I cant believe they let him go LIKE NOTHING HAPPEND!
Yes it was an accident,but they have ultimatly opened his family up to severe lawsuits (By telling all who did it) (You know how the world is) and i think the kid should be strongly made aware of JUST HOW MUCH DAMAGE AND PAIN HE HAS CAUSED!
DUDE! THE KIDS TEN! Do YOU have a firm grasp on how much damage and pain was caused? I live in California! Believe it or not, stuff like this happens ALOT! Especially in southern California! We shouldn't be worrying about the poor kid right now, we need to be worrying about what we can do to fix the damage! Punishing that boy isn't going to solve anything! Seems to me having your house and everything around it burnt down is punishment enough.
The fire was upsetting and frightening enough as it is. I don't want to hear about how "that kid needs to be punished". The fire could have EASILY happened without that kids help!
And, there were THREE starting points for this fire. It was three fires which combined into one big one. So it wasn't entirely the kid's fault.
I'm sorry for being so angry, but there is an order in which we need to go about things in order to help the rest of California recover from this fire. Half of my family lives down there, as well as a good portion of my friends. All I care about right now is helping them fix the damage, and punishing a ten year old for playing with matches is not going to fix it.