cynical one that sticks every character photo (old and new) together with size discrepancies and obvious era differences that doesn't even color correct the photos to match one another.

I hope Disney starts taking new photographs of the characters because the newer ones (actually from over a decade ago) are getting old and the classic ones are well known. The Segel film should take care of that and get us some good publicity shots!

I've seen some bad Muppet composition (season 3 DVD etc) but this one gets a B- from me. Not my first choice, but fairly attractive. :embarrassed:


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2002
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I see what they are going for and it's not bad. I dig the curtain and the logo (along with the decoration around it). Half of the images are classic photographs (but not distractingly so) while others are more modern. A sort of old-meets-new. The newer ones are not my top choice, the classic Bunsen and Beaker photo could be sized better and there could be some slight shadows interacting between characters, but this is a fairly good attempt.
Personally, I'm disappointed they don't make any more of those classic puppet poser parodies, and just do these stock art photoshop jobs. That one you listed, I give credit for trying to have all the characters, but it's the same stock art over and over. I don't think I'd want to spend money on anything that isn't original art work, be it photography or illustraitions. It's a nice little poster, don't get me wrong... but I'd rather have Kermit dressed up like Spider-Man or Rizzo doing some sort of Ratatoullie parody.